A review marred by the author’s desire to continue to receive cocktail party invitations.
General dysphoria is real, if rare. But men cannot become women nor women men, period. Most importantly the literature is not at all clear that dysphorics reach a better outcome by pretending they can.
A review marred by the author’s desire to continue to receive cocktail party invitations.
General dysphoria is real, if rare. But men cannot become women nor women men, period. Most importantly the literature is not at all clear that dysphorics reach a better outcome by pretending they can.
No, don't leave. Stay and speak the truth. They labeled Slover's editorial as opinion, so FAIR shouldn't be blamed. If good people leave the fight when encountering difficulty, goodness will lose.
Nonsense. Those that stood with FAIR from the beginning, donated, and spread the word are supposed to stand with the ideological downward spiral of what is has become. Just one shit show for self-flagellating progressives. We got scammed
I would recommend going back and reviewing FAIRs launch material led by really good decent folks that I still respect. Barri Weiss, I believe was one of the founding leaders, https://youtu.be/clSykQd_WSA?t=17 . I still follow Barri and believe she is doing excellent stuff.
While FAIR was promoted (based on how I understood it) to be collaborative effort that would allow diversity of thought regardless of political affiliation to be included in the broader effort with civil liberties as one of its core principles. As time went it appeared to just morph into one more dumping ground for the progressive lite bunch. Way too much promoting the same tired bunch of public intellectuals that includes folks like Michael Shermer, Steven Pinker and others that already have massive platforms. Good people but firmly influenced by a similar ideology. Relative to action and results, I see very little. FAIR developed some obnoxious alternative to CRT and critical race studies which indicates they don't have the stomach for a real fight. Same toxic garbage just kinder and gentler. They trash folks like Chris Rufu who in fact does fight and has results. The FAIR bunch while pretending to be inclusive has nothing but disdain for conservatives. I don't say that easily and only speak for myself. FAIR did promote the launching of local chapters and when I contacted those that were establishing our regional chapter it was made very clear to me from day one that they will use the FAIR franchise, but they have the authority to interpret and develop an autonomous strategy. I live in the west so please imagine what that would look like if you are not a progressive. Please make you own decision. The fight for civil liberties is real but results matter. Thanks for asking and good lucK.
Leaving doesn’t stop another from speaking their opinion. Free speech means everyone has a platform to be heard without threats or cancelling from life, not that others have an obligation to listen.
My “opinion” is that this article completely distorts the actual movie, intentionally misquoting it until I pointed it out, and makes assertions that are demonstrably false about both the movie and child gender “transitions.”
The kind of baloney propoganda pushed in this article is free and abundant. While I’m not cancelling my subscription right now, the respect I once had for FAIR has mostly evaporated.
Absolutely! What is a Woman? actually highlights the absurdity of where we are today. Interesting to see no mention of the Canadian dad who has not been allowed to parent his child because the mother decided trans was the only way to go. The author wistfully says, "We can protect kids and families from unscrupulous doctors without prohibiting the responsible doctors from deciding what is best for their patients" is such BS because all who believe they are in the wrong body are affirmed immediately. My friend has been going through this with her biologically female child for several years, and doctors, like those exposed in the film, are happy to affirm, make loads of money, destroy families and most significantly ruin children's lives. This author's opinion is obviously tainted by a strong dislike for the filmmaker, or he would have included the adult trans man's (TRevoices) who knows he'll die young and forever need medical intervention.
Thanks for not leaving before writing the above. You have given me more to think about and as a result I will read the article again and look for a different perspective. This is a difficult issue for me. It seems so clear and yet so many have a very different view. I think our politics are probably similar, but I am trying to make sure I move beyond that to get a clear view of the opposing ideas. Thanks again for commenting.
Don't leave! We need to agree that we can all be here with differing opinions. We need your input just like his. I actually agree with Grayson that there are some who are "born in the wrong body" but this explosion of people with that idea is questionable, to me anyway.
As a chapter lead many of us are sick of these nonsensical “meet-in-the-middle” proposals. I’m not okay agreeing that child abuse and mutilation is okay in special circumstances.
To compare the removal of a small portion of foreskin to chemical castration, sterilization, and the complete surgical or medical destruction of genital function is intellectually lazy.
Please google the word "mutilation". I don't think it remotely qualifies. I am circumcised and I am not aware of any negative effects while it has provided religious and hygiene benefits. That said, neither of my two sons are circumcised.
Alison, to me, 'born in the wrong body' persay, requires help, not the knife, not drugs. Solution is Not a travesty that others are not aware of - lying in public, deceiving the vast majority, no. That is how it all started. No.
This is absolutely my reaction. Indeed has this author penned for and/ or collaborated with a female to male FAIR Advisor to publish this?
I am troubled by this article in FAIR yesterday as it clearly states (I read it as such) that transitioning children very young can be a good option, the best even, for some kids. I have formed the opinion that no bodies should be altered medically and never should have been, these past multiple decades. That's my current conviction and I own it. And it took me two years to form it.
I personally am trying to stop assuming bad faith or ulterior motives in people I disagree with online. That's what the woke do all the time. "Oh, you don't agree? Well that's cause you're a cis, het, white......blah blah blah"
You might be right. This guy may just want to stay on the safe side of "woke" line. Although, as a fellow 'un-woke' liberal I can tell you that just writing for an organization with Megan Kelly on the board is enough to kill those cocktail invites no matter what you actually say in the op-ed.
Regardless, I think it's better to argue the merits of people you disagree with and think are wrong instead of making assumptions about "why" they're saying things you disagree with.
Why they're wrong doesn't matter. All that matters is the truth.
1 - the estimated actual rate of gender dysphoria that is significant and persists into adulthood is 1/30,000 to 1/110,000 (per the doc discussed being interviewed in the movie)
2 - historically it’s mostly a natal male thing, but the vast majority of kids getting “gender affirming treatment” in this country are females with high rates of autistic and lesbian girls
3- at least 1.5% of the current k-12 age kids in this country “identify” as trans. That’s 1/75. That’s social contagion.
4 - There is no evidence that even those who don’t “regret” their child transitions are somehow better off for it. First, there aren’t any 40-year olds around who transitioned at 5,6,9,10. Second, suicide ideation remains elevated among those who go through with transition, but not among those who go through gender dysphoria stages as kids but ultimately don’t transition. Third, the guaranteed life of sexual dysfunction, chronic health problems, and sterility is one heck of a price for people to pay in exchange for possibly fleeting feelings as a child mostly resulting from TikTok and intentional gender confusion.
5 - The author of this article, while accusing Matt of overlooking a point he didn’t, decided to skim over major aspects of the movie including the fact modern gender ideology had its roots in debunked research performed by a pedophile that raped children and babies and promoted the ideas embraced across much of academia today that life should be about casual sex from cradle to grave, and the hugely negative impact of gender ideology on the bodily safety and access to fair competition for biological girls and women. There were others, I won’t list them all.
5 - The author misquoted the most important line in the whole darn movie, until I pointed it out (see below). That, to me, is an indication of bad intentions. The title of the documentary is “what is a woman?” And the author “accidentally” misquoted the answer? We can’t know the intent of others, but having watched the documentary, it strains credulity to believe this was a genuine critique of the film despite the misquotes and out of context assertions about the film. It seems to me this article is nothing more than a hit piece aimed at those who didn’t watch it, with the objective of keeping them from watching it. You could prove me wrong by watching it and forming your own conclusions.
We encourage everyone to watch the film for themselves and develop their own opinions. That is the only way to build true understanding.
This opinion piece reflects the author’s perspective. We believe that true understanding comes from being open-minded and considering diverse perspectives in the pursuit of objective truth.
If you would like to submit your own essay on this or another topic for our Substack, we would love to review it.
Wonderful suggestion! I hope NCMom takes you up on the offer as I find her comments that occur across Substack as informative and intellectually engaging.
Unfortunately we have the highest rate of adults who identify as “transgender.” The vast majority is Raleigh/ Cary (also known as the contaminated area of relocated Yankees) and the campus of UNCG. In the vast majority of the state (outside the major urban areas) someone trying to transition a foster kids might meet a local’s right to bear arms. 😂
Pull up the kiddie vaccine rate on the state dashboard. Greensboro/ Winston and Charlotte vote just as some as Raleigh/ Cary/ Durham, but clearly parents outside the triangle actually have a line...... and it’s well before child genital mutilation and sterilization. Wake county? There is no line. They’d sacrifice their kids to not make it rain or burn their “witch” daughters at the stake or load their neighbors on the trains to the gas chamber. It’s a little scary.
That makes me sad. I too was a liberal until I realized the rest of the “liberals” had lost their minds. I have come to accept a certain percentage of humans will buy whatever 💩 they are fed. My heart doesn’t want to believe it, but my brain accepts the Nazis weren’t all that special and the majority of Germans that followed them not exceptionally evil (even if what they supported was).
Still, I had hoped for the first 30 years of my life that our access to history would allow us as a society to recognize rhyming themes around othering and social contagions and really really cruel ideologies. While this may be the most wide spread attempt, it certainly isn’t the first to castrate boys or genitally mutilate girls. All the people throughout history doing the same evil thing have bought the same lie of virtue as the woke today.
I’m sending good vibes your way sitting here looking out the windows at the fireflies right now. I live in town, but the birds still wake us up at 5am and trees surround the yard and laughing kids fills our home. I hope your home is soon filled with child laughter and I am comforted to know at least one child in CA will be saved from the ideologues of wokeness. 💓
Excellent summary--someone needs to be invited on the FAIR Board NCmom! To your point #3, I was on my FB page the other day (a rare occurrence lately) and saw an old group I no longer follow (but it popped up for some reason) called Grown and Flown. I had to leave that after the 2020 election -- these parents were NUTS! This post was a mom shouting out other moms of trans kids. One mother actually said she was the proud mom of THREE trans kids. WTF is wrong with these people?!
Attention seeking. At least the 3 families I know. They didn’t celebrate their kids until they, after much pressure from their families, declared they were trans. Then they got parties, legal name changes, and LOTS of Facebook posts. It’s part of why I deleted Facebook all together.
Truly insane. Wonder who this will all sort out in the courts (and these cases will go to court) as the law schools churn out even more woke attorneys. Should be an interesting shit show.
This! Thank you! Substance over Emotion. Someone once said, "True Compassion is doing a DIS- passionate analysis of a topic or a situation. NCMom did that w a little bit of " opinion" at the end. The Author of this Article clearly used a biased mindset and filter to interpret Matt's interview questions in the Documentary. Matt was almost the ONLY one that remained UNEMOTIONAL in the movie. The only exception I can recall was his 60 seconds in front of the school board.
As long as society insists that masculine girls and feminine boys are unusual or odd, gender dysphoria will persist. This used to come from the Right, now it's coming from the Left. But the Left has made it a fun and cool thing, so it's far more popular. Stop making it weird, and people will just be themselves.
Well, they kinda can. Men cannot become biological women and women cannot be become biological men. But there's a lot more to being a man or a woman than your plumbing. A lot of it has to do with how you are treated socially, which is the biggest thing transgender individuals wish to change. So they can change genders in all the ways that matter to them.
Explain how in a way that doesn’t mistake common cultural stereotype for actual sex. Confirm that tomboys and butch lesbians do not follow common tropes it are still unambiguously female. Because we had this all worked out 50 years ago.
Tomboys are not women who feel like men. Women with gender dysphoria are. Tomboys are still referred to as "she" and "mam." They still go into the women's restroom. And let's be honest, men and women are treated differently, they just are, even if they don't match the stereotypes.
First, a lot of Tom boys do think they should have been an actual boy as young children, something I can attest to first hand, which is one of the many reasons I find gender ideology overtly cruel.
“Trans women,” also go into women’s restrooms, locker rooms, school bathrooms, pool changing facilities, etc, but the response from the others in the restroom is entirely different than tomboys or butch lesbians or butch straight chics going in. In circumstances we are treated differently, it’s mostly based on our biological sex, not playing dress up or some delusional self-identity.
Chimps treat men and women differently, and they treat trans women exactly like every other actual man - a man before interaction with the chimp, and a eunuch afterwards.
In the end we are animals, mammals, primates. While the gender based stereotypes are a bit silly in every culture, and very few really fit into the stereotypes, the gender based treatment of others is mostly sex based, not “identity.”
Mammals have a sex. Nouns, particularly as it relates to living things and for some reason plumbing parts, have a gender. People who identify as trans have a mental disorder. People who think someone can actually become a different gender by virtue of big pharma subscriptions and clothing choices/ hair styles are delusional.
If a tomboy feels like a man, that sounds like gender dysphoria, not just being a tomboy. The difference is pretty stark in how they feel about themselves vs. how others see them.
I don't think people with gender dysphoria care much how chimps treat them.
You're free to call it a mental disorder if you find that helpful. The debate raging is whether this is, in fact, actually helpful to them. I think in some cases it might be, but I have doubts if that's true for all cases.
Honest people who are trying to grapple with the trans issue know that people can't biologically become a different gender via technology. The trans ideologues say they do, and if they're being truthful about this then I agree it's delusional. But, again, not sure how it helps matters to call people names like delusional.
First, I was a Tom boy and I would have absolutely been diagnosed with gender dysphoria. 100%. It took a long time to grow comfortable in my own skin.
Second, no, it’s not just about if it “helps them.” Women and girls are not second class citizens whose access to safe same bodied private spaces and fair athletic competitions should depend on the whims and wants of men and boys, regardless of how those men and boys self identify. Women in prison in CA shouldn’t be getting raped by “female cellmates with a penis.” Elementary school girls in GA shouldn’t be getting sexually assaulted by their male “gender fluid” classmates. The idea that women should have to give up their safety and access to opportunity to coddle the delusions of men is cruel and misogynistic.
Speaking truth is helpful in life. The entire trans mantra is “trans women are real women.” They call “transitioning” a “male to female” transition (or vice versus). There is a pregnant man emoji!! The ideology at its core teaches even little kids they can be born in the “wrong” body and can “transition” to actually become the other sex. Yes, it’s delusional, and yes, it helps to call it out for exactly what it is.
If adults want to mutilate themselves that’s one thing, but to mutilate the genitals of children, make them sterile and incapable of sexual sensation/ pleasure, is cruel. Humans have been coming up with excuses to castrate little boys and mutilate the genitals of little girls for thousands of years. ALL of those justifications are cruel, and this time is no different.
Yes, the trans ideology is pretty silly, and dangerous when they put men in women's spaces, or start targeting children. This ought to be for adults, and completely consensual, after first trying to help them, as you say, grow comfortable in their own skin. So, yes, it's not just about if it helps them. But you seem to be of the position that it can never possibly help them, which seems extreme to me. If a fully grown adult, after deliberation with a skilled and non-ideological therapist, decides to get a sex change, without intruding on women's spaces or competing against women, I have no problem with this. More power to them.
I don’t mind if adults want medical procedures, I just haven’t met anyone whose mental health improved for more than a few months after each stage of transition. I first met/ knew a Brad who became Brandy in grad school when I was 21-22 (so 2003-2004). (Brad to Brandy was not in school, but lived in the same apartment complex). Brandy had been in therapy for years and went to Europe for bottom surgery. A year after surgery Brandt was again depressed and lonely and delusional (Brandy started talking about wanting a period.....). It’s been a faster moving train wreck with people I’ve watched first hand more recently.
So it’s not that I think the stuff should be outlawed for adults, but qualitatively it doesn’t seem to be all that helpful in the pursuit of fulfillment from life or genuinely improved mental health based on personal observations.
“You're free to call it a mental disorder if you find that helpful. The debate raging is whether this is, in fact, actually helpful to them.”
Okay, then insurance companies don’t have to pay for their treatments because there’s nothing physically wrong with them, just their feelings about their bodies. A double mastectomy for cancer is different than a double mastectomy for someone distressed at the idea of having breasts. It’s all cosmetic then if there’s no mental component. Got it.
I just said there is debate as to whether it's helpful to them mentally, not that there is no mental component. Yes, insurance companies should not "have" to pay for anything in a free society. Anyone pushing to legally compel them to pay for it are ideologues that I disagree with.
Men and women are biological categories, sexes, reproductive states, how more humans are made. Men are men because of their biology; women are women because of their biology. There are no non-biological men or women. Sheesh, is Big Pharma creationism funding and corrupting all higher education now? "Transmisogyny" insists "women" are an outfit men wear or a feeling men have about themselves. So gross, regressive and suspect, this whole "trans" cash cow cult.
There are two sexes and only two sexes, male and female. Sex is determined at conception and is immutable. A woman is a human adult female, and a man is a human adult male. End of discussion.
I mean, I guess you could just say "end of discussion" and hope that actually ends the discussion, but if you look around you I think you'll see that there's nonetheless plenty of discussion. It's as if one person cannot unilaterally control the public dialogue. Thankfully.
A review marred by the author’s desire to continue to receive cocktail party invitations.
General dysphoria is real, if rare. But men cannot become women nor women men, period. Most importantly the literature is not at all clear that dysphorics reach a better outcome by pretending they can.
I agree--he is trying to be accepted and not focusing on truth. I'm leaving FAIR.
No, don't leave. Stay and speak the truth. They labeled Slover's editorial as opinion, so FAIR shouldn't be blamed. If good people leave the fight when encountering difficulty, goodness will lose.
Nonsense. Those that stood with FAIR from the beginning, donated, and spread the word are supposed to stand with the ideological downward spiral of what is has become. Just one shit show for self-flagellating progressives. We got scammed
I desire to know more, BORDERLAND, as I am a new arrival. Please tell more. I have no time to waste.
I would recommend going back and reviewing FAIRs launch material led by really good decent folks that I still respect. Barri Weiss, I believe was one of the founding leaders, https://youtu.be/clSykQd_WSA?t=17 . I still follow Barri and believe she is doing excellent stuff.
While FAIR was promoted (based on how I understood it) to be collaborative effort that would allow diversity of thought regardless of political affiliation to be included in the broader effort with civil liberties as one of its core principles. As time went it appeared to just morph into one more dumping ground for the progressive lite bunch. Way too much promoting the same tired bunch of public intellectuals that includes folks like Michael Shermer, Steven Pinker and others that already have massive platforms. Good people but firmly influenced by a similar ideology. Relative to action and results, I see very little. FAIR developed some obnoxious alternative to CRT and critical race studies which indicates they don't have the stomach for a real fight. Same toxic garbage just kinder and gentler. They trash folks like Chris Rufu who in fact does fight and has results. The FAIR bunch while pretending to be inclusive has nothing but disdain for conservatives. I don't say that easily and only speak for myself. FAIR did promote the launching of local chapters and when I contacted those that were establishing our regional chapter it was made very clear to me from day one that they will use the FAIR franchise, but they have the authority to interpret and develop an autonomous strategy. I live in the west so please imagine what that would look like if you are not a progressive. Please make you own decision. The fight for civil liberties is real but results matter. Thanks for asking and good lucK.
If you don’t know that this isn’t the organization’s position, maybe you should ask them what their stance is.
Leaving? Allowing someone to speak their opinion and you the opportunity to disagree all without personal attacks. That is why I am in FAIR.
Leaving doesn’t stop another from speaking their opinion. Free speech means everyone has a platform to be heard without threats or cancelling from life, not that others have an obligation to listen.
My “opinion” is that this article completely distorts the actual movie, intentionally misquoting it until I pointed it out, and makes assertions that are demonstrably false about both the movie and child gender “transitions.”
The kind of baloney propoganda pushed in this article is free and abundant. While I’m not cancelling my subscription right now, the respect I once had for FAIR has mostly evaporated.
Yes. The article was filled with baloney. I can't understand why FAIR published it.
Precisely, why published, why?
Absolutely! What is a Woman? actually highlights the absurdity of where we are today. Interesting to see no mention of the Canadian dad who has not been allowed to parent his child because the mother decided trans was the only way to go. The author wistfully says, "We can protect kids and families from unscrupulous doctors without prohibiting the responsible doctors from deciding what is best for their patients" is such BS because all who believe they are in the wrong body are affirmed immediately. My friend has been going through this with her biologically female child for several years, and doctors, like those exposed in the film, are happy to affirm, make loads of money, destroy families and most significantly ruin children's lives. This author's opinion is obviously tainted by a strong dislike for the filmmaker, or he would have included the adult trans man's (TRevoices) who knows he'll die young and forever need medical intervention.
Ditto, thanks.
Thanks for not leaving before writing the above. You have given me more to think about and as a result I will read the article again and look for a different perspective. This is a difficult issue for me. It seems so clear and yet so many have a very different view. I think our politics are probably similar, but I am trying to make sure I move beyond that to get a clear view of the opposing ideas. Thanks again for commenting.
Don't leave! We need to agree that we can all be here with differing opinions. We need your input just like his. I actually agree with Grayson that there are some who are "born in the wrong body" but this explosion of people with that idea is questionable, to me anyway.
As a chapter lead many of us are sick of these nonsensical “meet-in-the-middle” proposals. I’m not okay agreeing that child abuse and mutilation is okay in special circumstances.
Thank you
To compare the removal of a small portion of foreskin to chemical castration, sterilization, and the complete surgical or medical destruction of genital function is intellectually lazy.
You articulated much better than I. You got directly to the point. Am sick of leftist platitudes.
I think it is butchery, circumcision, as is female genital mutilation, fgm
Please google the word "mutilation". I don't think it remotely qualifies. I am circumcised and I am not aware of any negative effects while it has provided religious and hygiene benefits. That said, neither of my two sons are circumcised.
Alison, to me, 'born in the wrong body' persay, requires help, not the knife, not drugs. Solution is Not a travesty that others are not aware of - lying in public, deceiving the vast majority, no. That is how it all started. No.
This is absolutely my reaction. Indeed has this author penned for and/ or collaborated with a female to male FAIR Advisor to publish this?
I am troubled by this article in FAIR yesterday as it clearly states (I read it as such) that transitioning children very young can be a good option, the best even, for some kids. I have formed the opinion that no bodies should be altered medically and never should have been, these past multiple decades. That's my current conviction and I own it. And it took me two years to form it.
I gave up on FAIR months ago. It is very disappointing and to be honest I feel scammed.
I personally am trying to stop assuming bad faith or ulterior motives in people I disagree with online. That's what the woke do all the time. "Oh, you don't agree? Well that's cause you're a cis, het, white......blah blah blah"
You might be right. This guy may just want to stay on the safe side of "woke" line. Although, as a fellow 'un-woke' liberal I can tell you that just writing for an organization with Megan Kelly on the board is enough to kill those cocktail invites no matter what you actually say in the op-ed.
Regardless, I think it's better to argue the merits of people you disagree with and think are wrong instead of making assumptions about "why" they're saying things you disagree with.
Why they're wrong doesn't matter. All that matters is the truth.
Ok, I’ll offer some actual facts.
1 - the estimated actual rate of gender dysphoria that is significant and persists into adulthood is 1/30,000 to 1/110,000 (per the doc discussed being interviewed in the movie)
2 - historically it’s mostly a natal male thing, but the vast majority of kids getting “gender affirming treatment” in this country are females with high rates of autistic and lesbian girls
3- at least 1.5% of the current k-12 age kids in this country “identify” as trans. That’s 1/75. That’s social contagion.
4 - There is no evidence that even those who don’t “regret” their child transitions are somehow better off for it. First, there aren’t any 40-year olds around who transitioned at 5,6,9,10. Second, suicide ideation remains elevated among those who go through with transition, but not among those who go through gender dysphoria stages as kids but ultimately don’t transition. Third, the guaranteed life of sexual dysfunction, chronic health problems, and sterility is one heck of a price for people to pay in exchange for possibly fleeting feelings as a child mostly resulting from TikTok and intentional gender confusion.
5 - The author of this article, while accusing Matt of overlooking a point he didn’t, decided to skim over major aspects of the movie including the fact modern gender ideology had its roots in debunked research performed by a pedophile that raped children and babies and promoted the ideas embraced across much of academia today that life should be about casual sex from cradle to grave, and the hugely negative impact of gender ideology on the bodily safety and access to fair competition for biological girls and women. There were others, I won’t list them all.
5 - The author misquoted the most important line in the whole darn movie, until I pointed it out (see below). That, to me, is an indication of bad intentions. The title of the documentary is “what is a woman?” And the author “accidentally” misquoted the answer? We can’t know the intent of others, but having watched the documentary, it strains credulity to believe this was a genuine critique of the film despite the misquotes and out of context assertions about the film. It seems to me this article is nothing more than a hit piece aimed at those who didn’t watch it, with the objective of keeping them from watching it. You could prove me wrong by watching it and forming your own conclusions.
Hi NCmom,
We encourage everyone to watch the film for themselves and develop their own opinions. That is the only way to build true understanding.
This opinion piece reflects the author’s perspective. We believe that true understanding comes from being open-minded and considering diverse perspectives in the pursuit of objective truth.
If you would like to submit your own essay on this or another topic for our Substack, we would love to review it.
Feel free to send your draft to submissions@fairforall.org.
Wonderful suggestion! I hope NCMom takes you up on the offer as I find her comments that occur across Substack as informative and intellectually engaging.
Thank you for the very kind compliment. 😊
Unfortunately we have the highest rate of adults who identify as “transgender.” The vast majority is Raleigh/ Cary (also known as the contaminated area of relocated Yankees) and the campus of UNCG. In the vast majority of the state (outside the major urban areas) someone trying to transition a foster kids might meet a local’s right to bear arms. 😂
Pull up the kiddie vaccine rate on the state dashboard. Greensboro/ Winston and Charlotte vote just as some as Raleigh/ Cary/ Durham, but clearly parents outside the triangle actually have a line...... and it’s well before child genital mutilation and sterilization. Wake county? There is no line. They’d sacrifice their kids to not make it rain or burn their “witch” daughters at the stake or load their neighbors on the trains to the gas chamber. It’s a little scary.
That makes me sad. I too was a liberal until I realized the rest of the “liberals” had lost their minds. I have come to accept a certain percentage of humans will buy whatever 💩 they are fed. My heart doesn’t want to believe it, but my brain accepts the Nazis weren’t all that special and the majority of Germans that followed them not exceptionally evil (even if what they supported was).
Still, I had hoped for the first 30 years of my life that our access to history would allow us as a society to recognize rhyming themes around othering and social contagions and really really cruel ideologies. While this may be the most wide spread attempt, it certainly isn’t the first to castrate boys or genitally mutilate girls. All the people throughout history doing the same evil thing have bought the same lie of virtue as the woke today.
I’m sending good vibes your way sitting here looking out the windows at the fireflies right now. I live in town, but the birds still wake us up at 5am and trees surround the yard and laughing kids fills our home. I hope your home is soon filled with child laughter and I am comforted to know at least one child in CA will be saved from the ideologues of wokeness. 💓
Excellent summary--someone needs to be invited on the FAIR Board NCmom! To your point #3, I was on my FB page the other day (a rare occurrence lately) and saw an old group I no longer follow (but it popped up for some reason) called Grown and Flown. I had to leave that after the 2020 election -- these parents were NUTS! This post was a mom shouting out other moms of trans kids. One mother actually said she was the proud mom of THREE trans kids. WTF is wrong with these people?!
Attention seeking. At least the 3 families I know. They didn’t celebrate their kids until they, after much pressure from their families, declared they were trans. Then they got parties, legal name changes, and LOTS of Facebook posts. It’s part of why I deleted Facebook all together.
Truly insane. Wonder who this will all sort out in the courts (and these cases will go to court) as the law schools churn out even more woke attorneys. Should be an interesting shit show.
A whole lot of people are being medically mutilated and made impotent....... really sad.
It is important to acknowledge who is funding this nonsense and why:
ABSOLUTELY! What a heinous use of billions on the back of your hard working parents! I left that awful state and asshat of a governor!
Thank you 🙏
This! Thank you! Substance over Emotion. Someone once said, "True Compassion is doing a DIS- passionate analysis of a topic or a situation. NCMom did that w a little bit of " opinion" at the end. The Author of this Article clearly used a biased mindset and filter to interpret Matt's interview questions in the Documentary. Matt was almost the ONLY one that remained UNEMOTIONAL in the movie. The only exception I can recall was his 60 seconds in front of the school board.
Couldn't agree more! Well said!
Well said!
NCMom, have you got a Substack, are you writing....
I do have a Substack newsletter, but I’m not writing on it right now.
And well done. And thank you.
Thanks, I just saw that - subscribed - maybe I can access there what you have written
As long as society insists that masculine girls and feminine boys are unusual or odd, gender dysphoria will persist. This used to come from the Right, now it's coming from the Left. But the Left has made it a fun and cool thing, so it's far more popular. Stop making it weird, and people will just be themselves.
Well, they kinda can. Men cannot become biological women and women cannot be become biological men. But there's a lot more to being a man or a woman than your plumbing. A lot of it has to do with how you are treated socially, which is the biggest thing transgender individuals wish to change. So they can change genders in all the ways that matter to them.
Explain how in a way that doesn’t mistake common cultural stereotype for actual sex. Confirm that tomboys and butch lesbians do not follow common tropes it are still unambiguously female. Because we had this all worked out 50 years ago.
Tomboys are not women who feel like men. Women with gender dysphoria are. Tomboys are still referred to as "she" and "mam." They still go into the women's restroom. And let's be honest, men and women are treated differently, they just are, even if they don't match the stereotypes.
First, a lot of Tom boys do think they should have been an actual boy as young children, something I can attest to first hand, which is one of the many reasons I find gender ideology overtly cruel.
“Trans women,” also go into women’s restrooms, locker rooms, school bathrooms, pool changing facilities, etc, but the response from the others in the restroom is entirely different than tomboys or butch lesbians or butch straight chics going in. In circumstances we are treated differently, it’s mostly based on our biological sex, not playing dress up or some delusional self-identity.
Chimps treat men and women differently, and they treat trans women exactly like every other actual man - a man before interaction with the chimp, and a eunuch afterwards.
In the end we are animals, mammals, primates. While the gender based stereotypes are a bit silly in every culture, and very few really fit into the stereotypes, the gender based treatment of others is mostly sex based, not “identity.”
Mammals have a sex. Nouns, particularly as it relates to living things and for some reason plumbing parts, have a gender. People who identify as trans have a mental disorder. People who think someone can actually become a different gender by virtue of big pharma subscriptions and clothing choices/ hair styles are delusional.
If a tomboy feels like a man, that sounds like gender dysphoria, not just being a tomboy. The difference is pretty stark in how they feel about themselves vs. how others see them.
I don't think people with gender dysphoria care much how chimps treat them.
You're free to call it a mental disorder if you find that helpful. The debate raging is whether this is, in fact, actually helpful to them. I think in some cases it might be, but I have doubts if that's true for all cases.
Honest people who are trying to grapple with the trans issue know that people can't biologically become a different gender via technology. The trans ideologues say they do, and if they're being truthful about this then I agree it's delusional. But, again, not sure how it helps matters to call people names like delusional.
First, I was a Tom boy and I would have absolutely been diagnosed with gender dysphoria. 100%. It took a long time to grow comfortable in my own skin.
Second, no, it’s not just about if it “helps them.” Women and girls are not second class citizens whose access to safe same bodied private spaces and fair athletic competitions should depend on the whims and wants of men and boys, regardless of how those men and boys self identify. Women in prison in CA shouldn’t be getting raped by “female cellmates with a penis.” Elementary school girls in GA shouldn’t be getting sexually assaulted by their male “gender fluid” classmates. The idea that women should have to give up their safety and access to opportunity to coddle the delusions of men is cruel and misogynistic.
Speaking truth is helpful in life. The entire trans mantra is “trans women are real women.” They call “transitioning” a “male to female” transition (or vice versus). There is a pregnant man emoji!! The ideology at its core teaches even little kids they can be born in the “wrong” body and can “transition” to actually become the other sex. Yes, it’s delusional, and yes, it helps to call it out for exactly what it is.
If adults want to mutilate themselves that’s one thing, but to mutilate the genitals of children, make them sterile and incapable of sexual sensation/ pleasure, is cruel. Humans have been coming up with excuses to castrate little boys and mutilate the genitals of little girls for thousands of years. ALL of those justifications are cruel, and this time is no different.
AMEN, sister.
Yes, the trans ideology is pretty silly, and dangerous when they put men in women's spaces, or start targeting children. This ought to be for adults, and completely consensual, after first trying to help them, as you say, grow comfortable in their own skin. So, yes, it's not just about if it helps them. But you seem to be of the position that it can never possibly help them, which seems extreme to me. If a fully grown adult, after deliberation with a skilled and non-ideological therapist, decides to get a sex change, without intruding on women's spaces or competing against women, I have no problem with this. More power to them.
I don’t mind if adults want medical procedures, I just haven’t met anyone whose mental health improved for more than a few months after each stage of transition. I first met/ knew a Brad who became Brandy in grad school when I was 21-22 (so 2003-2004). (Brad to Brandy was not in school, but lived in the same apartment complex). Brandy had been in therapy for years and went to Europe for bottom surgery. A year after surgery Brandt was again depressed and lonely and delusional (Brandy started talking about wanting a period.....). It’s been a faster moving train wreck with people I’ve watched first hand more recently.
So it’s not that I think the stuff should be outlawed for adults, but qualitatively it doesn’t seem to be all that helpful in the pursuit of fulfillment from life or genuinely improved mental health based on personal observations.
“You're free to call it a mental disorder if you find that helpful. The debate raging is whether this is, in fact, actually helpful to them.”
Okay, then insurance companies don’t have to pay for their treatments because there’s nothing physically wrong with them, just their feelings about their bodies. A double mastectomy for cancer is different than a double mastectomy for someone distressed at the idea of having breasts. It’s all cosmetic then if there’s no mental component. Got it.
I just said there is debate as to whether it's helpful to them mentally, not that there is no mental component. Yes, insurance companies should not "have" to pay for anything in a free society. Anyone pushing to legally compel them to pay for it are ideologues that I disagree with.
Men and women are biological categories, sexes, reproductive states, how more humans are made. Men are men because of their biology; women are women because of their biology. There are no non-biological men or women. Sheesh, is Big Pharma creationism funding and corrupting all higher education now? "Transmisogyny" insists "women" are an outfit men wear or a feeling men have about themselves. So gross, regressive and suspect, this whole "trans" cash cow cult.
Truer words were never spoken.
Could you provide some concrete examples of these “ways that matter” where social treatment is different that aren’t based in biology?
There are two sexes and only two sexes, male and female. Sex is determined at conception and is immutable. A woman is a human adult female, and a man is a human adult male. End of discussion.
I mean, I guess you could just say "end of discussion" and hope that actually ends the discussion, but if you look around you I think you'll see that there's nonetheless plenty of discussion. It's as if one person cannot unilaterally control the public dialogue. Thankfully.
Those are the only facts that matter. End of my discussion.