Did they call you a Nazi? Threaten to get you fired from work? Threaten to physically harm you for being a heretic? Or did they just shrug and move on?
Shrugging and moving on is how religious freedom works.
Did they call you a Nazi? Threaten to get you fired from work? Threaten to physically harm you for being a heretic? Or did they just shrug and move on?
Shrugging and moving on is how religious freedom works.
I have never been called a Nazi, been threatened to be fired from work, or physically threatened, by any person because I don’t believe transwomen are women. And I’m quite open about it. I write about it in my substack, and even disputed it at work. Literally said I don’t believe in voluntary pronouns to everyone including hr when pronoun labeling was encouraged.
I have though once been told to sign a form affirming a corporations peculiar Christian beliefs before I was officially payrolled. And I have been told that I’d be tortured or exterminated by the imaginary god that Christians worship for not affirming the nonsense that Christians believe. That is a threat, albeit a superstitious one. But when Christians talk about what their “Lord” and “Master” is going to do to people who don’t joyfully become his slaves, they themselves don’t believe it is a superstition. Thus it is a threat.
And the vast majority of congress, who are Christian and are Zionist or sympathetic to Zionism, just slandered every American as anti-Semitic( I.e. Nazi-like racists) including me, when they passed a bill equating anti Zionism with anti-semitism. They slandered everyone who doesn’t affirm their religious beliefs about the right of Zionists to rule Palestine as an ethno-theocratic apartheid state cuz their imaginary slaver god mythologically bequeathed it to Moses and his followers when he commanded them to commit genocide to possess it. Christian Zionists are currently up to lots of shenanigans trying to punish Americans for opposing Israel, the genocidal ethno theocratic state dear to their spiritual heart. That isn’t how religious freedom works.
If we are going to compare the political menace of the postmodern gender cult and the Zionist cult, the latter is going to prove to be egregiously worse. So far the gender cult hasn’t conducted a genocide, either in the ancient mythological past or the 21st century. Although admittedly, some among the gender cult probably would if they had the same power as the Zionist cult. Fortunately, they do not. But the Zionist cult does, and is now committing a genocide.
The gender cultists threatened to blow up the public library in my city because heretics were permitted to speak. Also assaulted two women on the street. Laws have been passed in much of the Anglosphere to criminalize heresy. When a couple of Progress flags were stolen, the police department created an entire blasphemy investigation unit, pulling resources AWAY from investigating physical assaults and murders. There have been multiple prosecutions for leaving skidmarks on a pride flag on the street.
Apparently you don't live in an area controlled by Queer theocracy. I do. Pay attention. The initial stages of the takeover are quite subtle. Prevention is easier than response.
The Queer death count is growing. Push back before it's too late. I would be incredibly relieved if they just shared their faith door-to-door instead of taking over the government and trying to eliminate all other faiths and opinions.
"The Queer death count is growing. Push back before it's too late. I would be incredibly relieved if they just shared their faith door-to-door instead of taking over the government and trying to eliminate all other faiths and opinions."
I was comparing the postmodern gender cult to Christian Zionism. The "death count" of Zionism is conservatively in the hundreds of thousands, given all the U.S. government wars in the middle east that were waged on behalf of Zionist interests and all the chaos and coups. And Zionists are conducting a genocide -- perhaps you missed that point. Threatening to "blow up a public library" is certainly bad, but actually blowing up the majority of public infrastructure, including Universities, of a civilian population is worse, which was just done by Zionists. And the systematic starvation of millions of people is worse than two women being assaulted on the street, even though that is also bad.
I have already written quite a bit about the postmodern gender cult; there is nothing I can be late to when it comes to "pushing back". But again, it is currently insignificant compared to Zionism. Zionists aren't just "sharing their faith door to door instead of taking over the government" -- the government is captured by Zionism -- the legislature and the executive. And they are passing laws to penalize opposition to Zionism and to intimidate critics, while participating in a genocide and using American taxes.
Well, if that's where you want to go with this, you may want to look into some of the funding sources of Queer fanaticism. The two issues are surprisingly intertwined.
Also, you started with a complaint about door-to-door proselytizers, then switched to the extremist aspects of the Israeli government. Moved the goalposts
I started with a protest about *Christians* evangelizing their perversions in public, specifically a door to door proselytizer who was hypocritical. Then I referenced American *Christians* (within the same “goal post”)who are providing the weapons and funding to the democratically elected government of Israel to carry out a genocide and *publicly* preaching that anyone who criticizes Zionism is a Nazi-like racist, aka anti semite.
There is nothing “extremist” about the people who are carrying out the genocide if they are relatively popular. The vast majority of Israeli Jews(and who are mostly Zionists), based on polls, do not think the force used by the IDF is excessive and lots think it was even insufficient.
And the Christian Zionists, aka most of our congress and the executive branch of the US government, are meaningfully no less responsible for the genocide than Likud because without the weapons and money they are eagerly giving it could not be carried out; and they are well aware of what is happening. Biden, a Christian Zionist, deserves an ICC arrest warrant as much as Netanyahu, a Jewish Zionist.
Both think that Jews have a “natural and historic right to Palestine” (per the Israel Declaration of Independence) because mythologically Jews ruled Palestine thousands of years ago because Moses and his followers committed genocide to acquire it. And that belief, Zionism, is being expressed through genocide today in a similar way.
And that Christian proselytizer was telling me that I should revere the book that the Zionists believe establishes their right to commit genocide — as it is written explicitely in it that the land of Palestine was given to Israel by an imaginary god who is fond of genocide and human sacrifices. And they want to teach children to worship that character.
I never moved the goal post.
And I don’t think the issues are as intertwined as you seem to believe. Zionists disagree on many issues, so it’s not surprising that some Zionists support the postmodern gender stuff, and other Zionists don’t support it but still think it is useful for propaganda and pink washing Israel, while others are blatantly hostile to it. All Zionists though, because they are Zionists, think Jews have a right to an ethno-theocratic apartheid state in Palestine.
Overall, your goalpost appears to be "Christians are genocidal, perverted, hypocritical, and generally evil." It is true you haven't moved this goalpost.
It's an interesting argument, generally made by one religious fanatic about members of a competing religion.
Check out the book "Strange Rites: New Religions for a Godless World." It might clarify the details of your current faith and help you come to honesty about that faith.
Believe as you wish, but please permit others the same dignity.
lol, you have inferred my religion by what exactly? Because I dislike Christianity? And dislike the foundational myth that is a necessary condition in the genocide that is currently being funded by the us government?
Disclosure: I am not “anti religion” or “anti faith”. I don’t need to read a book about modern religions to understand my own. But Im definitely anti worshiping Yahweh, an imaginary god who allegedly commanded genocide and is fond of human sacrifices.
And your last sentence is internally contradictory. If I believe that we ought not to permit others the “same dignity” for *anything* they happen to believe or revere, say like Nazis or Zionists, your sentiment is disparaging toward what I believe, ie not permitting it the same dignity. Don’t pretend to be equally approving of all belief. A) because it is a lie. B) it is impossible C) because it is immoral.
It’s immoral to view all ideology as worthy of dignity. That itself is an ideology, and not one worthy of respect.
Not all Christians are genocidal, perverted, or evil( I’m ambivalent about whether they are all hypocritical). But they all worship a character in a book that is. Thus it isn’t at all surprising that some of them do come out to be an image of that idol. If people revere Stalin, some of those people are probably gonna be like Stalin. To reduce that chance, we should probably disparage worshipping Stalin, and not just be like “oh shmoe, leave the Stalin worshippers alone; Stalin worship deserves the same dignity as anything else; except of course that juddgggy wudgy *fanatical* view *you* have, but not me. Go read this book and educate yourself unenlightened one”.
Maybe one day you will have clarity about your own feelings and not misrepresent them. Talking about how bad “Queer” ideology is but disparaging me for talking about how bad Christianity is because I don’t give it “equal” dignity with my own is hypocritical. You obviously don’t give “Queer” ideology equal dignity. You have even had the gall to suggest it is worse than Christian Zionism, which is currently responsible for a genocide. Fanatic, pleeease.
I don't have a problem with Queer Theorists hanging out at coffeehouses pontificating on their philosophy. They're harmless in that context. Or at least, they harm no one but themselves, which I consider to be their right.
I do have a serious problem with Queer ideologues taking over major institutions of power through deception, them using that power to forcibly impose their beliefs on unwilling people.
I'm not a fan of theocracy. ANY theocracy. Even atheistic theocracies. When ANY ideology criminalizes heresy, we're going bad places.
If Christians just pontificated on their philosophy in coffee houses I’d think their philosophy was degenerate, but I’d still consider that they have the right to do it, just like Nazis. But I wouldn’t consider them a political menace unless they began to influence government. Which they already do more than post modern gender cultists.
Postmodernist gender cultists get their flag on government buildings, their doctrine written into law, and blasphemy prosecuted as a "hate crime."
Blasphemy against all forms of Christianity remain legal, celebrated, and widely encouraged.
The Israel situation is complicated, and people are flipping positions so fast it's making me dizzy. It's just too complicated to discuss in a meaningful way in a comment thread.
I don't have enough information to infer your religion. There are several different secular religions that share your intense distaste for the Judeo-Christian concept of God.
I can say that this kind of vehemence regarding the wrongness and badness of THEM is characteristic of an ideology that seeks to convert all others to the way of Truth. By force if necessary. That's a dynamic of religious fanaticism and/or cultish influence. No God required.
For example, Maoism is a religion. Vehemently atheistic, it provides meaning, purpose, a sense of community, and ritual. Also believes it is doing good things by "freeing" people from "oppression" through Struggle Sessions.
It's entirely possible to be a religious fanatic and an atheist at the same time. All it takes is an intense certainty of rightness and a belief that it's moral to convert others by force.
That’s some super atrocious moral reasoning you have there. Did you know Stalinists had an intense distaste for Nazism? Do you infer that people are Stalinists if they have a “vehemence” regarding the wrongness of Nazism or Hitler?
Bringing up Mao has absolutely no rational connection to anything I’ve said. I think Mao is a villain just like Yahweh and Voldemort.
The folks at your door were most likely Jehovah's Witnesses. They've got a lot of odd beliefs, but they also have a doctrine of avoiding politics. ALL politics. They're not providing weapons and funding to anyone.
If it was Mormons, they're more likely to be supporting Israel.
"American Christians" are not a monolith. Most don't engage in door to door proselytizing at all.
They actually were Jehovah Witnesses. However there is no way to “avoid politics”. Being “political neutral” is a political stance, especially when lots of political stuff is happening. If someone is drowning, and we remain “neutral” and do nothing, that is an active choice, and, depending on how much risk it would put us in to save them (and who they are), could be morally detestable.
Walking around the world telling people to worship a character who commands genocide when genocide is being committed by people who worship that same character is immoral. They are providing moral support for an immoral character. Just like it would be immoral for people to walk around the world telling people to worship Hitler, but then themselves be supposedly “politically neutral.” Doesn’t work like that. They certainly aren’t as morally culpable as the Christian Zionists who are directly and explicitly expressing their praise of the behavior of modern Israel, but their evangelizing is still immoral, and it should be rebuked.
And of course, while not all Christian sects evangelize the same way as JWs do, most do in some way. It’s after all a fundamental element of Christian traditional ideology— that evangelism is commanded by Jesus. It’s in the gospels. Which is why we won’t see some Christian sects at our doorstep, but we will still see them at a college, homeless shelter, abortion clinic, bookstore, on our television screen, or a billboard, telling people they ought to worship Yahweh, their genocidal Lord and Master. When I was in college, every day I walked through the campus, I walked by various Christian sects, including Zionist sects, that were promoting the worship of Yahweh. “American Christians” are not a monolith but they all revere Yahweh, which is sufficient to disparage. Just as revering Hitler is sufficient to disparage. Sounds like you might disagree though and think we should give that reverence equal dignity. Which, in my religion, is gross.
Sounds like you believe intensely that Yahweh is a real person, force, or entity, you just define it as evil. The language you use about Christians is similar to the language Evangelical Christians use about Satanists.
Interesting that your reading comprehension is so poor.
“They are providing moral support for an immoral character.”
Do Christian evangelists refer to Satan as a “character”? No, they think Satan is real.
I certainly don’t consider a fictional *character* in a work of pseudo history and literature a real force or entity, but the people who worship him do. If there were people who truly believed Voldemort were returning and they wanted to please him, I’d disparage that as well. And you were the first to refer to anything as “evil” in this conversation, not me. But I have no problem assigning that word to a character who commands genocide; just like I wouldn’t have a problem assigning it to Voldemort. It just implies a kind of extreme moral depravity.
Satanists are some tiny irrelevant cult that has no meaningful affect on the world. Christians are arguably the most powerful cult in the world. And a powerful sect of Christians are currently conducting a genocide. And the main character of the book they revere allegedly commanded it in the same geographical region they are carrying it out today. It’s interesting you are so eager to defend it and disparage me for being passionate about it. That says nothing about Yahweh, which doesn’t exist, but it does say a lot about you.
Not clear on how one provides moral support to EITHER a deity OR a fictional character. Perhaps we're using different definitions of the phrase "moral support."
Did they call you a Nazi? Threaten to get you fired from work? Threaten to physically harm you for being a heretic? Or did they just shrug and move on?
Shrugging and moving on is how religious freedom works.
I have never been called a Nazi, been threatened to be fired from work, or physically threatened, by any person because I don’t believe transwomen are women. And I’m quite open about it. I write about it in my substack, and even disputed it at work. Literally said I don’t believe in voluntary pronouns to everyone including hr when pronoun labeling was encouraged.
I have though once been told to sign a form affirming a corporations peculiar Christian beliefs before I was officially payrolled. And I have been told that I’d be tortured or exterminated by the imaginary god that Christians worship for not affirming the nonsense that Christians believe. That is a threat, albeit a superstitious one. But when Christians talk about what their “Lord” and “Master” is going to do to people who don’t joyfully become his slaves, they themselves don’t believe it is a superstition. Thus it is a threat.
And the vast majority of congress, who are Christian and are Zionist or sympathetic to Zionism, just slandered every American as anti-Semitic( I.e. Nazi-like racists) including me, when they passed a bill equating anti Zionism with anti-semitism. They slandered everyone who doesn’t affirm their religious beliefs about the right of Zionists to rule Palestine as an ethno-theocratic apartheid state cuz their imaginary slaver god mythologically bequeathed it to Moses and his followers when he commanded them to commit genocide to possess it. Christian Zionists are currently up to lots of shenanigans trying to punish Americans for opposing Israel, the genocidal ethno theocratic state dear to their spiritual heart. That isn’t how religious freedom works.
If we are going to compare the political menace of the postmodern gender cult and the Zionist cult, the latter is going to prove to be egregiously worse. So far the gender cult hasn’t conducted a genocide, either in the ancient mythological past or the 21st century. Although admittedly, some among the gender cult probably would if they had the same power as the Zionist cult. Fortunately, they do not. But the Zionist cult does, and is now committing a genocide.
The gender cultists threatened to blow up the public library in my city because heretics were permitted to speak. Also assaulted two women on the street. Laws have been passed in much of the Anglosphere to criminalize heresy. When a couple of Progress flags were stolen, the police department created an entire blasphemy investigation unit, pulling resources AWAY from investigating physical assaults and murders. There have been multiple prosecutions for leaving skidmarks on a pride flag on the street.
Apparently you don't live in an area controlled by Queer theocracy. I do. Pay attention. The initial stages of the takeover are quite subtle. Prevention is easier than response.
The Queer death count is growing. Push back before it's too late. I would be incredibly relieved if they just shared their faith door-to-door instead of taking over the government and trying to eliminate all other faiths and opinions.
"The Queer death count is growing. Push back before it's too late. I would be incredibly relieved if they just shared their faith door-to-door instead of taking over the government and trying to eliminate all other faiths and opinions."
I was comparing the postmodern gender cult to Christian Zionism. The "death count" of Zionism is conservatively in the hundreds of thousands, given all the U.S. government wars in the middle east that were waged on behalf of Zionist interests and all the chaos and coups. And Zionists are conducting a genocide -- perhaps you missed that point. Threatening to "blow up a public library" is certainly bad, but actually blowing up the majority of public infrastructure, including Universities, of a civilian population is worse, which was just done by Zionists. And the systematic starvation of millions of people is worse than two women being assaulted on the street, even though that is also bad.
I have already written quite a bit about the postmodern gender cult; there is nothing I can be late to when it comes to "pushing back". But again, it is currently insignificant compared to Zionism. Zionists aren't just "sharing their faith door to door instead of taking over the government" -- the government is captured by Zionism -- the legislature and the executive. And they are passing laws to penalize opposition to Zionism and to intimidate critics, while participating in a genocide and using American taxes.
Well, if that's where you want to go with this, you may want to look into some of the funding sources of Queer fanaticism. The two issues are surprisingly intertwined.
Also, you started with a complaint about door-to-door proselytizers, then switched to the extremist aspects of the Israeli government. Moved the goalposts
I started with a protest about *Christians* evangelizing their perversions in public, specifically a door to door proselytizer who was hypocritical. Then I referenced American *Christians* (within the same “goal post”)who are providing the weapons and funding to the democratically elected government of Israel to carry out a genocide and *publicly* preaching that anyone who criticizes Zionism is a Nazi-like racist, aka anti semite.
There is nothing “extremist” about the people who are carrying out the genocide if they are relatively popular. The vast majority of Israeli Jews(and who are mostly Zionists), based on polls, do not think the force used by the IDF is excessive and lots think it was even insufficient.
And the Christian Zionists, aka most of our congress and the executive branch of the US government, are meaningfully no less responsible for the genocide than Likud because without the weapons and money they are eagerly giving it could not be carried out; and they are well aware of what is happening. Biden, a Christian Zionist, deserves an ICC arrest warrant as much as Netanyahu, a Jewish Zionist.
Both think that Jews have a “natural and historic right to Palestine” (per the Israel Declaration of Independence) because mythologically Jews ruled Palestine thousands of years ago because Moses and his followers committed genocide to acquire it. And that belief, Zionism, is being expressed through genocide today in a similar way.
And that Christian proselytizer was telling me that I should revere the book that the Zionists believe establishes their right to commit genocide — as it is written explicitely in it that the land of Palestine was given to Israel by an imaginary god who is fond of genocide and human sacrifices. And they want to teach children to worship that character.
I never moved the goal post.
And I don’t think the issues are as intertwined as you seem to believe. Zionists disagree on many issues, so it’s not surprising that some Zionists support the postmodern gender stuff, and other Zionists don’t support it but still think it is useful for propaganda and pink washing Israel, while others are blatantly hostile to it. All Zionists though, because they are Zionists, think Jews have a right to an ethno-theocratic apartheid state in Palestine.
Overall, your goalpost appears to be "Christians are genocidal, perverted, hypocritical, and generally evil." It is true you haven't moved this goalpost.
It's an interesting argument, generally made by one religious fanatic about members of a competing religion.
Check out the book "Strange Rites: New Religions for a Godless World." It might clarify the details of your current faith and help you come to honesty about that faith.
Believe as you wish, but please permit others the same dignity.
lol, you have inferred my religion by what exactly? Because I dislike Christianity? And dislike the foundational myth that is a necessary condition in the genocide that is currently being funded by the us government?
Disclosure: I am not “anti religion” or “anti faith”. I don’t need to read a book about modern religions to understand my own. But Im definitely anti worshiping Yahweh, an imaginary god who allegedly commanded genocide and is fond of human sacrifices.
And your last sentence is internally contradictory. If I believe that we ought not to permit others the “same dignity” for *anything* they happen to believe or revere, say like Nazis or Zionists, your sentiment is disparaging toward what I believe, ie not permitting it the same dignity. Don’t pretend to be equally approving of all belief. A) because it is a lie. B) it is impossible C) because it is immoral.
It’s immoral to view all ideology as worthy of dignity. That itself is an ideology, and not one worthy of respect.
Not all Christians are genocidal, perverted, or evil( I’m ambivalent about whether they are all hypocritical). But they all worship a character in a book that is. Thus it isn’t at all surprising that some of them do come out to be an image of that idol. If people revere Stalin, some of those people are probably gonna be like Stalin. To reduce that chance, we should probably disparage worshipping Stalin, and not just be like “oh shmoe, leave the Stalin worshippers alone; Stalin worship deserves the same dignity as anything else; except of course that juddgggy wudgy *fanatical* view *you* have, but not me. Go read this book and educate yourself unenlightened one”.
Maybe one day you will have clarity about your own feelings and not misrepresent them. Talking about how bad “Queer” ideology is but disparaging me for talking about how bad Christianity is because I don’t give it “equal” dignity with my own is hypocritical. You obviously don’t give “Queer” ideology equal dignity. You have even had the gall to suggest it is worse than Christian Zionism, which is currently responsible for a genocide. Fanatic, pleeease.
I don't have a problem with Queer Theorists hanging out at coffeehouses pontificating on their philosophy. They're harmless in that context. Or at least, they harm no one but themselves, which I consider to be their right.
I do have a serious problem with Queer ideologues taking over major institutions of power through deception, them using that power to forcibly impose their beliefs on unwilling people.
I'm not a fan of theocracy. ANY theocracy. Even atheistic theocracies. When ANY ideology criminalizes heresy, we're going bad places.
If Christians just pontificated on their philosophy in coffee houses I’d think their philosophy was degenerate, but I’d still consider that they have the right to do it, just like Nazis. But I wouldn’t consider them a political menace unless they began to influence government. Which they already do more than post modern gender cultists.
Postmodernist gender cultists get their flag on government buildings, their doctrine written into law, and blasphemy prosecuted as a "hate crime."
Blasphemy against all forms of Christianity remain legal, celebrated, and widely encouraged.
The Israel situation is complicated, and people are flipping positions so fast it's making me dizzy. It's just too complicated to discuss in a meaningful way in a comment thread.
I don't have enough information to infer your religion. There are several different secular religions that share your intense distaste for the Judeo-Christian concept of God.
I can say that this kind of vehemence regarding the wrongness and badness of THEM is characteristic of an ideology that seeks to convert all others to the way of Truth. By force if necessary. That's a dynamic of religious fanaticism and/or cultish influence. No God required.
For example, Maoism is a religion. Vehemently atheistic, it provides meaning, purpose, a sense of community, and ritual. Also believes it is doing good things by "freeing" people from "oppression" through Struggle Sessions.
It's entirely possible to be a religious fanatic and an atheist at the same time. All it takes is an intense certainty of rightness and a belief that it's moral to convert others by force.
That’s some super atrocious moral reasoning you have there. Did you know Stalinists had an intense distaste for Nazism? Do you infer that people are Stalinists if they have a “vehemence” regarding the wrongness of Nazism or Hitler?
Bringing up Mao has absolutely no rational connection to anything I’ve said. I think Mao is a villain just like Yahweh and Voldemort.
It was just an example of atheistic secular totalitarian religion. Nothing more.
The folks at your door were most likely Jehovah's Witnesses. They've got a lot of odd beliefs, but they also have a doctrine of avoiding politics. ALL politics. They're not providing weapons and funding to anyone.
If it was Mormons, they're more likely to be supporting Israel.
"American Christians" are not a monolith. Most don't engage in door to door proselytizing at all.
They actually were Jehovah Witnesses. However there is no way to “avoid politics”. Being “political neutral” is a political stance, especially when lots of political stuff is happening. If someone is drowning, and we remain “neutral” and do nothing, that is an active choice, and, depending on how much risk it would put us in to save them (and who they are), could be morally detestable.
Walking around the world telling people to worship a character who commands genocide when genocide is being committed by people who worship that same character is immoral. They are providing moral support for an immoral character. Just like it would be immoral for people to walk around the world telling people to worship Hitler, but then themselves be supposedly “politically neutral.” Doesn’t work like that. They certainly aren’t as morally culpable as the Christian Zionists who are directly and explicitly expressing their praise of the behavior of modern Israel, but their evangelizing is still immoral, and it should be rebuked.
And of course, while not all Christian sects evangelize the same way as JWs do, most do in some way. It’s after all a fundamental element of Christian traditional ideology— that evangelism is commanded by Jesus. It’s in the gospels. Which is why we won’t see some Christian sects at our doorstep, but we will still see them at a college, homeless shelter, abortion clinic, bookstore, on our television screen, or a billboard, telling people they ought to worship Yahweh, their genocidal Lord and Master. When I was in college, every day I walked through the campus, I walked by various Christian sects, including Zionist sects, that were promoting the worship of Yahweh. “American Christians” are not a monolith but they all revere Yahweh, which is sufficient to disparage. Just as revering Hitler is sufficient to disparage. Sounds like you might disagree though and think we should give that reverence equal dignity. Which, in my religion, is gross.
Sounds like you believe intensely that Yahweh is a real person, force, or entity, you just define it as evil. The language you use about Christians is similar to the language Evangelical Christians use about Satanists.
Interesting that your reading comprehension is so poor.
“They are providing moral support for an immoral character.”
Do Christian evangelists refer to Satan as a “character”? No, they think Satan is real.
I certainly don’t consider a fictional *character* in a work of pseudo history and literature a real force or entity, but the people who worship him do. If there were people who truly believed Voldemort were returning and they wanted to please him, I’d disparage that as well. And you were the first to refer to anything as “evil” in this conversation, not me. But I have no problem assigning that word to a character who commands genocide; just like I wouldn’t have a problem assigning it to Voldemort. It just implies a kind of extreme moral depravity.
Satanists are some tiny irrelevant cult that has no meaningful affect on the world. Christians are arguably the most powerful cult in the world. And a powerful sect of Christians are currently conducting a genocide. And the main character of the book they revere allegedly commanded it in the same geographical region they are carrying it out today. It’s interesting you are so eager to defend it and disparage me for being passionate about it. That says nothing about Yahweh, which doesn’t exist, but it does say a lot about you.
Not clear on how one provides moral support to EITHER a deity OR a fictional character. Perhaps we're using different definitions of the phrase "moral support."