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If Christians just pontificated on their philosophy in coffee houses I’d think their philosophy was degenerate, but I’d still consider that they have the right to do it, just like Nazis. But I wouldn’t consider them a political menace unless they began to influence government. Which they already do more than post modern gender cultists.

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Postmodernist gender cultists get their flag on government buildings, their doctrine written into law, and blasphemy prosecuted as a "hate crime."

Blasphemy against all forms of Christianity remain legal, celebrated, and widely encouraged.

The Israel situation is complicated, and people are flipping positions so fast it's making me dizzy. It's just too complicated to discuss in a meaningful way in a comment thread.

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Anti Zionism is legal, celebrated, and widely encouraged? The House didnt just pass a bill defining anti-zionism, including criticism of Israel, as anti-semitism? Comgress hasn't given more American taxes as financial and military aid to Israel, a religious symbol for millions of American Christians and Jews and a ethno-theocracy, than any other country, despite its relatively small size and wealth, since its inception? “In god we trust” is not on our currency? “Under god” is not in the pledge of allegiance? You apparently don’t live in the US. As much as I don’t like the post modern gender cult, I recognize that that there are greater potential social and legal repercussions to the blasphemy of Israel, a central symbol of Christianity and Judaism than the blasphemy of the gender cult.

There is nothing complicated by the fact that Zionists, Christian and Jewish, are the primary supporters in congress, the executive branch, and the general population of a genocide. Furthermore, the vast majority of congress is Christian or Jewish -- 94%, and there no sitting congressmembers Im aware that are openly atheist. That of course isnt because there arent any atheist politicians, but because as any good student of Machiavelli knows, its essential for princes to appear like they share the religion of the public, because the public generally only cares about appearances. Thus, Trump and Obama and Clinton are Christians. And enough of the public has a bigotry against atheists to the degree they wouldn't vote for one even if they were otherwise virtuous people who cared about the best interests of Americans so that it becomes political suicide to run for congress and openly be an atheist. Despite what we hear about the "godlessness" that is always about to take over the country, the vast majority of Americans count themselves as theists.

I don’t know what position flipping you are talking about. Last time I checked the vast majority of congress and the executive is just as committed to funding and arming a genocidal regime today as it was 8 months ago. I wish you were right that people were flipping positions fast, but it is not reality. Although, it is true that the sentiment of the general public is definitely drifting further toward opposition to the genocide; unfortunately, politicians only respond to the general public when its going to affect their chances of winning elections, and people like yourself are still more concerned about things like gender ideology than our government funding a genocide. Because, after all, the genocide is not happening in your town like the drag queen story hour, right?

Why you think coercing people to embrace gender ideology is less complicated than the morality of systematically starving and bombing millions of civilians in a decimated imprisoned ghetto bewilders and disheartens me. Id also like to point out, all this time you badgering me about my atheism and antipathy toward Yahweh and Christianity, it doesn't seem like it dawned on you that Palestinians are mostly Muslim, and some Christian -- in other words, they worship Yahweh. I might disdain Yahweh as a character, and recognize the reverence of him as a necessary contributing factor to the genocide being carried out by Israel and the US governments, but it doesn't mean I think our government should carry out a genocide against the infants of Palestinian Muslims. I don't share the sentiment of Zionists that we should kill all the infants of "Amalek"

If you are simply uninformed about what is happening and the history of the Israeli occupation of Palestine, then just say that. There are informative resources I can share. Ill give you the benefit of the doubt that your attitude is not from a defect of your soul, but simply rectifiable ignorance. It isnt easy or fun keeping up with the various horrors the US government contributes to around the world, but it is honorable. We shouldn't let drag queens distract us from the opportunity to be more knowledgeable citizens of the most powerful republic in the world and help ensure, despite as little a difference it sometimes seems it may make, that monsters do not wield the power.

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The situations around the world are complex, and I don't trust any of my sources of information. Lacking reliable information, I will defer to those who have first hand information. In addition, I have no ability to directly influence what's happening in the Middle East. I don't even have the ability to help donate humanitarian aid. I choose to focus my efforts on things I CAN impact and topics in which I DO have direct information.

The Queer cult is not about drag queens. It's an ideology of destruction that has no stopping point. Targets include all education, all law enforcement, the practice of science, families, childhood, and humanity itself. It also embraces genocide as a legitimate political tool. The concept of universal human value is completely foreign within the ideology. Everything is about destruction of oppression patterns, which requires destruction of people. It is an endless purity spiral of pain and the celebration of death.

That's WHY Queer ideology is so pro-Palestine at the moment: lots of dead people. Dead people make useful props. Dead people have no opinions of their own, so can be assigned to the proper positions. A living, thriving Palestinian nation would be a massive threat to Queer Ideology. The instant a functional Palestinian nation emerged, it would be branded hateful and transphobic, and efforts would be made to destroy it.

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So the world is too complex to know, do, or say anything about the genocide of Palestinians, but you are clairvoyant to the degree that you predict if Palestine is liberated, gender cultists would try to destroy it because it would be hateful toward trans people? It just sounds like you don't care about what the US government does to Palestinians; and claims about uncertainty and a lack of reliable information is just a way to excuse your apathy or even possibly antipathy, despite your disingenuous claims to an immoral and incoherent dogma about "universal human value." You can't even get your head out of a drag queens butt long enough to read multiple ngo reports about people starving, watch clips of soldiers singing about genocide, and military commanders explicitly telling the world they are going to create famine, to see dead Palestinians as anything more than props for a cult you despise. "Universal human value"; so ridiculous.

And why don't you have the ability to donate humanitarian aid? Donate to doctors without borders, like me:


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Doctors without borders is a fantastic organization, I have been a donor for years. I have no idea if they're successfully getting anything into Gaza. 🤷‍♀️

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Yes, they are. Its information readily available. Id assume if you donate to the organization, you should probably generally trust its assessment of the situation in Gaza, unless you are a fan of throwing your money into the trash.


"Eight months into the devastating war in Gaza, Israeli forces’ unrelenting, indiscriminate strikes have reduced much of the Strip to rubble and upended the lives of millions of Palestinians.

More than 37,000 Palestinians have been killed, over 84,000 wounded, and thousands are estimated to be buried under the wreckage. Over 1.9 million people—85 percent of the entire population—have been forcibly displaced. Water and food are scarce, essential supplies like fuel and electricity are scant, and while the threat of disease and starvation grows and the bombardment continues, lifesaving health care is increasingly inaccessible. Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) teams in Gaza are witnessing firsthand how this war has turned Gaza's chronic humanitarian crisis into a catastrophe."

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The Israel-Gaza war is a war between competing genocidal factions, with civilians caught in the middle.

I donate to Doctors Without Borders because they have reliably gotten aid to people AND remained politically neutral for many decades. I trust them to do their work

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Gazan civilians are not caught in the middle, they are a target, as have been aid workers. The soldiers on the ground sing about it. Hamas is not committing a genocide, not because they aren't genocidal, but quite possibly simply because they do not have the means. The only party actively committing a genocide is Israel. And the US government is supporting it. American civilians are not "caught in the middle" but the government is taking our taxes and using it to commit the genocide.

Political neutrality in a genocide is a vice. And Doctors Without Borders is not politically neutral in this conflict.

"On January 26, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) issued provisional measures for Israel to take to prevent a plausible genocide in Gaza, including allowing humanitarian aid into the Strip. Yet we are witnessing a worsening situation in Gaza as indiscriminate attacks on civilians, medical and aid workers, and health facilities continue. On May 24, the ICJ ordered Israel to halt its offensive in Rafah and reopen the Rafah crossing.

All states that support these actions by Israel are morally and politically complicit. We call all on governments, particularly the US, UK, and allied EU member states, to use their power to influence Israel and stop supporting the ongoing siege and bloodshed. "

All individuals who support those actions by Israel are morally and politically complicit as well.

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It's been a great conversation, but I'm gonna have to end it. I read this on my phone, and the columns of text are now too short to read! Thanks!

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I support war crime charges against Hamas leadership AND Netanyahu. I believe that the preponderance of evidence indicate that BOTH are complicit in BOTH the October 7 attack on Israeli citizens and the ongoing attack on Gaza citizens.

I don't believe for a hot second that 3000 Hamas soldiers crossed the most secure border in the world and went on a murder spree for hours without help from inside the Israeli government. Nor do I believe that Hamas has ever placed any value on Palestinian lives.

There's a reason why Egypt has refused to permit Palestinian refugees to cross the border. Egypt has already had some experience with Hamas. They're not willing to risk a Hamas garrison sneaking into Egypt disguised as refugees. Hamas hunts Muslims too, not just Jewish people. Egypt is (understandably) not willing to risk their own people to help the Gaza civilians because Hamas has made damn sure that the true civilians cannot be separated from the Hamas fighters.

Deliberately targeting civilians is a war crime. Deliberately sacrificing your own citizens to score points in an international power game is immoral. Deliberately sacrificing CHILDREN to score points in an international power game is abhorrent.

There aren't any "good guys with a gun" here. There's a few heroic aid workers. That's about it.

As such, I donate to the only aid organization which serves everyone and absolutely refuses political entanglement. Doctors Without Borders will care for injured or sick people of any nationality or ethnicity. They will also refuse to provide cover for any military operation, from any nation. Sometimes they die for it. True heroes.

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