Congratulations, well done, and thank you Monica. You matter and FAIR matters to everyone committed to improving the caliber of our debate and for refocusing on the things that matter most that unite us. I am grateful for the good work you do. You've collected and supported a community of people who are willing to argue in good faith and to make things better even on our toughest issues.

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Thank you so much, Chris! So grateful for all the support you’ve given me on this journey 🙏

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Monica, congratulations on a great year for you and for us, and here is to many more to come. There is so much more to accomplish, and we are well on our way! I am thrilled to be able to support in any little way possible.

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Thank you! Your support is so greatly appreciated, Donald! 🙏

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Good work. Can you give me an email address (or phone number) where I may inquire about making a donation (of appreciated securities)?

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Hi Paul,

Thank you very much for your interest. You can contact FAIR’s COO, Danele Rhoades, about donation options: danele.rhoades@fairforall.org.

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Do you know the independent publishing house Spinifex Press? We have been vigorously presenting the work of novelists, poets and political writers for 33 years. We have also been arguing for fair speech for more than a decade. You might be interested in looking at our website www.spinifexpress.com.au

If you’d like to know more feel free to contact me at hawsu@spinifexpress.com.au Susan Hawthorne I am a regular reader of FAIR posts

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I’m not aware of Spinifex, Susan, but will definitely check out your site. Always happy to engage with leaders of FAIR-aligned orgs!

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Just a "footnote" suggestion; The phrase "thought leader" sounds just like the trendy and groupthink language that FAIR resists. To me, it has an aggrandizing aspect that I don't think you intend. Why should any of us need a "thought leader" when presumably FAIR stands for the proposition that we should all think for ourselves. Otherwise, a good letter.

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Thank you for your feedback, John. I see the role of “thought leadership” in people and organizations as identifying/highlighting new issues and challenges and developing innovating ways to address them. That said, I appreciate the nuance you’ve flagged, and it does make sense. I will give some thought on if and how to tweak this description.

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“If Trump were to go mad on his own time, no problem. Unfortunately, by publicly projecting and displaying mental dysfunction daily on a national stage, he is driving America nuts, too – fans and foes alike. He brings out the worst in everyone, right and left. It could be termed national derangement syndrome (NDS).” -Simon Tisdall-

Congratulations, Monica!

I hope that we can continue to bridge the divides and bring Americans together again. I do not speculate on the election outcome, but for sure, the creation of the fifty first state of the U.S. is an endeavor too big for any of us alone. Together with FAIR, we can bring this to light. That 51st state will alleviate some of the issues your country will have to face, while allowing to bring in sustainable growth. The form of it doesn't matter/ will it be a network of floating cities on the equatorial Atlantic or not? Or a purely juridictionnal creation?

What matters is how to divert Americans and Europeans alike to self destroy their countries.

So the 51st state of the U.S. and the 28th state of Europe may bring that kind of diversion.

I believe in you, Monica.


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Easily the most masturbatory piece ever

written on Substack, surpassing even Van Jones legendary self-administered hand job introduction to his stack.

The congratulatory comments must have come from those who were privileged enough to watch it to its orgasmic conclusion.

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Right now Fair lacks integrity. From recent posts it seems like it’s a Zionist gig. It hates “identity politics” unless it’s about Zionist Jews. In which case it actually publishes their erroneous narrative. Congress is trying to pass laws equating anti Zionism with antisemitism, aka racism, and I haven’t heard a peep from Fair about it. Did I just miss it? Arguably the most powerful identity politics organization is currently AIPAC. Search for it on fair's substack and you find nothing. But organizations like BLM show up all over the place.

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