I just want you to know that I take threats to my safety very seriously. I've reported your stalking and trolling--not only for my sake, but for everyone else here that you've been harassing and berating. I would bet money that the second you read these words you will obsessively escalate your harassment campaign rather than cease and desist. That's perfect. Please, do keep incriminating yourself so that we can be rid of your parasitic presence that much faster.
Narcissists only think bad things happen to them, that they and their suffering is more special and holy than anyone else. I can see from all of your comments that you embody the modern ideal of victimization. You want to whine about your pain and your dead mama to anyone who will listen, even as you viciously attack everyone around you. Let me be clear so you can stop wasting your breath: I could care less about you, your pain, or your dead mother. I came here to have an adult conversation with other adults, something that I think you've probably never seen before. Your attacks on myself and others have nothing to do with "dissent." They're just pathetic cries for help. I'm sorry but no one here is your therapist or your mommy and daddy or your students or whatever else it is you fantasize about. You'll never be the hero/saint/victim you wish you were to anyone but yourself. I am not a praying man, but god have mercy on your children, students and anyone else you encounter.
I just want you to know that I take threats to my safety very seriously. I've reported your stalking and trolling--not only for my sake, but for everyone else here that you've been harassing and berating. I would bet money that the second you read these words you will obsessively escalate your harassment campaign rather than cease and desist. That's perfect. Please, do keep incriminating yourself so that we can be rid of your parasitic presence that much faster.
Awesome. Keep the threats coming Chandy.
Narcissists only think bad things happen to them, that they and their suffering is more special and holy than anyone else. I can see from all of your comments that you embody the modern ideal of victimization. You want to whine about your pain and your dead mama to anyone who will listen, even as you viciously attack everyone around you. Let me be clear so you can stop wasting your breath: I could care less about you, your pain, or your dead mother. I came here to have an adult conversation with other adults, something that I think you've probably never seen before. Your attacks on myself and others have nothing to do with "dissent." They're just pathetic cries for help. I'm sorry but no one here is your therapist or your mommy and daddy or your students or whatever else it is you fantasize about. You'll never be the hero/saint/victim you wish you were to anyone but yourself. I am not a praying man, but god have mercy on your children, students and anyone else you encounter.