I just want you to know that I take threats to my safety very seriously. I've reported your stalking and trolling--not only for my sake, but for everyone else here that you've been harassing and berating. I would bet money that the second you read these words you will obsessively escalate your harassment campaign rather than cease and de…
I just want you to know that I take threats to my safety very seriously. I've reported your stalking and trolling--not only for my sake, but for everyone else here that you've been harassing and berating. I would bet money that the second you read these words you will obsessively escalate your harassment campaign rather than cease and desist. That's perfect. Please, do keep incriminating yourself so that we can be rid of your parasitic presence that much faster.
I just want you to know that I take threats to my safety very seriously. I've reported your stalking and trolling--not only for my sake, but for everyone else here that you've been harassing and berating. I would bet money that the second you read these words you will obsessively escalate your harassment campaign rather than cease and desist. That's perfect. Please, do keep incriminating yourself so that we can be rid of your parasitic presence that much faster.
Awesome. Keep the threats coming Chandy.