I was just wondering this morning when some person or group might get sued for calling someone a 'white supremacist' or calling something they say 'white supremacy' that isn't. Too many so-called liberals buy into this BLM bullshit.
I was just wondering this morning when some person or group might get sued for calling someone a 'white supremacist' or calling something they say 'white supremacy' that isn't. Too many so-called liberals buy into this BLM bullshit.
Do you have a problem with labia? Or referring to them? Are you as offended by the phrase 'grow a pair' or 'grow some balls'? Just curious as to where the offence lies...
While I fully support your sentiment (and I guess you could think of labia in emulating grow thicker skin), in males balls or testicles produce testosterone which increase aggression, and supposedly bravery. Labia doesn't. Grow some inner balls? (Estrogen is the source of strength particular to women). No one says, grow some himen, scrotum or dick to men who are cowards. IMHO, Just the nerd in me.
Tragically, the biology doesn't always match up as much as I'd like. Technically, to match 'grow some balls', it should be 'grow some ovaries', but I wanted to keep it between the legs and ovaries are higher up, in the hips. Labia are what would have been the ball sac if the fetus had developed as a boy, so it was close enough for government work ;)
After all, what good are balls if they don't have something to hold them? They'd dangle down below your hip joints and get caught in your zipper ;)
Sounds like you need to grow some futunari balls and labia.
Ezekiel 23:19
тАЬYet she increased her harlotry, remembering the days of her youth, when she played the harlot in the land of Egypt and doted upon her paramours there, whose members were like those of asses, and whose issue was like that of horses.тАЭ
My hypothesis is that your concern about genital tissue does not extend to the book of slavery and torture.
She was very sensitive about the term labia -- thus she should grow some balls and labia to be tougher("grow some balls" is a phrase that implies the person is weak or cowardly). Futunaris have both male and female genitalia. The "vulgarity" in the bible exceeds what Sophia was upset about with regard to the word labia. But I suspect Sophia reveres the bible(the book of slavery and torture) and isnt concerned about it "bringing down society."
No...why would it? How is that relevant? I picked the name because we say "Grow some balls!" to men to assert themselves, but it doesn't really apply to women. There's nothing inherently offensive about labia...it's not like I used the p-word or worse, the c-word. What does Ezekiel's discomfort with female sexuality, a common problem back then, have to do with it? Not to mention his probable penis envy if his own member wasn't as big as his competitors' ;) If you're referring to FGM, I'm very much against it...as well as MGM, the male version, of which the Israelites were quite fond. Blades do not belong near human genitals!!!
My comment was directed at Sophia, not you. I suspect Sophia is fond of the bible. Its unlikely an American would have the level of church-lady outrage at the word labia and not sleep with a bible under their pillow.
Im perfectly okay with my circumcision, and I'm not mutilated. I implore you to reconsider that language; its degrading.
The bible is the book of slavery and torture because the main character (Yahweh) commands humans be his slaves and threatens them with torture if they don't obey him. Slavery and torture is the main theme of the book.
did my comment get put under yours and not Sophia's?
I don't think it did. It just seemed a little odd I think. Not everyone likes my name and that's OK. I consider circumcision to be mutilation because there's no good reason for it. They're mostly religious. For girls, it's expressly to destroy female sexual pleasure and keep her jealously 'pure' for whomever she marries if it includes infibulation. For boys, it's frankly a silly-ass method the Israelites useful to distinguish themselves from the Pagans. Or, as I suspect with the Cathlolic Church, hostility to the make sex organ. Eith Americans, a mindless belief that the kid should 'look like daddy' or might get bullied in school, although I've never heard of a boy getting teased because he's uncut. Doctors' arguments that it is cleaner and/or prevents penile cancer are bullshit; it's easy enough to clean on the shower and I looked into penile cancer rates in uncutting cultures; they're lie .5%-2%. Men who were circumcised when they were older report less sexual sensation than before.
I can't imagine how it wouldn't be a traumatic effect on most infants even if they can't remember it. Even if they use anesthetic, what about residual pain for days afterward? And for *what*? There's no point.
In Islam it's also a manhood test. It's done on them when they're older and they're expected to bear it without flinching. Patriarchal bullshit IMO. There's something deeply suspicious about adults attacking babies' genitals.
I didnтАЩt ask you for your poor justification for using language that is degrading. And I have no interest in debating the general value of male circumcision or the various statistics and studies surrounding it. That would be pointlessly exhausting. The last time I investigated it thoroughly I was convinced there was some risks(specifically when the operation goes bad), but also possible benefits, and there are many irrational hysterical opponents of it. But overall it was fine and there was absolutely no justification to compare it on a moral level to female circumcision or to use the rhetoric that is used by activists.
I suspect the primary reasons why some men care about male circumcision is because they want to downplay the significance of female circumcision, they want something they can add to their list of things that demonstrates a тАЬwar on boys and menтАЭ, or because they havenтАЩt received a circumcision and they are ashamed of the appearance of their foreskin. If it wasnтАЩt for those three reasons, male circumcision would be discussed a lot less.
The fact that you havenтАЩt personally heard a boy getting teased about their foreskin simply demonstrates your ignorance of the subject. I know of men who grew up being mortified about sexual encounters because their shame surrounding their foreskins. I think that is tragic and unjustified, but in the US particularly the cultural attitude toward penises that havenтАЩt been circumcised is sometimes strongly negative. Men and women can be openly cruel about their aesthetic preferences and it is obviously extended to the appearance of genitals, as they are a pillar of sex and sexual attraction. MensтАЩ sexual egos are connected to their circumcision status, and that fuels shaming (and praising) from both people who are and arenтАЩt circumcised тАФ and from women as well.
The language activists use regarding male circumcision is language of shame тАФ тАЬmutilationтАЭ and тАЬintactтАЭ. And not only shame toward those who carry it out, but shame toward those who receive it. Perhaps some unfortunate circumcised male out there conceives their genitals as тАЬmutilatedтАЭ, but I certainly donтАЩt. Rather than acknowledging that, you gave me an irrelevant and illogical argument for why you use the word mutilation. A woman getting a breast reduction can be done for тАЬno good reasonтАЭ, but I suspect you wouldnтАЩt support people calling her breasts mutilated.
I just said IтАЩm okay with it. IтАЩm circumcised. My dad had me circumcised when I was an infant. I wasnтАЩt traumatized. He did it because he received it going into the navy and it was a requirement (dunno why). And it was not comfortable for him. He thought it would be good to do for me, and my brothers, as infants because it would be less distressful than if we chose to do it in the future. Maybe he was wrong? Dunno, cuz I canтАЩt remember it. And there is absolutely no good reason to think it had any тАЬtraumaтАЭ on me. The only reason would be an activist trying to pile on more reasons for why they hate it. I asked him about his sexual experience before and afterтАФmade no difference to him.
*He* didnтАЩt тАЬattack my genitals.тАЭ *You* are attacking my genitals, by suggesting they are тАЬmutilatedтАЭ, when they are in fact functional, and frankly if I do say so myself, quite beautiful.
But....I still think it's mutilation. At least, when babies or young boys who have no say, really, are forced or pressured into it. A guy who wants to do it when he's older - even a teenager - I'm okay with that. If you're happy cut, joy to you! And, point taken, I'm never in men's locker rooms so I may not see/hear what goes on. (I wonder who gets shamed in non-circumcision cultures?) But I don't like surgery for the hell of it. I'm sure you're still quite functional...so are 98% of the men i've been with (the rest were uncircumcised). But I'm not going to keep speaking out against it, and yeah, I call unnecessary surgery mutilation - and that includes <18y.o. 'gender affirming' surgery for kids. So you may run into this opinion again in the future. ;/
Okay, I think that is an irrational, malicious, slur. My dad didnтАЩt have me тАЬmutilatedтАЭ; and I am not тАЬmutilated.тАЭ If I were to have a male child, IтАЩd probably not choose to give him a circumcision, but I donтАЩt view my dadтАЩs decision with any negative moral judgement. And neither should you. He did what he thought was best for me at the time and it has had no memorable observable negative consequences. And you certainly shouldnтАЩt use language that has the connotation of shame for my genitals.
тАЬ I call unnecessary surgery mutilation тАЭ
But тАЬnecessaryтАЭ surgeries with same results is not mutilation? Thus a womanтАЩs chest that has had breast tissue removed because of cancer is not mutilated but if it was for aesthetic reasons it is mutilated?
I think what you do not understand is that in your hatred of who you think is harming the person, you are using language that is actually degrading to the person you think was harmed. If you actually had sympathy toward the people you think are harmed, rather than just expressing your hatred and possibly feeling righteous for espousing your moral outrage, you would take into consideration what the effects of your language could have on them.
You can speak out against what you think is the immorality of тАЬunnecessary surgeryтАЭ without using language that carries connotation of shame for who you think is a victim.
I don't 'hate' the people being harmed. I detect a lot of emotionalism in your replies so far which leads me to wonder why. I mean, if you're proud of how your family jewels look, and you're not mad at your dad, why should you care what I thinK? I'm not mad at your dad either. He likely operated under doctor's opinions at the time (or maybe a religious dictate) and did what he thought was best, and it's *still* not nearly as bad as FGM.
BTW, I get why a woman would have breast cancer removed, but not why she'd undergo unnecessary surgery - mutilation even - to have bigger breasts to satisfy some patriarchal beauty requirement. She shouldn't be stopped, and she's welcome to get mad at me making, likely, the same arguments you are (without the dad part). BTW, there's no such thing as woman who does it 'for herself' and not to satisfy external beauty requirements. It's to satisfy a male fetish or be more attactive to men, I don't care what she says. OTOH, I understand why she might have a breast reduction - those things are heavy to carry around and very hard on the back, and no baby needs boobs *that* big to feed on.
Honestly, I think the same feeling is more on your end than mine. I'm not trying to make you feel bad about being circumcised - nor do I want to shame your father either. But I wonder whether you'd enjoy sex more if you hadn't been. And you still haven't offered a logical reason for why this needs to be done to males. Just expressed your outrage at my language.
I didnтАЩt say you hate the people being harmed. I said you hate the people doing the harm. Is your emotionalism affecting your reading skills?
There are men who have reported enjoying sex more or less or the same after circumcision. My dad reported no difference. Other than тАЬintactivistsтАЭ trying to sow FOMO, speculating about it is worthless.
Would you call a womanтАЩs breasts who received augmentation after a mastectomy mutilated? Would you tell a woman who went through a mastectomy for cancer treatment that she was not getting breasts тАЬfor herselfтАЭ, but just to satisfy some тАЬpatriarchal beauty requirementтАЭ and тАЬnot care what she saysтАЭ? Or would your contemptuous degrading tone change? Would you be able to find sympathy in that arctic heart of yours or would your hatred toward тАЬthe patriarchyтАЭ blind you?
I think the reduction in the transmission of various infectious diseases, especially HIV is sufficient reason to consider circumcising male babies, specifically in regions where itтАЩs very prevalent. A mother who decides to get a circumcision performed on her male infant rather then letting the risk be greater that he grows up and has sex and gets hiv is not a simple choice. I would empathize with a parent who made the decision to get a circumcision for their male infant. Describing it as mutilation would be wrong. Both because it wrongly disrespectful to the parents but also wrongly degrading to the child.
If you are surprised that I have emotions in response to people expressing degrading language in a way I think is inappropriate I suggest you try to understand human nature better. Humans are emotional. That includes you, even though you seem not to be aware of the тАЬemotionalismтАЭ exemplified in the language you are selectively using irrationally. If someone degrades something or someone in a way I think it or they should not be, there is a chance Im going to express my disapproval, aka тАЬoutrageтАЭ. If a person told me that my cats were ugly IтАЩd tell them to fuk off; it doesnтАЩt matter if I think my cats are some of the cutest beings in the multiverse. And if they continue to do it, and say things like тАЬI wonder why you are getting all emotional about me saying your cats are ugly; why do you caaare? hmmmmm? Is it because secretly you think they are ugly ugly ugly?тАЭ IтАЩd infer they were being *malicious* or they were incredibly stupid. But it could also be bothтАФ they are being malicious but too stupid to even realize it.
I was just wondering this morning when some person or group might get sued for calling someone a 'white supremacist' or calling something they say 'white supremacy' that isn't. Too many so-called liberals buy into this BLM bullshit.
Your online name is vulgar. Vulgarity brings all of society down, including you. It's like the broken window theory.
Do you have a problem with labia? Or referring to them? Are you as offended by the phrase 'grow a pair' or 'grow some balls'? Just curious as to where the offence lies...
While I fully support your sentiment (and I guess you could think of labia in emulating grow thicker skin), in males balls or testicles produce testosterone which increase aggression, and supposedly bravery. Labia doesn't. Grow some inner balls? (Estrogen is the source of strength particular to women). No one says, grow some himen, scrotum or dick to men who are cowards. IMHO, Just the nerd in me.
Tragically, the biology doesn't always match up as much as I'd like. Technically, to match 'grow some balls', it should be 'grow some ovaries', but I wanted to keep it between the legs and ovaries are higher up, in the hips. Labia are what would have been the ball sac if the fetus had developed as a boy, so it was close enough for government work ;)
After all, what good are balls if they don't have something to hold them? They'd dangle down below your hip joints and get caught in your zipper ;)
True, true. LOL. Ah that Zipper is murderous.
Oh sweet irony!
You guys are funny! All gave me a chuckle!
Sounds like you need to grow some futunari balls and labia.
Ezekiel 23:19
тАЬYet she increased her harlotry, remembering the days of her youth, when she played the harlot in the land of Egypt and doted upon her paramours there, whose members were like those of asses, and whose issue was like that of horses.тАЭ
My hypothesis is that your concern about genital tissue does not extend to the book of slavery and torture.
My comment was directed at Sophia.
She was very sensitive about the term labia -- thus she should grow some balls and labia to be tougher("grow some balls" is a phrase that implies the person is weak or cowardly). Futunaris have both male and female genitalia. The "vulgarity" in the bible exceeds what Sophia was upset about with regard to the word labia. But I suspect Sophia reveres the bible(the book of slavery and torture) and isnt concerned about it "bringing down society."
I hope that was helpful.
My sentiments entirely ;)
No...why would it? How is that relevant? I picked the name because we say "Grow some balls!" to men to assert themselves, but it doesn't really apply to women. There's nothing inherently offensive about labia...it's not like I used the p-word or worse, the c-word. What does Ezekiel's discomfort with female sexuality, a common problem back then, have to do with it? Not to mention his probable penis envy if his own member wasn't as big as his competitors' ;) If you're referring to FGM, I'm very much against it...as well as MGM, the male version, of which the Israelites were quite fond. Blades do not belong near human genitals!!!
My comment was directed at Sophia, not you. I suspect Sophia is fond of the bible. Its unlikely an American would have the level of church-lady outrage at the word labia and not sleep with a bible under their pillow.
Im perfectly okay with my circumcision, and I'm not mutilated. I implore you to reconsider that language; its degrading.
The bible is the book of slavery and torture because the main character (Yahweh) commands humans be his slaves and threatens them with torture if they don't obey him. Slavery and torture is the main theme of the book.
did my comment get put under yours and not Sophia's?
Your comment is utter ignorance. Making assumption is the core of so much division in our culture. If you do not know - shut up.
I don't think it did. It just seemed a little odd I think. Not everyone likes my name and that's OK. I consider circumcision to be mutilation because there's no good reason for it. They're mostly religious. For girls, it's expressly to destroy female sexual pleasure and keep her jealously 'pure' for whomever she marries if it includes infibulation. For boys, it's frankly a silly-ass method the Israelites useful to distinguish themselves from the Pagans. Or, as I suspect with the Cathlolic Church, hostility to the make sex organ. Eith Americans, a mindless belief that the kid should 'look like daddy' or might get bullied in school, although I've never heard of a boy getting teased because he's uncut. Doctors' arguments that it is cleaner and/or prevents penile cancer are bullshit; it's easy enough to clean on the shower and I looked into penile cancer rates in uncutting cultures; they're lie .5%-2%. Men who were circumcised when they were older report less sexual sensation than before.
I can't imagine how it wouldn't be a traumatic effect on most infants even if they can't remember it. Even if they use anesthetic, what about residual pain for days afterward? And for *what*? There's no point.
In Islam it's also a manhood test. It's done on them when they're older and they're expected to bear it without flinching. Patriarchal bullshit IMO. There's something deeply suspicious about adults attacking babies' genitals.
I didnтАЩt ask you for your poor justification for using language that is degrading. And I have no interest in debating the general value of male circumcision or the various statistics and studies surrounding it. That would be pointlessly exhausting. The last time I investigated it thoroughly I was convinced there was some risks(specifically when the operation goes bad), but also possible benefits, and there are many irrational hysterical opponents of it. But overall it was fine and there was absolutely no justification to compare it on a moral level to female circumcision or to use the rhetoric that is used by activists.
I suspect the primary reasons why some men care about male circumcision is because they want to downplay the significance of female circumcision, they want something they can add to their list of things that demonstrates a тАЬwar on boys and menтАЭ, or because they havenтАЩt received a circumcision and they are ashamed of the appearance of their foreskin. If it wasnтАЩt for those three reasons, male circumcision would be discussed a lot less.
The fact that you havenтАЩt personally heard a boy getting teased about their foreskin simply demonstrates your ignorance of the subject. I know of men who grew up being mortified about sexual encounters because their shame surrounding their foreskins. I think that is tragic and unjustified, but in the US particularly the cultural attitude toward penises that havenтАЩt been circumcised is sometimes strongly negative. Men and women can be openly cruel about their aesthetic preferences and it is obviously extended to the appearance of genitals, as they are a pillar of sex and sexual attraction. MensтАЩ sexual egos are connected to their circumcision status, and that fuels shaming (and praising) from both people who are and arenтАЩt circumcised тАФ and from women as well.
The language activists use regarding male circumcision is language of shame тАФ тАЬmutilationтАЭ and тАЬintactтАЭ. And not only shame toward those who carry it out, but shame toward those who receive it. Perhaps some unfortunate circumcised male out there conceives their genitals as тАЬmutilatedтАЭ, but I certainly donтАЩt. Rather than acknowledging that, you gave me an irrelevant and illogical argument for why you use the word mutilation. A woman getting a breast reduction can be done for тАЬno good reasonтАЭ, but I suspect you wouldnтАЩt support people calling her breasts mutilated.
I just said IтАЩm okay with it. IтАЩm circumcised. My dad had me circumcised when I was an infant. I wasnтАЩt traumatized. He did it because he received it going into the navy and it was a requirement (dunno why). And it was not comfortable for him. He thought it would be good to do for me, and my brothers, as infants because it would be less distressful than if we chose to do it in the future. Maybe he was wrong? Dunno, cuz I canтАЩt remember it. And there is absolutely no good reason to think it had any тАЬtraumaтАЭ on me. The only reason would be an activist trying to pile on more reasons for why they hate it. I asked him about his sexual experience before and afterтАФmade no difference to him.
*He* didnтАЩt тАЬattack my genitals.тАЭ *You* are attacking my genitals, by suggesting they are тАЬmutilatedтАЭ, when they are in fact functional, and frankly if I do say so myself, quite beautiful.
Again, I request you change the rhetoric you use.
But....I still think it's mutilation. At least, when babies or young boys who have no say, really, are forced or pressured into it. A guy who wants to do it when he's older - even a teenager - I'm okay with that. If you're happy cut, joy to you! And, point taken, I'm never in men's locker rooms so I may not see/hear what goes on. (I wonder who gets shamed in non-circumcision cultures?) But I don't like surgery for the hell of it. I'm sure you're still quite functional...so are 98% of the men i've been with (the rest were uncircumcised). But I'm not going to keep speaking out against it, and yeah, I call unnecessary surgery mutilation - and that includes <18y.o. 'gender affirming' surgery for kids. So you may run into this opinion again in the future. ;/
тАЬ I still think it's mutilationтАЭ
Okay, I think that is an irrational, malicious, slur. My dad didnтАЩt have me тАЬmutilatedтАЭ; and I am not тАЬmutilated.тАЭ If I were to have a male child, IтАЩd probably not choose to give him a circumcision, but I donтАЩt view my dadтАЩs decision with any negative moral judgement. And neither should you. He did what he thought was best for me at the time and it has had no memorable observable negative consequences. And you certainly shouldnтАЩt use language that has the connotation of shame for my genitals.
тАЬ I call unnecessary surgery mutilation тАЭ
But тАЬnecessaryтАЭ surgeries with same results is not mutilation? Thus a womanтАЩs chest that has had breast tissue removed because of cancer is not mutilated but if it was for aesthetic reasons it is mutilated?
I think what you do not understand is that in your hatred of who you think is harming the person, you are using language that is actually degrading to the person you think was harmed. If you actually had sympathy toward the people you think are harmed, rather than just expressing your hatred and possibly feeling righteous for espousing your moral outrage, you would take into consideration what the effects of your language could have on them.
You can speak out against what you think is the immorality of тАЬunnecessary surgeryтАЭ without using language that carries connotation of shame for who you think is a victim.
I don't 'hate' the people being harmed. I detect a lot of emotionalism in your replies so far which leads me to wonder why. I mean, if you're proud of how your family jewels look, and you're not mad at your dad, why should you care what I thinK? I'm not mad at your dad either. He likely operated under doctor's opinions at the time (or maybe a religious dictate) and did what he thought was best, and it's *still* not nearly as bad as FGM.
BTW, I get why a woman would have breast cancer removed, but not why she'd undergo unnecessary surgery - mutilation even - to have bigger breasts to satisfy some patriarchal beauty requirement. She shouldn't be stopped, and she's welcome to get mad at me making, likely, the same arguments you are (without the dad part). BTW, there's no such thing as woman who does it 'for herself' and not to satisfy external beauty requirements. It's to satisfy a male fetish or be more attactive to men, I don't care what she says. OTOH, I understand why she might have a breast reduction - those things are heavy to carry around and very hard on the back, and no baby needs boobs *that* big to feed on.
Honestly, I think the same feeling is more on your end than mine. I'm not trying to make you feel bad about being circumcised - nor do I want to shame your father either. But I wonder whether you'd enjoy sex more if you hadn't been. And you still haven't offered a logical reason for why this needs to be done to males. Just expressed your outrage at my language.
I didnтАЩt say you hate the people being harmed. I said you hate the people doing the harm. Is your emotionalism affecting your reading skills?
There are men who have reported enjoying sex more or less or the same after circumcision. My dad reported no difference. Other than тАЬintactivistsтАЭ trying to sow FOMO, speculating about it is worthless.
Would you call a womanтАЩs breasts who received augmentation after a mastectomy mutilated? Would you tell a woman who went through a mastectomy for cancer treatment that she was not getting breasts тАЬfor herselfтАЭ, but just to satisfy some тАЬpatriarchal beauty requirementтАЭ and тАЬnot care what she saysтАЭ? Or would your contemptuous degrading tone change? Would you be able to find sympathy in that arctic heart of yours or would your hatred toward тАЬthe patriarchyтАЭ blind you?
I think the reduction in the transmission of various infectious diseases, especially HIV is sufficient reason to consider circumcising male babies, specifically in regions where itтАЩs very prevalent. A mother who decides to get a circumcision performed on her male infant rather then letting the risk be greater that he grows up and has sex and gets hiv is not a simple choice. I would empathize with a parent who made the decision to get a circumcision for their male infant. Describing it as mutilation would be wrong. Both because it wrongly disrespectful to the parents but also wrongly degrading to the child.
If you are surprised that I have emotions in response to people expressing degrading language in a way I think is inappropriate I suggest you try to understand human nature better. Humans are emotional. That includes you, even though you seem not to be aware of the тАЬemotionalismтАЭ exemplified in the language you are selectively using irrationally. If someone degrades something or someone in a way I think it or they should not be, there is a chance Im going to express my disapproval, aka тАЬoutrageтАЭ. If a person told me that my cats were ugly IтАЩd tell them to fuk off; it doesnтАЩt matter if I think my cats are some of the cutest beings in the multiverse. And if they continue to do it, and say things like тАЬI wonder why you are getting all emotional about me saying your cats are ugly; why do you caaare? hmmmmm? Is it because secretly you think they are ugly ugly ugly?тАЭ IтАЩd infer they were being *malicious* or they were incredibly stupid. But it could also be bothтАФ they are being malicious but too stupid to even realize it.