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Unfortunately a significant portion of FAIR readership seems to consist of racial and sexual bigots who just want to read and be affirmed by stuff from racial and sexual minorities who happen to disagree with some elements of the trending racial and gender ideology.

As for me, I think being proud of whether we are homosexual, bisexual, or heterosexual is silly, but I think it is sensible to be proud of “being out” — that is the history of hatred toward gay people (and bisexual people) warrants pride for having the courage to embrace, publicly, or even privately to some extent, being gay or bi. I think openly celebrating sexual liberation — between consenting individuals (albeit there is some complexity

in that; I’m just not going to get into the weeds) — is something to be proud of given the history of egregious oppression and the presence of people who are still eager to bring that oppression back. As long as a majority of people in the US still revere a book that commands the murder of people who engage in homosexual behavior, there should be pride in celebrating sexual liberation.

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You have certainly hit the nail on the head here, Jeffrey--both about FAIR and about pride.

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