Support for gay marriage is declining for a simple reason - the Big Alphabet groups went All In for trans and queer shit. This has repelled normal people. Now the backlash has begun, and gay marriage will be less and less popular. What should LGB do? Loudly and emphatically reject trans and queer.

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So long as what you characterize as a fringe continues to garner the mass of media coverage while parading dildos, assless chaps and worse in front of children, insisting on drag queen story hour and agitating for full grown men to be allowed in girls locker rooms etc I am afraid you will continue to see a decline in support for "normal" gays. A more useful exercise would be exploring how, exactly, this minority can be excised from the gay community. If the normies don't loudly and regularly condemn such behavior then I am afraid you will see continued decline in support for your agenda and, possibly, increasing support to overturn Obergefell.

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The gay and lesbian community should focus on the values they share with the heterosexual majority that the author described and disavow the celebration of sexual fetishes that have become too common at Pride festivals. Is gay advocacy about love or sex? The majority were led to believe it was the former. Now many are concerned that Obergefell was a bait and switch and we are being forced to accept the latter. This is due not to Obergefell, but to the collective cases known as the Bostock decision,which opened a door that the U.S. was unprepared for.

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p.s. agree but chaps are always assless!

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Trans activists are basically trying to eliminate gays and lesbians. They are teaching these teens that you can't be happy in your own body as a gay/lesbian person. It's toxic.

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The last ten years have shown that for many in the LGBT community, tolerance was a tactic, not a principle. Now that they're ascendant, they have no use for it. It's like the revolutionaries who use elections to gain power: one person, one vote, one time.

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Please understand that "the LGBT community" is deceptive code for believers in the Queer faith. It's an aggressively proselytizing postmodernist religion that NEVER had any real use for tolerance. The article "Repressive Tolerance" lays it out rather clearly. A fundamental doctrine is that sex doesn't exist.

Gay and Lesbian people are just folks who experience same-sex attraction. Most aren't believers in Queer, because to do so would require renouncing their belief that the sex of their partner matters.

Many folks are still confused, because Queer has taken over formerly gay and lesbian advocacy organizations and stolen their words.

But look deeper. Queer fundamentally rejects the existence of sex.

Gay and Lesbian (and sane!) do not.

Queer is not a fringe extremist position of the gay rights movement. It's a hostile takeover.

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"Queer" is not merely a slogan selected for its shock value. It is and always has been hate speech of the same order as the N Word.

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Hmmm. Not really on the same level as the n-word. But it's an interesting idea. Queer was regularly used as a homophobic slur, often preceding violence against a homosexual. Now it's the name of a totalitarian religion that promotes (among other things) violence against homosexuals.

It's an interesting convergence. I find it especially aggravating that Queer sees the success of the gay rights movement as a huge threat. Queer wants to destroy normal and the gay rights movement worked to be normal. The gay rights movement was successful, which absolutely infuriates Queer.

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Yes, let's have difficult conversations. Unless you are advocating for a conservative position, then you must shut up and go sit in the back of the bus.

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Just as a chain is no stronger than its weakest link, a movement is only as strong as it's least credible element. Though you have to give credit to whoever successfully conspired to attach the trans barnacle to the LGB ship. Not smooth sailing ahead.

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Yes, please, to all of this. In all groups. For all reasons. Being treated equally does not mean being treated in any special way. It just acknowledges that you are a human being who has a right to live just like anyone else in society. And, the shutting down of argument or even small disagreement is doing to others what you are asking them not to do to you. We can't continue to grow as a society without speaking.

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Strangely enough, very few people know this case was a tax dispute.

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Years ago, I saw the danger for gay and lesbian people in the conflation of gay and trans. Now it's happening. What the hell did you think would happen in reaction to demands for boys in girl's restrooms and lockers, for boys in girl's sports, for third graders' access to instruction manuals for fellatio? The real treachery was in how it was all smuggled in under the nonsensical "LGBTQIA2S+". I wondered how bondage and discipline, S&M, leather Levi, and water sports got excluded. I guess they were included in the "+". (Actually, I thought at first the black chevron stuck into the rainbow flag was for S&M. The brown stripe didn't bear thinking about.)

The radical trans ideologues were exceptionally shrewd to depict their movement as a matter of "social justice". It helped in duping gay people to support it. As might be expected, the reactionaries who were never reconciled to the advances in gay equality, especially in marriage, were all too happy to endorse the conflation of gay and trans. It enabled them to include gay people in their not entirely unreasonable measures against the extreme proposals of the trans extremists. So now we're seeing the consequences. When i remember the investments I made in the rallies, the marches, and in speaking to not entirely friendly audiences,, I want to slap the snot out of the supposed leaders who collaborated in the process and demand, "What the hell were you thinking?"

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I like and support FAIR but this article is fatuous. Obergefell succeeded because mainstream beliefs were shouted into silence, and in direct contradiction to the First Amendment, religious values of the ordinary people were forbidden an equal hearing with the desires of the powerful elite. America was founded to escape the suppression of religion by the state power. Obergefell took America back to 16th century Europe.

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please homophobes i'm one of the good ones. please don't take away my rights. i'm not like those degenerates. you can take away their rights just as long as you don't take away mine. see i just threw them under the bus for you. hey why didn't the bus stop. hey why is it still heading towards me. didn't you hear me? i'm one of the good ones!

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Val: In reality, it’s trans activists (not gays or lesbians) who are trying to take away the rights of women to fairness in sports and privacy and safety in their restrooms and locker rooms and even their prisons. They also advocate for the chemical and surgical mutilation of children. Their actions are evil and the understandable negative reaction to the harm they are causing is spilling over to innocent homosexuals.

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hey quick question dave whose "negative reaction" to trans people is "spilling over to innocent homosexuals"? can you let me know real quick who are the people intensifying the institutional oppression of gay people and citing trans people as the reason for doing that? and what do you mean by "spilling over"? is there a law of physics that applies here or are there some actual people with agency weaponizing their "negative reaction" to trans people against innocent homosexuals? just let me know real quick when you have a sec dave thanks :)

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Val: If you can’t distinguish between gay and lesbian folks going about their business, marrying and leading their lives and the trans-activists who support mutilating children to achieve the unachievable, men dominating women’s sports and invading women private spaces with their dicks hanging out, I can’t help you. Many people including lots who publish on Substack are virulently opposed to such nonsense. Why exactly is LGB linked to T?

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Can you give me a SPECIFIC example of "intensifying the institutional oppression of gay people?"

All of the supposedly "anti-LGBTQ" laws are targeting medical malpractice against children and aggressive proselytizing of Queer doctrine. Neither has anything to do with gay people.

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