"I am not a princess anymore. I am a monkey." - my daughter.

When she identified as a non-princess monkey I concluded that she was a 3-year old. It is okay for kids to act like kids and get treated like kids (and adults to act like adults).

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Something that I have not yet seen covered in the files is a discussion of “preserved fertility”. I am a parent of two IVF children. To preserve fertility in a young girl of say 13, the doctor would first have to shoot them up with strong hormones to induce a mass production of viable eggs, then harvest and freeze them. If this goes well, they may get a dozen eggs and maybe 8 will the viable. Once they have been frozen and they are then thawed at a later date, viability has been reduced and whether or not they can be successfully fertilized is a whole other issue.

The process of doing this is painful to say the least and it can be life threatening if the mother becomes hyperstimulated. The average 13 year old does not comprehend do I want to have kids, let alone the ramifications of hyper stimulation.

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Vermont's UVM hospital took down its on-line "consent" forms after I published this article: http://www.truenorthreports.com/john-klar-gender-indoctrination-in-vermont-schools

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Well said, we need more honest conversation and action around this complex topic

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In Canada, the National Post recently reported on a case in which our taxpayer funded healthcare system covered the surgical removal of multiple fingers from a man with "body integrity identity disorder" (also know as "transableism") i.e. there was nothing physically wrong with the fingers but he felt like a person with missing fingers. What's next--liposuction for anorexics? There have always been fads and collective delusions, even (perhaps especially!) in medicine. But it seems like the speed and universality of these manias has been accelerated by the internet, and perhaps by a lack of confidence in our moral foundations brought on by what Nietzsche called the "death of God."

We wrote about this recently on our Substack: https://pairodocs.substack.com/p/removing-unwanted-appendages

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In his book _The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat_, Oliver Sacks mentions a man who, because of a brain lesion, felt that one arm wasn't really part of him and was quite distressed. After it was surgically removed, he felt much better. Such cases exist, and as long as we know how to amputate arms but not how to heal brain lesions, it's only humane to accommodate them. The problem with gender surgery at present is that for ideological reasons, due diligence isn't being applied to make sure that the surgery will actually help and that the dysphoria isn't only temporary. Professionals commanding nice salaries on the basis of certificates hanging on their walls attesting to advanced professional training who don't actually employ that training and instead just rubber-stamp someone's self-diagnosis are committing professional services fraud, regardless of how young or old the patient is.

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Excellent article and thank you for the truth.

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Why wouldn't those harmed, who are SOL but discovered the damage post SOL, be able to prosecute a claim based on the delayed discovery rule? I didn't understand that bit.

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Thank you for all of the work you have put into combating this evil cult, Daniel. Despite being exposed to this nonsense for years, I still find myself astonished that adults continue to discuss the mutilation of children as if it were a proper topic of discussion and consideration. It makes me wonder whether the relative sanity of my childhood (having grown up in the '70s and '80s) was not, as I had always assumed, a historical norm, but was rather an aberration. Please keep fighting.

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Forgot to add this link. Article by Amy Sousa, MA breaks down Trans ideology propaganda.

"...public have been manipulated into thinking that some people really are born in the wrong body and that transgenderism is an organic human rights campaign rather than an engineered agenda."

KnownHeretic’s Substack

The Art of Resistance: Harnessing Unambiguous Language to Combat State-Enforced Trans Newspeak


Why linguistic compliance with state propaganda is a losing strategy

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Wouldn't it be great if parents could access workshop abt trans ideology as soon as they hear their kids talking sex confusion? Not some propaganda from Trans orgs but something abt dangers of these "affirming" strategies.

I'm not a parent but when you want to get someone out of a cult, take away social media, take them out of school. Seems drastic but u can’t rescue someone from cult, deprogram them unless they are out of the environment. Unfort, the environment and propaganda is ubiquitous.

Ideally govt shd pay for education for parents dealing w this but don’t hold your breath.

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That guy didn't do any actual research. It took him a day or two at the most to go through, pick out the stuff he disagreed with and write up a spurious 'refutation' to it. He's a transactivist, not a journalist, although to be fair many so-called 'journalists' are only transactivists.

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I absolutely support removing the statute of limitations, although it would be wrong to make this retroactive. Rather than making any sweeping age-based assumptions about who is able to consent, let's just make sure the professionals have full accountability for getting the diagnosis right and putting ethics ahead of ideology. Also, let's get the American Academy of Pediatrics to change its standard of care to one actually based on science, and not on a total misrepresentation of the evidence as Dr. James Cantor has shown the current one to be in his paper "American Academy of Pediatrics and trans- kids: Fact-checking Rafferty."

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I can't feel anything other than disgust when I read about how de-transitioners are treated. Whoever that therapist was needs to be removed from any human to human profession forever. The wording alone to a teen, for any reason, is completely unprofessional. I am so disgusted by the parents of some of these kids. The kids certainly don't understand the consequences because when you are a teen, the whole world feels slow, like you want to hurry up and be an adult only to find out that adulthood doesn't need new problems. But, the adults? They know.

Not for nothing, in the state that I live in, you aren't even allowed to get a divorce while you are pregnant. The day after? Sure. Why? Because as any woman who has carried a child will tell you, (if they are honest) the hormonal shifts during pregnancy are so dramatic, you could choose one thing in the morning and another thing at night.

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What about parents consenting on behalf of their kids? I think these people are the real culprits.

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I think you have to also consider the “dead daughter vs live son” line people have been fed. I was told that by several LGBTQ organizations until I found a good counsellor for my daughter. She has desisted.

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It is beyond ironic that the American model is called the informed consent model. As a WPATH clinician unwittingly reveal, their specialty requires dissimulation. And yet Andrea Long Chu desperately races to prop up consent (he calls it freedom of sex) in defense of WPATH medicine. https://americanmind.org/salvo/the-trans-maximalists-lose-the-plot/

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