1. I was sexyally assaulted in a school bathroom when I was 13, so no, I don't want to use the restroom with penises. I am a victim and a female, but my fears are laughed at at I'm called names for feeling this way.
2. What is wrong with male, female, and co-ed options? You just add a co-ed. Easy.
Co-ed bathrooms won’t fix this problem. Trans activists don’t want to use the co-ed bathroom. They want access to the female bathroom. Remember “trans women are women“!
The point isn’t safe bathrooms. The point is validation. A third bathroom, team, or hell just expecting men to accommodate biological men regardless of presentation will never be enough. Women are expected to roll over on this just like always.
Trans women are not women. They are men who have feelings, but they can never feel like a woman. No part of their body, not a single cell, is female. Sex segregated spaces have existed as long as society has. It’s never been ok for people with a penis to demand to change in front of women and girls in this country. No, my daughter does not need to accept a penis in front of her. Not now, not ever. If you want to accommodate people, they can use a single person facility, and that is fine, but to say we should move towards a society where actual women and girls have no sex separated space of their own, no expectation of privacy, no right to bodily safety is regressive and misogynistic. Either you think the feelings of boys and men matter more than the biological reality women face everyday, and you are misogynist, or you acknowledge the plain truth that trans women are not women, and you protect women at the expense of hurting the feelings of delusional men. Single stall facilities are fine, but there is no middle ground on this and crap like “let’s get to where little girls face to look at a grown man’s or is is normal” is why I don’t give money to FAIR anymore.
Absolutely right, NC. There is no middle ground when it comes to the "trans" scam. Either you lap it up completely and sign your twelve year old daughter up for a bilateral mastectomy or you forever reject each and every one of the gender-bending lies for both children and adults.
I don't know why FAIR published this mealy mouthed essay. It's very disappointing to see FAIR cave into propaganda-lite.. And the propaganda grows more outrageous by the hour. A few days ago, the notorious femme faker, Mr. Dylan Mulvaney, stated that people who" misgender" people should be arrested. Dylan, it's you who should be arrested for "misgendering" yourself.
You’re so right about this article. Maybe one day we’ll be enlightened enough to get over our retrograde insistence on separate sex accommodations for girls and women? Even when they have no choice, girls will deny themselves water and avoid going to the bathroom ALL DAY in order to protect their privacy. Does the author get it?
The problem isn’t getting solved, but for a deeper reason. It’s one thing to have a group of petulant bullies — trans activists — demanding that their rights supersede those of all others. It’s another thing to see every institution of society acquiesce to their narcissistic demands as they steamroll over the rights of women and girls like we no longer matter. This is what female erasure looks like. I blame weak, corrupt liberals for allowing ideological bullying to overwhelm common sense: cowardly politicians, judges, school administrators, doctors, etc., for whom it’s simpler to betray the female sex than to seek a solution that would enable every child, regardless of genitalia, to go to the bathroom in peace. It could be done, if we cared about actual women and girls as much as we care about “trans children” who have been brainwashed to believe they were born in the wrong body.
Institutions are not acquiescing to activists. Institutions and activists are being used in an effort to cloak trans as a civil rights issue. There is big money involved with medical technology and pharmaceutical industries driving government, ngo’s,academia, activists etc. to install the trans agenda. This is a top down initiative that is occurring globally and simultaneously. Grassroots activism does not have the kind of power to drive neither global nor simultaneous shifts of this magnitude. It’s the big global players that stand to gain incalculable profits influencing all the downstream institutions.
That would be illegal discrimination against "gender identity" under current law in most blue states, and nationwide if Democrats ever manage to pass the federal Equality Act (which is supported by ALL Democrats in Congress).
Illegal discrimination against who? Adult Females? I mean, I get what you are saying, but at what point does it go so far over the line that it comes back full circle to actual females being discriminated against? I think the Dems picked this issue up because they played out their money grab with BLM last election and they need a new victim group. Does anyone ever notice once they secure rights for a people they immediately find a new victim?
Oh, we are already at "actual females being discriminated against". The Democrats, universally in Congress, do not care. There are a couple of very rare exceptions at the state government level, most recently a black male Democrat in the Kansas House who voted to protect women's sports, and was the deciding vote in overriding the illiberal Democrat female governor's veto. Yes, Democrat women routinely vote against their own interests. Don't ask me why, ask them.
Brandy, your last sentence is 100% SPOT ON & should be so incredibly OBVIOUS to EVERYONE at this point. I am constantly amazed at how so many intelligent people fall for it. It's a definite money- maker and attention grabber for those in Power - AM I disillusioned to think more people have to start waking up and call bullshit? The "other side" - the R side is too stupid & therefore just as much to blame . And so because of that, it HASN'T been about "sides" for me for a long time. It's TOP- down, & therefore the question is: " How do the sane people from Both Parties, UNITE & chip away all this POWER? What I've been hearing and reading from RFK JR is as close as anyone in political power has come to EXPOSING the bullshit and wanting to blow it up.
I'm liking what I'm hearing from him, too. I'm definitely following him closely. I just want someone with some common sense to go along with their "education." All the education in the world teaches a person nothing about life, real life.
Any civilization that fails to protect children is a civilization in the process of collapse. A civilization that celebrates the victimization of children as virtue is in a state of conflagration.
I entirely grant your point, but there is a way to frame it which avoids the inflammatory “normal” and “deluded.” The question is whether the right to “feel safe” trumps the right to actually “be safe”. Segregated facilities protect the actual safety of all girls who benefit from them, but decrease the actual safety of only a tiny sliver of unusual and rare children. Since we need to provide a safe environment for all children - including that tiny sliver - the humane and decent thing to do is provide them some kind of accommodation that addresses the actual level of hazard involved. There are simple and workable solutions to this minor problem which do not require that we overhaul 150 years of well established and workable practice.
Imho, it’s a natural reaction to bullying the majority into submission - biological men in women’s sports, locker rooms and bathrooms, calling everyone who asks questions or disagrees a transphobe, same as anyone who questions re-segregating kids according to their “intersectionality” is a racist. 1984 didn’t end well.
I'm sticking with normal. Trans is a delusional state, and society has been cowed into giving them the "special" status by bullying. People like you make the problem worse. There is no evidence that the trannies are other than deluded, and the trannie delusion leads to self-harm, self-mutilation, and bullying of others.
It is possible that people who are looking to persuade rather than condemn are making the problem worse. I am, indeed, one of those people. However I would ask that you consider those times in your past when you changed your own point of view about an issue of public concern. Did the shift come about because you were persuaded that you were in error? Or did it come about because you were insulted or shamed into changing your views?
Accommodating the bullies and granting them space is exactly why we are where we are now. I refuse to agree that telling lies to make others feel better is a sound social policy.
I think you are saying that we should make NO accommodation for transgender children. One reason for this stance might be that you think they are simply not at any actual risk. This might be true! In my experience trans activists often make wildly overstated claims (lies, actually) about the dangers these kids face. The most notorious example is the claim, not supported by any convincing evidence, that the alternative to "affirmative care" is increased likelihood of suicide. This is an empirical matter. The facts, so far, are not on the side of the activists, despite their bullying of parents, and it is bullying. I think it is likely, in fact, that in time we will find the opposite to be true: early transitioning may very well increase, in the long run, the suicidality of this cohort. But in any case we need to follow the truth where it takes us, and right now the assertion that "affirmative care" protects children is, as you say, an outrageous lie.
The problem is that we need to follow the facts, and when you say that trans children are simply not at risk using traditional segregated facilities you are on much shakier ground. It should not take the trans activists long to produce genuine cases where trans children have been physically abused because they had no alternative to traditional segregated facilities. In fact, the law of large numbers - combined with the crazy signal amplification of social media - practically guarantees it. The problem then, from a policy perspective, is that you have backed yourself into a corner where the answer to "What are we to do about vulnerable trans children, even if we grant that they are deluded?" is: tough cookies, boys, life is hard. Do you really want to defend that position? What do you then say to the activists who respond with the quite logical argument for desegregated bathrooms: tough cookies, girls, life is hard? Do you see the problem?
The argument I'm making is that if we grant the responsibility of adults to provide for the safety of all minors then segregated facilities are the obvious solution, with rare an exceptional accommodations for the unlucky children caught in the current madness. If you don't grant the responsibility of adults to provide for the safety of all minors in their care then you have no ground on which to stand when the bullies argue that they are no different than you, that is, indifferent to the safety of some children. If you do - as I also do - find the push to desegregate sex-specific facilities outrageous, you are going to convince far more of the fence-sitters on this issue with an appeal to safety than an appeal to normalcy. People understand safety.
Also, just to be clear: I don't care one whit about making people "feel better." That's what got us in this mess. I do care about convincing people to support policies with sane and sensible outcomes. It's why sound arguments matters. Sadly, a lot of people are confused and uncertain about this issue, as well demonstrated by Leigh Ann's depressing examples above.
Agreeing here. It is important to avoid using inflammatory language both because unnecessarily provoking another human being is a moral wrong, and because rather than persuading it hardens people opposed to you.
My present thinking at the moment is that being 'trans' is both a fad and an effect of social contagion for most teens, though there may be a small minority of people for whom transitioning is truly the best option. And that the trans-affirming narrative is really leading teens into making disastrous unnecessary choices, so it needs to be opposed intelligently on that front.
Regarding bathrooms, and moreso locker rooms, these must be maintained as safe spaces for girls/women, and, not just safe but comfortable. People are acting as if the only worry is rape but really women are entitled to feel at ease in their safe spaces.
Again, it is harder to avoid using inflammatory language because we are often on the receiving end of same and it makes you angry. But to persuade and maintain credibility I agree it is important to avoid it..
"Regarding bathrooms, and moreso locker rooms, these must be maintained as safe spaces for girls/women, and, not just safe but comfortable."
Which is absolutely not happening now. In blue states like New York, New Jersey, and California, male rapists in prison can (and do) declare themselves "trans", and are then housed in women's prisons. https://womensliberationfront.org/chandler-v-cdcr
ALL Democrats in Congress have voted for the Equality Act, which would make these policies a matter of federal law, with instantaneous, nfinitely changeable, and unchallengeable gender self-ID the law of the land.
Which is why, at age 67, after a lifetime as a liberal activist and Democratic Party member and voter, I now vote exclusively for Republicans.
It is appalling. I have heard multiple stories from across the UK of girls not drinking water during the day so they can avoid the mixed bathrooms where boys deliberately pee on the seats or try to look under the stall doors. No one is taking their concerns seriously.
If I have children I would seriously contemplate home schooling for the first time in my life. I am left wing and not religious and I have always thought home schooling was a bad idea, especially for the socialization of children. But now I am not sure I would trust any school not to indoctrinate my child and expose him/her to dubious practices.
I’m also left wing and not religious, and I have been homeschooling my four children for 11 years now. Come join us! It’s not at all what you think it is. And the kids are plenty social. ;)
Actually, there are nonreligious, homeschooling programs for high achieving children. You just have to look for them. And kids can enroll in group activities, too.
It strikes me that we can fully respect the rights of transgender persons without simultaneously infringing on the rights of the vast majority. For one thing, a fully intact biological male is not a "transgender girl" unless one believes that biological sex is a mere social construct. Permitting intact biological males to invade the spaces of the opposite sex in the name of inclusivity is the triumph of ideology over common sense, human experience, and biological science.
Well, actually, that is not true. The trannie bullies demand that we cancel the rights of privacy for the normal kids. That's the exact demand. It's "We want to use the wrong-sex bathroom/locker room, and do not agree that there is a right to privacy for normal kids".
In fact, many trannie and trannie allies argue that the BENEFIT of the forcing of the trannies into the former single-sex space is to puncture the innocence of the child. They believe that the innocence is a false thing. This leads, pretty quickly, to defending pedophile sex.
The pedophilia observation is warranted. Here's a public Substack article by Kara Dansky regarding the recent election to the office of State Representative of a trans-identified man in Minnesota, who ran on a platform of making pedophilia a recognized sexual identity protected under the law:
The trannies make many egregious demands. They want to forbid the use of the words mother and father. They use demeaning terms such as birthing parent, chest feeder, uterus haver and front hole haver in place of the word "woman." They demand that four and five year olds be taught they can change sex. They impose wrong sex pronouns that make a mockery of truth and logic.
There was a long twitter feed from, I think, James Lindsay, in which he talks about queer view of the world, in opposition to the gay. The queer view is to tear it all down, and completely blow up things to reorganize society, much like the anarchists around 1880. For the queer view of things, childhood innocence is not only silly, but needs to be punctured to ensure that .... some damn thing or another. I'll find it.
We need to bring back the old definition of the term "queer" which means "strange" or "peculiar." Queer is not a trendy compliment. It is a term of derision.
Exactly. Queering society means making abnormal normal and vice versa. Gay rights was about being accepted into normal society. Lindsay is great but my, he does go on.
Yes, he does exclusively it seems podcasts, which I hate. Much of what he says and writes I find very interesting and that it agrees with my thinking. I wish he would write more.
I completely agree that "Permitting intact biological males to invade the spaces of the opposite sex in the name of inclusivity is the triumph of ideology over common sense, human experience, and biological science", but EVERY Democrat in Congress has voted for exactly that, multiple times (votes on the Equality Act, which would make instantaneous gender self-ID a matter of federal law).
Just a quick clarification, as my kids attend the school in Loudoun County where the rape occurred (followed by an assault by the same perpetrator at a neighboring school). At the time of the rape, the transgender policy had not yet taken effect and so the perpetrator (a "gender fluid" male) was NOT supposed to be in the girl's bathroom. He had snuck in there against school rules. So the truth is a little different than sometimes conveyed. BUT, in my opinion, it still shows the inherent vulnerability that females have when in private spaces with males.
My husband and I have friends in that district. Their high school kids don’t use the bathroom at school. They have asked us if it’s the same here, and it is. Where we live there is a long line of cars at lunch at every high school in the county of parents picking their kids up at lunchtime pee because the kids are too terrified to go into the school bathrooms. There are also lots of health problems as a result.
Our own kids attend a top rankled private conservative k-12 school where biological sex determines sports and both room usage. Needless to say it has a long waiting list and high school homeschool is taking off.
Well, we have a different issue that has arisen - the way they decided to meet Policy 8040 (the transgender bathroom policy) was to add in single-use gender-inclusive bathrooms (in addition to the existing ones). The problem now is safety concerns because those single-use bathrooms .... lock. So kids get up to all kinds of shenanigans in those single-use bathrooms and also there's the danger of overdoes, assaults, etc. (and the teachers not being able to get into them quickly in case there is an issue).
I think generally it’s the permissive behavior contributing. I mean, girls should be scared of dudes with a penis in a private enclosed area. It’s our instinct. They should not be conditioned to turn that innate fear off and lose their own comfort to coddle delusions. Period. But I do think the bad stuff, at least at public schools here, goes beyond just the sex denialism. That’s more a symptom.
My kids’ school has over 1200 students. They don’t have fights. They don’t have people disrupting class. They aren’t scared of the bathroom because the kids know 💩 shot is not tolerated. They do have one of the best programs for kids with learning disabilities in the country, and an accomplished alumni list to rival any birding or prep school in the country. The kids are grateful to go to school there. They LOVE the school. They respect it. And every damn one of them, from k to 12, knows that if they throw a punch or cuss at a teacher or turn into a disruptive turd that they will lose the place they love. The kids don’t walk around in terror (nor would they love it if they did). There isn’t a question a bathroom incident would get them instantly booted. So the kids are respectful and grateful and have high expectations of each other.
I feel like the public schools, at least here, have been trying so hard to feel bad for and coddle (rather than really help) the worst kids. They have just decided to let the future inmates run the asylum. It’s “racist” to demand good behavior. It’s not inclusive to expect kids to pay attention in class. It’s violating their rights to tell them no phones. All this bananas crap is not teaching the kids anything - not academics and not how to function. The bathroom stuff is partially this trans 💩, and partially that it’s an easy place to get attacked and when the teachers don’t tell kids to knock it off in front of their faces, they sure as heck aren’t going to help some kid in the bathroom getting attacked. The few teachers who do risk a beat down themselves. It’s really sad.
Gender is a construct. Sex is real. That’s all there is to it. Gender identity does not change ones sex. A boy who now identifies as a girl is still a boy. He has a penis and he doesn’t belong in the girls’ locker room. Give him his own tight and inconvenient tent to change in. This “solution” really blew my mind. Really? Do we devalue girls and women that much?
We’ve given ourselves permission to lie…why? In order to be kind? To whom? Certainly not to girls and women. Stop lying. Gender is a construct. Sex is real.
I’d go further and say gender is made up nonsense. While there have been sex based norms, and descriptions, there have also been many exceptions in every society. When society doesn’t force roles based on sex, there are no universal personality traits, clothing styles, or hair styles. There are tendencies, but not forced expressions. Plenty of girls have short hair and boys have long hair. Plenty of girls play in the mug and boys prefer cleanliness. Clothing styles change all the time. The idea that liking a certain hair style or clothing or personality trait or hobby somehow comes together in in each of us differently both can’t be defined and is simultaneously some super real “gender” expression based on this ideology. It is crazy. If there are “genders” based on feelings and preferences and personality traits, there are 8 billion genders. It’s being a person and we all have our own mix of characteristics and choices. Sex is real. Gender isn’t.
This is exactly so. Nouns have gender. People have sex. There is literally no evidence that has even been offered that the subjective experience of gender dysphorics is anything like the experience of being a woman. Dyphorics have no idea how a woman feels.
The need for privacy and modesty in bathrooms is for both sexes. 'Shared' bathrooms in France that I have encountered have totally private stalls with floor to ceiling doors and solid walls. The sinks are in a shared space. North American bathrooms were never set up for true privacy or safety, they were built to be easy to clean.
Until that changes these norms should stay in place for everyone's *comfort and dignity.*
What's missing is the *consent* of everyone else who uses that facility.
These 'supports' for some are already deterrents to full participation in life and sport and society for others, and those others are mostly females. Until we get over the Cultural norm of wrecking female lives on the emotional whim of a single Male single sex bathrooms need to stay.
Have a separate bathroom set aside from those who choose to use it, but same sex bathrooms must remain "as is". It's a hard won effort for women/girls, many of which previously suffered greatly and went to great lengths, fighting for our own space. It is not trivial to suggest they should now give it up, in the name of politics and out of touch legislation.
Parents need to fight for their kids. Pull them out of school if they will not listen to you. Bums in seats means $$ for the school, and they will respond accordingly. This is only a massive issue in North America...have we become so privileged that we can no longer understand the basics of humanity?
It doesn't have to. Kids will figure this out in good time, as I'm sure many will end up in the courts, suing their parents for failing to protect them from puberty blockers and knife wielding surgeons which destroyed their lives.
We all have a right to be who we want to be. But to assume a young and impressionable child has the capability to make a life altering decision in the same capacity as an adult, is an abandonment of parental duty. Life is hard. Kids trying to escape that will only face bigger challenges later on in their life. It's our duty to prepare them for that.
Your plan is AGAINST THE LAW in most blue states, which ban discrimination against "gender identity".
That is, in those states (New York, New Jersey, California, Minnesota, Washington, etc etc), if I say I'm a girl, then I'm a girl, and I can use the facilities designated for girls, and no one can stop me.
Why are we supposed to pretend that these people do not have a mental disease? Like we are to pretend that the people living on the streets in LA and San Fran are not also sick? https://unherd.com/2023/04/is-trans-the-new-anorexia/
Why not ask the transgirls to use the pop-up tents for changing? Why not require transgirls to apply for a card/badge like the disabled people have in order to use the parking spots reserved for the disabled?
Sometimes it seems that the goal of the trans movement is to provoke and push boundaries, rather than, together with the normal community, find practical and reasonable solutions/accommodations.
Sometimes it seems that the normals are too quick to roll over for the demands of the extremists.
What is most troubling and heartbreaking is that girls/women are being pushed out of their hard-won spaces by people who are essentially male. This is the exact opposite of progress.
Stop teaching girls to “be kind”. No more “kindness matters” tshirts. It’s this messaging and then behavior that we expect from women. Sex matters. Make the boys accommodate all males, no matter how the male presents.
Your observations are accurate. My only comment would be to remove the qualifiers from your post.
"Sometimes it seems..." No. It doesn't just seem. The goal of the trans movement IS to provoke and push boundaries, rather than, together with the normal community, find practical and reasonable solutions/accommodations.
"Sometimes it seems..." Again, nope. The normals ARE too quick to roll over for the demands of the extremists.
"...girls/women are being pushed out of their hard-won spaces by people who are essentially male." Not ESSENTIALLY male. Just male.
"This is the exact opposite of progress." Indeed, it is.
It's not illegal, because that was an offer of accomodation that she was not required to use. It is illegal to require one subset of "girls" ("trans girls") to do something (use the pop-up tent) that another subset of "girls" ("cis girls") is not required to do. So a school could OFFER the pop-up tent to "trans girls" (who are, of course, actually boys), but the school could not REQUIRE them to use it.
I want to register my disagreement with your reading of the Bostock decision.
As I read the majority opinion and its analysis, the court held that - on the basis of the Price Waterhouse decision which prohibited use of sex-based stereotypes in employment under Title VII, the employer-defendants in Bostock were deemed to have discriminated against the male plaintiffs in hiring/firing on the basis of sex-based stereotypes - that men ought to be heterosexual, and that they ought not act like women (especially with respect to dress). The opinion made clear that the parties stipulated the existence of two sexes: male and female, and cited Price Waterhouse in support of the holding; Price Waterhouse addressed sex-stereotypes of women in employment decision-making (in that case, advancement). Which means Bostock should properly be understood as a "reverse sex-discrimination" case - and was rightly decided. No one should be subject to sex-stereotypes in employment under Title VII. I hope that FAIR will not contribute amicus filings using any other analysis of the holding of a case which appears to sex-based reasoning to keep employment decisions free from sex-stereotypes - for both women and men.
With respect to gender identity ideology - I certainly hope FAIR (and FIRE) will do whatever it can to protect the rights of women (and men) to assemble publicly and to openly air their views about the matter without fear of censure or violence. As an advocate for the rights and welfare of women and children, I consider gender identity ideology a men's sexual rights movement that is abusing the medical establishment and legal system to further its own agenda.
The facts:
There are men in women's prison cells (and consequent rapes).
Sexual and other assault victims are being compelled testify in language other than their own language (to wit: preferred pronouns) in court.
There are women who cannot obtain legal representation in malpractice cases against surgeon's experimenting on their bodies with disastrous results.
Regressive sex stereotypes have become the standard by which childhood is regulated, and the ordinary challenges of puberty have been pathologized.
Parents are at risk of losing custody of their children for attempting to protect them from the social contagion of gender identity ideology.
Citizens run the risk of losing employment for registering their dissent publicly, if they can, before they are banned from social media platforms. Women are subjected to violence in public fora for protesting in defense of women and children.
It's about time we legal professionals stand up to stop this nonsense.
Everything you say is true, in states where Democrats are in control and have passed laws allowing these atrocities. The filibuster has (so far) prevented similar federal laws from being enacted. But a Democrat majority in the Senate could end the filibuster.
So: vote Republican!
That's why I now do, after a half century as a Democrat voter and liberal activist.
That New York nursery school story does have my jaw on the floor, wow. For anyone interested in this topic, y’all might like my latest at the federalist - you need to start vetting your child’s doctor on this topic now, before they secretly put your kid on hormones and it’s too late…
While agree that more attention should be paid to long-held norms, trying to make special accomodations for the miniscule # of trans has backfired in several cases. A case in St. John's County Florida dragged on for 5 years. No telling how many millions have been wasted, when the student in question could have just used a gender-neutral restroom. The fact is that the progressive culture warriors will not rest until existing norms are completely overturned. No half-measures. See article below.
I just spent an hour arguing in the comments section of a Washington Post article written by a trans woman. She was saying that humans are not sexually dimorphic, but rather that sex/gender is "a world of different possibilities." All of these people tried to clobber me with unscientific arguments, ad hominems, and "Are you a biologist? Do you know any trans families?"as if that were relevant. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2023/05/01/transgender-biology-brain-science-freedom/
I wonder do women who trans to men feel unsafe in men’s bathrooms? We don’t hear about it? The trans activists have become bullies and don’t appear to want to acknowledge how they make women uncomfortable and feel unsafe. They shame women for their intolerance but dismiss the women’s feelings. If we are told not to feel unsafe then why do they feel unsafe in men’s restrooms? Women have to be aware all the time around men in vulnerable locations. It is just a fact of being a woman. We can’t confuse young girls so they become vulnerable just to appease a person who puts on woman’s face!
1. I was sexyally assaulted in a school bathroom when I was 13, so no, I don't want to use the restroom with penises. I am a victim and a female, but my fears are laughed at at I'm called names for feeling this way.
2. What is wrong with male, female, and co-ed options? You just add a co-ed. Easy.
Co-ed bathrooms won’t fix this problem. Trans activists don’t want to use the co-ed bathroom. They want access to the female bathroom. Remember “trans women are women“!
The point isn’t safe bathrooms. The point is validation. A third bathroom, team, or hell just expecting men to accommodate biological men regardless of presentation will never be enough. Women are expected to roll over on this just like always.
Trans women are not women. They are men who have feelings, but they can never feel like a woman. No part of their body, not a single cell, is female. Sex segregated spaces have existed as long as society has. It’s never been ok for people with a penis to demand to change in front of women and girls in this country. No, my daughter does not need to accept a penis in front of her. Not now, not ever. If you want to accommodate people, they can use a single person facility, and that is fine, but to say we should move towards a society where actual women and girls have no sex separated space of their own, no expectation of privacy, no right to bodily safety is regressive and misogynistic. Either you think the feelings of boys and men matter more than the biological reality women face everyday, and you are misogynist, or you acknowledge the plain truth that trans women are not women, and you protect women at the expense of hurting the feelings of delusional men. Single stall facilities are fine, but there is no middle ground on this and crap like “let’s get to where little girls face to look at a grown man’s or is is normal” is why I don’t give money to FAIR anymore.
Absolutely right, NC. There is no middle ground when it comes to the "trans" scam. Either you lap it up completely and sign your twelve year old daughter up for a bilateral mastectomy or you forever reject each and every one of the gender-bending lies for both children and adults.
I don't know why FAIR published this mealy mouthed essay. It's very disappointing to see FAIR cave into propaganda-lite.. And the propaganda grows more outrageous by the hour. A few days ago, the notorious femme faker, Mr. Dylan Mulvaney, stated that people who" misgender" people should be arrested. Dylan, it's you who should be arrested for "misgendering" yourself.
You’re so right about this article. Maybe one day we’ll be enlightened enough to get over our retrograde insistence on separate sex accommodations for girls and women? Even when they have no choice, girls will deny themselves water and avoid going to the bathroom ALL DAY in order to protect their privacy. Does the author get it?
The problem isn’t getting solved, but for a deeper reason. It’s one thing to have a group of petulant bullies — trans activists — demanding that their rights supersede those of all others. It’s another thing to see every institution of society acquiesce to their narcissistic demands as they steamroll over the rights of women and girls like we no longer matter. This is what female erasure looks like. I blame weak, corrupt liberals for allowing ideological bullying to overwhelm common sense: cowardly politicians, judges, school administrators, doctors, etc., for whom it’s simpler to betray the female sex than to seek a solution that would enable every child, regardless of genitalia, to go to the bathroom in peace. It could be done, if we cared about actual women and girls as much as we care about “trans children” who have been brainwashed to believe they were born in the wrong body.
Institutions are not acquiescing to activists. Institutions and activists are being used in an effort to cloak trans as a civil rights issue. There is big money involved with medical technology and pharmaceutical industries driving government, ngo’s,academia, activists etc. to install the trans agenda. This is a top down initiative that is occurring globally and simultaneously. Grassroots activism does not have the kind of power to drive neither global nor simultaneous shifts of this magnitude. It’s the big global players that stand to gain incalculable profits influencing all the downstream institutions.
You are right! We need to label them Penis, Vagina, and Anything goes.
That would be illegal discrimination against "gender identity" under current law in most blue states, and nationwide if Democrats ever manage to pass the federal Equality Act (which is supported by ALL Democrats in Congress).
Illegal discrimination against who? Adult Females? I mean, I get what you are saying, but at what point does it go so far over the line that it comes back full circle to actual females being discriminated against? I think the Dems picked this issue up because they played out their money grab with BLM last election and they need a new victim group. Does anyone ever notice once they secure rights for a people they immediately find a new victim?
Oh, we are already at "actual females being discriminated against". The Democrats, universally in Congress, do not care. There are a couple of very rare exceptions at the state government level, most recently a black male Democrat in the Kansas House who voted to protect women's sports, and was the deciding vote in overriding the illiberal Democrat female governor's veto. Yes, Democrat women routinely vote against their own interests. Don't ask me why, ask them.
I try not to be around the new Dems. I know some old school libs, and they are against it.
Brandy, your last sentence is 100% SPOT ON & should be so incredibly OBVIOUS to EVERYONE at this point. I am constantly amazed at how so many intelligent people fall for it. It's a definite money- maker and attention grabber for those in Power - AM I disillusioned to think more people have to start waking up and call bullshit? The "other side" - the R side is too stupid & therefore just as much to blame . And so because of that, it HASN'T been about "sides" for me for a long time. It's TOP- down, & therefore the question is: " How do the sane people from Both Parties, UNITE & chip away all this POWER? What I've been hearing and reading from RFK JR is as close as anyone in political power has come to EXPOSING the bullshit and wanting to blow it up.
I'm liking what I'm hearing from him, too. I'm definitely following him closely. I just want someone with some common sense to go along with their "education." All the education in the world teaches a person nothing about life, real life.
Any civilization that fails to protect children is a civilization in the process of collapse. A civilization that celebrates the victimization of children as virtue is in a state of conflagration.
That's not the issue. The question is whether normal children have rights, or if only trans deluded children have rights.
I entirely grant your point, but there is a way to frame it which avoids the inflammatory “normal” and “deluded.” The question is whether the right to “feel safe” trumps the right to actually “be safe”. Segregated facilities protect the actual safety of all girls who benefit from them, but decrease the actual safety of only a tiny sliver of unusual and rare children. Since we need to provide a safe environment for all children - including that tiny sliver - the humane and decent thing to do is provide them some kind of accommodation that addresses the actual level of hazard involved. There are simple and workable solutions to this minor problem which do not require that we overhaul 150 years of well established and workable practice.
Imho, it’s a natural reaction to bullying the majority into submission - biological men in women’s sports, locker rooms and bathrooms, calling everyone who asks questions or disagrees a transphobe, same as anyone who questions re-segregating kids according to their “intersectionality” is a racist. 1984 didn’t end well.
I'm sticking with normal. Trans is a delusional state, and society has been cowed into giving them the "special" status by bullying. People like you make the problem worse. There is no evidence that the trannies are other than deluded, and the trannie delusion leads to self-harm, self-mutilation, and bullying of others.
It is possible that people who are looking to persuade rather than condemn are making the problem worse. I am, indeed, one of those people. However I would ask that you consider those times in your past when you changed your own point of view about an issue of public concern. Did the shift come about because you were persuaded that you were in error? Or did it come about because you were insulted or shamed into changing your views?
Accommodating the bullies and granting them space is exactly why we are where we are now. I refuse to agree that telling lies to make others feel better is a sound social policy.
I think you are saying that we should make NO accommodation for transgender children. One reason for this stance might be that you think they are simply not at any actual risk. This might be true! In my experience trans activists often make wildly overstated claims (lies, actually) about the dangers these kids face. The most notorious example is the claim, not supported by any convincing evidence, that the alternative to "affirmative care" is increased likelihood of suicide. This is an empirical matter. The facts, so far, are not on the side of the activists, despite their bullying of parents, and it is bullying. I think it is likely, in fact, that in time we will find the opposite to be true: early transitioning may very well increase, in the long run, the suicidality of this cohort. But in any case we need to follow the truth where it takes us, and right now the assertion that "affirmative care" protects children is, as you say, an outrageous lie.
The problem is that we need to follow the facts, and when you say that trans children are simply not at risk using traditional segregated facilities you are on much shakier ground. It should not take the trans activists long to produce genuine cases where trans children have been physically abused because they had no alternative to traditional segregated facilities. In fact, the law of large numbers - combined with the crazy signal amplification of social media - practically guarantees it. The problem then, from a policy perspective, is that you have backed yourself into a corner where the answer to "What are we to do about vulnerable trans children, even if we grant that they are deluded?" is: tough cookies, boys, life is hard. Do you really want to defend that position? What do you then say to the activists who respond with the quite logical argument for desegregated bathrooms: tough cookies, girls, life is hard? Do you see the problem?
The argument I'm making is that if we grant the responsibility of adults to provide for the safety of all minors then segregated facilities are the obvious solution, with rare an exceptional accommodations for the unlucky children caught in the current madness. If you don't grant the responsibility of adults to provide for the safety of all minors in their care then you have no ground on which to stand when the bullies argue that they are no different than you, that is, indifferent to the safety of some children. If you do - as I also do - find the push to desegregate sex-specific facilities outrageous, you are going to convince far more of the fence-sitters on this issue with an appeal to safety than an appeal to normalcy. People understand safety.
Also, just to be clear: I don't care one whit about making people "feel better." That's what got us in this mess. I do care about convincing people to support policies with sane and sensible outcomes. It's why sound arguments matters. Sadly, a lot of people are confused and uncertain about this issue, as well demonstrated by Leigh Ann's depressing examples above.
Agreeing here. It is important to avoid using inflammatory language both because unnecessarily provoking another human being is a moral wrong, and because rather than persuading it hardens people opposed to you.
My present thinking at the moment is that being 'trans' is both a fad and an effect of social contagion for most teens, though there may be a small minority of people for whom transitioning is truly the best option. And that the trans-affirming narrative is really leading teens into making disastrous unnecessary choices, so it needs to be opposed intelligently on that front.
Regarding bathrooms, and moreso locker rooms, these must be maintained as safe spaces for girls/women, and, not just safe but comfortable. People are acting as if the only worry is rape but really women are entitled to feel at ease in their safe spaces.
Again, it is harder to avoid using inflammatory language because we are often on the receiving end of same and it makes you angry. But to persuade and maintain credibility I agree it is important to avoid it..
"Regarding bathrooms, and moreso locker rooms, these must be maintained as safe spaces for girls/women, and, not just safe but comfortable."
Which is absolutely not happening now. In blue states like New York, New Jersey, and California, male rapists in prison can (and do) declare themselves "trans", and are then housed in women's prisons. https://womensliberationfront.org/chandler-v-cdcr
ALL Democrats in Congress have voted for the Equality Act, which would make these policies a matter of federal law, with instantaneous, nfinitely changeable, and unchallengeable gender self-ID the law of the land.
Which is why, at age 67, after a lifetime as a liberal activist and Democratic Party member and voter, I now vote exclusively for Republicans.
George, you took the words right out of my mouth.
It is appalling. I have heard multiple stories from across the UK of girls not drinking water during the day so they can avoid the mixed bathrooms where boys deliberately pee on the seats or try to look under the stall doors. No one is taking their concerns seriously.
If I have children I would seriously contemplate home schooling for the first time in my life. I am left wing and not religious and I have always thought home schooling was a bad idea, especially for the socialization of children. But now I am not sure I would trust any school not to indoctrinate my child and expose him/her to dubious practices.
I’m also left wing and not religious, and I have been homeschooling my four children for 11 years now. Come join us! It’s not at all what you think it is. And the kids are plenty social. ;)
That's great to hear! I really like the idea of forest kindergartens. Been reading about them.
Actually, there are nonreligious, homeschooling programs for high achieving children. You just have to look for them. And kids can enroll in group activities, too.
Sounds good!
It strikes me that we can fully respect the rights of transgender persons without simultaneously infringing on the rights of the vast majority. For one thing, a fully intact biological male is not a "transgender girl" unless one believes that biological sex is a mere social construct. Permitting intact biological males to invade the spaces of the opposite sex in the name of inclusivity is the triumph of ideology over common sense, human experience, and biological science.
Well, actually, that is not true. The trannie bullies demand that we cancel the rights of privacy for the normal kids. That's the exact demand. It's "We want to use the wrong-sex bathroom/locker room, and do not agree that there is a right to privacy for normal kids".
In fact, many trannie and trannie allies argue that the BENEFIT of the forcing of the trannies into the former single-sex space is to puncture the innocence of the child. They believe that the innocence is a false thing. This leads, pretty quickly, to defending pedophile sex.
The pedophilia observation is warranted. Here's a public Substack article by Kara Dansky regarding the recent election to the office of State Representative of a trans-identified man in Minnesota, who ran on a platform of making pedophilia a recognized sexual identity protected under the law:
eww just looked leigh up. how are these freaks infiltrating society? it's sanctioned perversity.
When we elect people like that, it’s on us. What a tragedy.
The trannies make many egregious demands. They want to forbid the use of the words mother and father. They use demeaning terms such as birthing parent, chest feeder, uterus haver and front hole haver in place of the word "woman." They demand that four and five year olds be taught they can change sex. They impose wrong sex pronouns that make a mockery of truth and logic.
There was a long twitter feed from, I think, James Lindsay, in which he talks about queer view of the world, in opposition to the gay. The queer view is to tear it all down, and completely blow up things to reorganize society, much like the anarchists around 1880. For the queer view of things, childhood innocence is not only silly, but needs to be punctured to ensure that .... some damn thing or another. I'll find it.
We need to bring back the old definition of the term "queer" which means "strange" or "peculiar." Queer is not a trendy compliment. It is a term of derision.
Exactly. Queering society means making abnormal normal and vice versa. Gay rights was about being accepted into normal society. Lindsay is great but my, he does go on.
Yes, he does exclusively it seems podcasts, which I hate. Much of what he says and writes I find very interesting and that it agrees with my thinking. I wish he would write more.
I completely agree that "Permitting intact biological males to invade the spaces of the opposite sex in the name of inclusivity is the triumph of ideology over common sense, human experience, and biological science", but EVERY Democrat in Congress has voted for exactly that, multiple times (votes on the Equality Act, which would make instantaneous gender self-ID a matter of federal law).
Just a quick clarification, as my kids attend the school in Loudoun County where the rape occurred (followed by an assault by the same perpetrator at a neighboring school). At the time of the rape, the transgender policy had not yet taken effect and so the perpetrator (a "gender fluid" male) was NOT supposed to be in the girl's bathroom. He had snuck in there against school rules. So the truth is a little different than sometimes conveyed. BUT, in my opinion, it still shows the inherent vulnerability that females have when in private spaces with males.
My husband and I have friends in that district. Their high school kids don’t use the bathroom at school. They have asked us if it’s the same here, and it is. Where we live there is a long line of cars at lunch at every high school in the county of parents picking their kids up at lunchtime pee because the kids are too terrified to go into the school bathrooms. There are also lots of health problems as a result.
Our own kids attend a top rankled private conservative k-12 school where biological sex determines sports and both room usage. Needless to say it has a long waiting list and high school homeschool is taking off.
Well, we have a different issue that has arisen - the way they decided to meet Policy 8040 (the transgender bathroom policy) was to add in single-use gender-inclusive bathrooms (in addition to the existing ones). The problem now is safety concerns because those single-use bathrooms .... lock. So kids get up to all kinds of shenanigans in those single-use bathrooms and also there's the danger of overdoes, assaults, etc. (and the teachers not being able to get into them quickly in case there is an issue).
I think generally it’s the permissive behavior contributing. I mean, girls should be scared of dudes with a penis in a private enclosed area. It’s our instinct. They should not be conditioned to turn that innate fear off and lose their own comfort to coddle delusions. Period. But I do think the bad stuff, at least at public schools here, goes beyond just the sex denialism. That’s more a symptom.
My kids’ school has over 1200 students. They don’t have fights. They don’t have people disrupting class. They aren’t scared of the bathroom because the kids know 💩 shot is not tolerated. They do have one of the best programs for kids with learning disabilities in the country, and an accomplished alumni list to rival any birding or prep school in the country. The kids are grateful to go to school there. They LOVE the school. They respect it. And every damn one of them, from k to 12, knows that if they throw a punch or cuss at a teacher or turn into a disruptive turd that they will lose the place they love. The kids don’t walk around in terror (nor would they love it if they did). There isn’t a question a bathroom incident would get them instantly booted. So the kids are respectful and grateful and have high expectations of each other.
I feel like the public schools, at least here, have been trying so hard to feel bad for and coddle (rather than really help) the worst kids. They have just decided to let the future inmates run the asylum. It’s “racist” to demand good behavior. It’s not inclusive to expect kids to pay attention in class. It’s violating their rights to tell them no phones. All this bananas crap is not teaching the kids anything - not academics and not how to function. The bathroom stuff is partially this trans 💩, and partially that it’s an easy place to get attacked and when the teachers don’t tell kids to knock it off in front of their faces, they sure as heck aren’t going to help some kid in the bathroom getting attacked. The few teachers who do risk a beat down themselves. It’s really sad.
Gender is a construct. Sex is real. That’s all there is to it. Gender identity does not change ones sex. A boy who now identifies as a girl is still a boy. He has a penis and he doesn’t belong in the girls’ locker room. Give him his own tight and inconvenient tent to change in. This “solution” really blew my mind. Really? Do we devalue girls and women that much?
We’ve given ourselves permission to lie…why? In order to be kind? To whom? Certainly not to girls and women. Stop lying. Gender is a construct. Sex is real.
I’d go further and say gender is made up nonsense. While there have been sex based norms, and descriptions, there have also been many exceptions in every society. When society doesn’t force roles based on sex, there are no universal personality traits, clothing styles, or hair styles. There are tendencies, but not forced expressions. Plenty of girls have short hair and boys have long hair. Plenty of girls play in the mug and boys prefer cleanliness. Clothing styles change all the time. The idea that liking a certain hair style or clothing or personality trait or hobby somehow comes together in in each of us differently both can’t be defined and is simultaneously some super real “gender” expression based on this ideology. It is crazy. If there are “genders” based on feelings and preferences and personality traits, there are 8 billion genders. It’s being a person and we all have our own mix of characteristics and choices. Sex is real. Gender isn’t.
This is exactly so. Nouns have gender. People have sex. There is literally no evidence that has even been offered that the subjective experience of gender dysphorics is anything like the experience of being a woman. Dyphorics have no idea how a woman feels.
The need for privacy and modesty in bathrooms is for both sexes. 'Shared' bathrooms in France that I have encountered have totally private stalls with floor to ceiling doors and solid walls. The sinks are in a shared space. North American bathrooms were never set up for true privacy or safety, they were built to be easy to clean.
Until that changes these norms should stay in place for everyone's *comfort and dignity.*
What's missing is the *consent* of everyone else who uses that facility.
These 'supports' for some are already deterrents to full participation in life and sport and society for others, and those others are mostly females. Until we get over the Cultural norm of wrecking female lives on the emotional whim of a single Male single sex bathrooms need to stay.
Have a separate bathroom set aside from those who choose to use it, but same sex bathrooms must remain "as is". It's a hard won effort for women/girls, many of which previously suffered greatly and went to great lengths, fighting for our own space. It is not trivial to suggest they should now give it up, in the name of politics and out of touch legislation.
Parents need to fight for their kids. Pull them out of school if they will not listen to you. Bums in seats means $$ for the school, and they will respond accordingly. This is only a massive issue in North America...have we become so privileged that we can no longer understand the basics of humanity?
Good suggestion but it won't appease the activists:
It doesn't have to. Kids will figure this out in good time, as I'm sure many will end up in the courts, suing their parents for failing to protect them from puberty blockers and knife wielding surgeons which destroyed their lives.
We all have a right to be who we want to be. But to assume a young and impressionable child has the capability to make a life altering decision in the same capacity as an adult, is an abandonment of parental duty. Life is hard. Kids trying to escape that will only face bigger challenges later on in their life. It's our duty to prepare them for that.
Your plan is AGAINST THE LAW in most blue states, which ban discrimination against "gender identity".
That is, in those states (New York, New Jersey, California, Minnesota, Washington, etc etc), if I say I'm a girl, then I'm a girl, and I can use the facilities designated for girls, and no one can stop me.
And who writes those laws? Legislation is governed by THE PEOPLE. The populace determines what we want. If you're unhappy, change it.
Democrats write these laws, and universally vote for them.
If you don't like these laws, vote for Republicans.
At age 67, after a lifetime as a liberal Democrat acitivist and voter, that is what I now do.
Why are we supposed to pretend that these people do not have a mental disease? Like we are to pretend that the people living on the streets in LA and San Fran are not also sick? https://unherd.com/2023/04/is-trans-the-new-anorexia/
Why not ask the transgirls to use the pop-up tents for changing? Why not require transgirls to apply for a card/badge like the disabled people have in order to use the parking spots reserved for the disabled?
Sometimes it seems that the goal of the trans movement is to provoke and push boundaries, rather than, together with the normal community, find practical and reasonable solutions/accommodations.
Sometimes it seems that the normals are too quick to roll over for the demands of the extremists.
What is most troubling and heartbreaking is that girls/women are being pushed out of their hard-won spaces by people who are essentially male. This is the exact opposite of progress.
Stop teaching girls to “be kind”. No more “kindness matters” tshirts. It’s this messaging and then behavior that we expect from women. Sex matters. Make the boys accommodate all males, no matter how the male presents.
Stop voting for Democrats, if you want to change the laws in blue states back to what they were before the trans ideologues took control.
Your observations are accurate. My only comment would be to remove the qualifiers from your post.
"Sometimes it seems..." No. It doesn't just seem. The goal of the trans movement IS to provoke and push boundaries, rather than, together with the normal community, find practical and reasonable solutions/accommodations.
"Sometimes it seems..." Again, nope. The normals ARE too quick to roll over for the demands of the extremists.
"...girls/women are being pushed out of their hard-won spaces by people who are essentially male." Not ESSENTIALLY male. Just male.
"This is the exact opposite of progress." Indeed, it is.
"Why not ask the transgirls to use the pop-up tents for changing?"
That would be AGAINST THE LAW in most blue states, it would constitute illegal discrimination against "gender identity".
And it will be illegal under federal law if the Democrats ever manage to pass the Equality Act (which they ALL support).
But the female student was asked to use a popup tent. Shouldn't that be illegal too??
It's not illegal, because that was an offer of accomodation that she was not required to use. It is illegal to require one subset of "girls" ("trans girls") to do something (use the pop-up tent) that another subset of "girls" ("cis girls") is not required to do. So a school could OFFER the pop-up tent to "trans girls" (who are, of course, actually boys), but the school could not REQUIRE them to use it.
Thanks for the explanation!
I want to register my disagreement with your reading of the Bostock decision.
As I read the majority opinion and its analysis, the court held that - on the basis of the Price Waterhouse decision which prohibited use of sex-based stereotypes in employment under Title VII, the employer-defendants in Bostock were deemed to have discriminated against the male plaintiffs in hiring/firing on the basis of sex-based stereotypes - that men ought to be heterosexual, and that they ought not act like women (especially with respect to dress). The opinion made clear that the parties stipulated the existence of two sexes: male and female, and cited Price Waterhouse in support of the holding; Price Waterhouse addressed sex-stereotypes of women in employment decision-making (in that case, advancement). Which means Bostock should properly be understood as a "reverse sex-discrimination" case - and was rightly decided. No one should be subject to sex-stereotypes in employment under Title VII. I hope that FAIR will not contribute amicus filings using any other analysis of the holding of a case which appears to sex-based reasoning to keep employment decisions free from sex-stereotypes - for both women and men.
With respect to gender identity ideology - I certainly hope FAIR (and FIRE) will do whatever it can to protect the rights of women (and men) to assemble publicly and to openly air their views about the matter without fear of censure or violence. As an advocate for the rights and welfare of women and children, I consider gender identity ideology a men's sexual rights movement that is abusing the medical establishment and legal system to further its own agenda.
The facts:
There are men in women's prison cells (and consequent rapes).
Sexual and other assault victims are being compelled testify in language other than their own language (to wit: preferred pronouns) in court.
There are women who cannot obtain legal representation in malpractice cases against surgeon's experimenting on their bodies with disastrous results.
Regressive sex stereotypes have become the standard by which childhood is regulated, and the ordinary challenges of puberty have been pathologized.
Parents are at risk of losing custody of their children for attempting to protect them from the social contagion of gender identity ideology.
Citizens run the risk of losing employment for registering their dissent publicly, if they can, before they are banned from social media platforms. Women are subjected to violence in public fora for protesting in defense of women and children.
It's about time we legal professionals stand up to stop this nonsense.
Leslie Sudock, Esq.
Everything you say is true, in states where Democrats are in control and have passed laws allowing these atrocities. The filibuster has (so far) prevented similar federal laws from being enacted. But a Democrat majority in the Senate could end the filibuster.
So: vote Republican!
That's why I now do, after a half century as a Democrat voter and liberal activist.
That New York nursery school story does have my jaw on the floor, wow. For anyone interested in this topic, y’all might like my latest at the federalist - you need to start vetting your child’s doctor on this topic now, before they secretly put your kid on hormones and it’s too late…
While agree that more attention should be paid to long-held norms, trying to make special accomodations for the miniscule # of trans has backfired in several cases. A case in St. John's County Florida dragged on for 5 years. No telling how many millions have been wasted, when the student in question could have just used a gender-neutral restroom. The fact is that the progressive culture warriors will not rest until existing norms are completely overturned. No half-measures. See article below.
I just spent an hour arguing in the comments section of a Washington Post article written by a trans woman. She was saying that humans are not sexually dimorphic, but rather that sex/gender is "a world of different possibilities." All of these people tried to clobber me with unscientific arguments, ad hominems, and "Are you a biologist? Do you know any trans families?"as if that were relevant. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2023/05/01/transgender-biology-brain-science-freedom/
This is society's 2+2=5 moment.
I wonder do women who trans to men feel unsafe in men’s bathrooms? We don’t hear about it? The trans activists have become bullies and don’t appear to want to acknowledge how they make women uncomfortable and feel unsafe. They shame women for their intolerance but dismiss the women’s feelings. If we are told not to feel unsafe then why do they feel unsafe in men’s restrooms? Women have to be aware all the time around men in vulnerable locations. It is just a fact of being a woman. We can’t confuse young girls so they become vulnerable just to appease a person who puts on woman’s face!