Freedom Caps and the Pursuit of National Harmony
For FAIR’s Substack, Michael and Raphael Rosen write about Freedom Caps and a path toward healing deeply rooted in the Civil Rights Movement.
Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel marched alongside John Lewis and Martin Luther King Jr., wearing his yarmulke as a symbol of humility before God. Heschel’s proud and unapologetic participation in the march earned him the sincere appreciation of many of the marchers. Hundreds of black marchers wore yarmulkes as they marched through Lowndes County. They called the head coverings “Freedom Caps.” A reporter noted, “The demand for yarmulkes was so great that an order has been wired for delivery of 1,000 when the marchers arrive in Montgomery later this week.”
A Transsexual, a Gay Man, and a Liberal Feminist Walk Into a School Board Meeting...
FAIR Advisor Lisa Selin Davis shares a video of her speaking at a New York City school board meeting.
Last night, I had the honor and privilege of speaking with Cori Cohn and Ben Appel at a subcommittee meeting of CEC D2—New York City’s version of a school board. The main CEC meetings have been disrupted by activists for months, who’ve hummed and bowed heads and turned backs in a show of religious fealty to their own ideas. Last night, there were only a few of them, and though they had a very hard time listening to, hearing, or understanding us, I saw a few of them try. Please watch and share this video. Please help us get the message out that there’s more than one way to approach trans identification, gender identity, gender nonconformity. Please help us create an environment in which people can get all the information.
To understand modern political polarization, you have to go back 53 years.
For her Substack The Certainty Trap, FAIR Advisor Ilana Redstone writes about the roots of modern polarization.
On March 8, 1971, SCOTUS came to a unanimous decision on Griggs v. Duke Power Co., thereby establishing that discrimination could exist without discriminatory intent (i.e., disparate impact). As understandable as this decision was given the timing and nature of Duke Power’s actions, it inadvertently created the conditions for what I have called "The Certainty Trap." The removal of the consideration of intent, and the way that decision affected our moral sensibilities more generally, blurred the line between what ought to be and what is in a way that made good faith disagreement impossible.
Education Technology’s Broken Promises: Can AI Break the Cycle?
FAIR Advisor Robert Pondiscio joins AEI’s John Bailey, Alex Baron of E. L. Haynes Public Charter School, and Daisy Christodoulou of No More Marking for a discussion about the promises and pitfalls of this new age of education technology.
Michael Shellenberger Exposes Who’s to Blame for the LA Fire Disaster
FAIR Advisor Michael Shellenberger sits down with John Papola to discuss the LA fire disaster and what it reveals about California’s leadership crisis.
Why ‘SLAPP’ lawsuits chill free speech and threaten the First Amendment
For FIRE’s Newsdesk, Angel Eduardo writes about “Strategic lawsuits against public participation” and how they threaten free speech.
SLAPP suits are not actually intended to win on the merits of their claims. Rather, their purpose is to bully their targets and to cost them significant time and resources as punishment for their criticisms or comments. They also warn other potential critics to hush up, or else they might be next.
This can be a very effective means of silencing dissent and suppressing disfavored speech — which has drastic consequences for our political and cultural discourse. After all, if your public participation lands you in expensive and exhausting legal proceedings, you’re not going to be very keen to participate in public.
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Let me guess: bad government, DEI, Woke and Progressive politics caused fires in Los Angeles because liberals are in cahoots with Democrats to subsidize fire insurance, when they should be bulldozing fire breaks all over the Santa Monica Mountains, but because some rare endangered animals might go extinct, and because people don’t take personal responsibility for anything anymore, the region has “allowed” unconscionable levels of risk to accumulate by not funding the development of helicopters the size of the Spruce Goose to fly in 90-mile-an-hour winds with 50,000 gallons of water activated by a satellite remote heat sensing system which would achieve 100% fire suppression, as well as not doing “controlled burning” like Nomadic Native Americans were able to burn the region every year 500 years ago and live in harmony with the region with their hilltop McMansions.
Oh, and at a retreat for Hollywood Celebrities near the Inn of the Seventh Ray in Topanga Canyon, celebrities were humoring transients by sharing joints in a hot tub and let an ember escape into the local brush, where the flame traveled preternaturally nearly 1000 miles an hour devouring nice people in its wake.
And Covid.
Shellenberger. Goodness.
As long as you affilialtle with Michael SHellenberger you will lack all credibility.
I dont read our stuff any more and am about to unsubscribe. I dont mind dissenters but I do mind dissemblers and opportunists, especially when they are uninformed and self promoting.