Yes, DEI is the problem. When I see the word equity, I know the rot is still in the concept. We can't all be 5'10", blonde, and beautiful. Nor should we all be. Equality = opportunity to be your best
Equity = outcome
Shall I demand to have my legs stretched and hair dyed forever to be like previous example? No. And, I shouldn't and don't want to do that, either.
Yes, DEI is the problem. When I see the word equity, I know the rot is still in the concept. We can't all be 5'10", blonde, and beautiful. Nor should we all be. Equality = opportunity to be your best
Equity = outcome
Shall I demand to have my legs stretched and hair dyed forever to be like previous example? No. And, I shouldn't and don't want to do that, either.
Yes, DEI is the problem. When I see the word equity, I know the rot is still in the concept. We can't all be 5'10", blonde, and beautiful. Nor should we all be. Equality = opportunity to be your best
Equity = outcome
Shall I demand to have my legs stretched and hair dyed forever to be like previous example? No. And, I shouldn't and don't want to do that, either.