Blacks think, like any adolescent that, it’s all about them. I can’t wait for the massive amounts of Latinos and Asians that the Biden Administration is encouraging to come across the border to create such a mass in inner cities that they’ll overwhelm dysfunctional black communities. New immigration is the only event that will cleanse the rot. That will be one for the Ethnic Studies classes.
Blacks think, like any adolescent that, it’s all about them. I can’t wait for the massive amounts of Latinos and Asians that the Biden Administration is encouraging to come across the border to create such a mass in inner cities that they’ll overwhelm dysfunctional black communities. New immigration is the only event that will cleanse the rot. That will be one for the Ethnic Studies classes.
I don't think she can. The Chandras of the world have a mental age of about seven or eight. Did she order you to "define your terms" yet? Another one of her favorite stock phrases is "data and facts." "She" claims she's a teacher, but I think she's more likely a Russian troll working out of a troll farm.
Keep it coming Chandy. I can report your comments all day long. Nobody is fooled by your lies and BS about being a victim. Nobody, not even you. No one here cares about you, your dead mother, your granddaddy or where you come from. All we care about is where you're going: away. I've now warned you several times to leave me alone. Better quit while you're ahead, kiddo.
Blacks think, like any adolescent that, it’s all about them. I can’t wait for the massive amounts of Latinos and Asians that the Biden Administration is encouraging to come across the border to create such a mass in inner cities that they’ll overwhelm dysfunctional black communities. New immigration is the only event that will cleanse the rot. That will be one for the Ethnic Studies classes.
Chandra, do yourself a favor and give it a rest.
I don't think she can. The Chandras of the world have a mental age of about seven or eight. Did she order you to "define your terms" yet? Another one of her favorite stock phrases is "data and facts." "She" claims she's a teacher, but I think she's more likely a Russian troll working out of a troll farm.
Keep it coming Chandy. I can report your comments all day long. Nobody is fooled by your lies and BS about being a victim. Nobody, not even you. No one here cares about you, your dead mother, your granddaddy or where you come from. All we care about is where you're going: away. I've now warned you several times to leave me alone. Better quit while you're ahead, kiddo.