I pity Florida and would never live there, but my interest is in the bigger picture. You have a (literally) one-sided view. Mine is more expansive. Labels, identity politics, and tribalism are threats to continued human existence, and both the right and left practice these antisocial behaviors. Inferior minds can grumble and debate over which one is worse, but in that contest whoever holds the moral high ground is still just as misguided, tainted and corrupt as that which they claim superiority over. If you want to be one of the masses tilting at windmills and fighting paper tigers, be my guest. I have more important ideas to consider. In your shrill and rigid thinking, you have truly missed the forest for the trees.
Spoken like a real teacher, Chandy. You truly do believe in raising the bar for women, because I've never been stalked by one before. Thank you for proving to all of us that women can degrade themselves and be just as vile as men in their online trolling. That's the greatest lesson you ever taught (and likely the only one), Teach.
I pity Florida and would never live there, but my interest is in the bigger picture. You have a (literally) one-sided view. Mine is more expansive. Labels, identity politics, and tribalism are threats to continued human existence, and both the right and left practice these antisocial behaviors. Inferior minds can grumble and debate over which one is worse, but in that contest whoever holds the moral high ground is still just as misguided, tainted and corrupt as that which they claim superiority over. If you want to be one of the masses tilting at windmills and fighting paper tigers, be my guest. I have more important ideas to consider. In your shrill and rigid thinking, you have truly missed the forest for the trees.
When do you find time to teach, with all the lecturing you do? ...And stalking, my god.
Spoken like a real teacher, Chandy. You truly do believe in raising the bar for women, because I've never been stalked by one before. Thank you for proving to all of us that women can degrade themselves and be just as vile as men in their online trolling. That's the greatest lesson you ever taught (and likely the only one), Teach.