All the Jews İ know, myself included, do indeed define ourselves as a race. İ am so disgusted on the hyper fixation of Jews in the world today. Why is so much time and energy being spent on trying to define such a small percentage of the population? The really dark, ugly depths of insanity that All of humanity sank to in the past is apparently a pool they still enjoy swimming in; the propaganda and the limitlessness of evil the nazis plumbed to torture Jews every waking moment of everyday, way before they began to round us up and then systematically exterminate us, is something most people refuse to educate themselves on, believe, or just couldn't care less about, therefore there is no real meaningful conversation taking place today. The ADL are cowards who have strayed far from their original purpose and intersectionality makes it messy and inconvenient to teach what "atrocities committed"actually means. Can you even begin to picture in your mind the horror of what the atrocities themselves looked like? Smelt like? Felt like? Still feel like? When mayor de blasio refused to remove a plack dedicated to a nazi on the Canyon of Heros, his excuse - it's too expensive to remove - then no. No. İ don't think you can. İ guess it's okay for some statues to be toppled though, and expense be damned?! As plain as the nose running away from major Kovalyov's visage - the modern world wants nothing more than to sanitize the Holocaust and put Jews in a little box and blow their ashes away. Holocaust education is now nothing more than a non empirical exercise of redefinition. Whoopi used her celebrity and her platform, which reaches millions of viewers daily, to spread an ideology in which she denigrated a RACE different from her own, and that is problematic. İf Woopi sees herself as a provocateur, then she knows what she says openly, on a public platform, comes with risks, and the consequence of her actions and words may end her relationship with her employer. İt is also unfortunate that Whoopi's apology was scripted and incinscere. İf her opinions/ comments disparaged any other group there would be no discussion, she would be terminated, but when it comes to Jews, too many cast an evil eye upon us and demand we keep quiet - and be invisible.
Anyone who holds Whoopi's often-expressed views on race is discredited on the subject.
And while Jews mostly do not define themselves as a race, the Nazis did so define them, and rounded up whomever they could find who looked Ashkenazi even if he practiced some other faith. Of course Jews were not their only target group, just the largest. Catholics, Gypsies, and gays were also sent to the camps.
The Nazis were in error when they called Judaism an inferior race and used that definition to justify the horrific Holocaust. Judaism is a religion not a race. Why are people today adopting the Nazis’ definition?
Judaism is a religion; Jews are an ethno-religious group. The thrust of the first half of this article is that Jews don't conform to the American conception of race and religion as distinct types of categories.
In fact, this blending of religious and ethnic identity was incredibly common in the ancient Middle East and there exist today multiple ethno-religious groups in the levant, such as the Druze and the Samaritans.
So we can agree that an “ethnic-religious group” is not a race even if the Nazis erroneously believed it was? Sadly religious wars killed millions just as the Holocaust did.
Meaning of the term Race has been changing overtime. Per Wikipedia "A race is a categorization of humans based on shared physical OR social qualities into groups generally viewed as distinct within a given society". The same time there are no doubts that Antisemitism must be included in what is viewed as Racism.
Thanks. This is a great companion essay to Andrew Sullivan's article, "The Antisemitism in Antiwhiteness".
All the Jews İ know, myself included, do indeed define ourselves as a race. İ am so disgusted on the hyper fixation of Jews in the world today. Why is so much time and energy being spent on trying to define such a small percentage of the population? The really dark, ugly depths of insanity that All of humanity sank to in the past is apparently a pool they still enjoy swimming in; the propaganda and the limitlessness of evil the nazis plumbed to torture Jews every waking moment of everyday, way before they began to round us up and then systematically exterminate us, is something most people refuse to educate themselves on, believe, or just couldn't care less about, therefore there is no real meaningful conversation taking place today. The ADL are cowards who have strayed far from their original purpose and intersectionality makes it messy and inconvenient to teach what "atrocities committed"actually means. Can you even begin to picture in your mind the horror of what the atrocities themselves looked like? Smelt like? Felt like? Still feel like? When mayor de blasio refused to remove a plack dedicated to a nazi on the Canyon of Heros, his excuse - it's too expensive to remove - then no. No. İ don't think you can. İ guess it's okay for some statues to be toppled though, and expense be damned?! As plain as the nose running away from major Kovalyov's visage - the modern world wants nothing more than to sanitize the Holocaust and put Jews in a little box and blow their ashes away. Holocaust education is now nothing more than a non empirical exercise of redefinition. Whoopi used her celebrity and her platform, which reaches millions of viewers daily, to spread an ideology in which she denigrated a RACE different from her own, and that is problematic. İf Woopi sees herself as a provocateur, then she knows what she says openly, on a public platform, comes with risks, and the consequence of her actions and words may end her relationship with her employer. İt is also unfortunate that Whoopi's apology was scripted and incinscere. İf her opinions/ comments disparaged any other group there would be no discussion, she would be terminated, but when it comes to Jews, too many cast an evil eye upon us and demand we keep quiet - and be invisible.
Anyone who holds Whoopi's often-expressed views on race is discredited on the subject.
And while Jews mostly do not define themselves as a race, the Nazis did so define them, and rounded up whomever they could find who looked Ashkenazi even if he practiced some other faith. Of course Jews were not their only target group, just the largest. Catholics, Gypsies, and gays were also sent to the camps.
The Nazis were in error when they called Judaism an inferior race and used that definition to justify the horrific Holocaust. Judaism is a religion not a race. Why are people today adopting the Nazis’ definition?
Judaism is a religion; Jews are an ethno-religious group. The thrust of the first half of this article is that Jews don't conform to the American conception of race and religion as distinct types of categories.
In fact, this blending of religious and ethnic identity was incredibly common in the ancient Middle East and there exist today multiple ethno-religious groups in the levant, such as the Druze and the Samaritans.
So we can agree that an “ethnic-religious group” is not a race even if the Nazis erroneously believed it was? Sadly religious wars killed millions just as the Holocaust did.
Meaning of the term Race has been changing overtime. Per Wikipedia "A race is a categorization of humans based on shared physical OR social qualities into groups generally viewed as distinct within a given society". The same time there are no doubts that Antisemitism must be included in what is viewed as Racism.