This Giving Tuesday, Support FAIR's Pro-Human Mission
We support diversity without division—join us.
This year’s election sent a powerful message: Americans are ready to move beyond identity-based practices and toward unity, fairness, and shared humanity. At FAIR, we’ve been preparing for this moment, and we are uniquely positioned to deliver the solutions our communities need.
Your support today can help us seize this opportunity to open new doors, foster meaningful conversations, and implement lasting change. Your gift will fund several of our efforts:
Precedent-setting lawsuits, like DePiero v. Penn State University, Lee v. DeAnza College, Gustilo v. Hennepin Healthcare System, Jackson v. University of North Texas;
Legal advocacy initiatives to safeguard women’s spaces;
Educational and outreach efforts that drive viewpoint diversity and open inquiry in K-12, Higher Education, and Medical practice;
Grants and community initiatives that support censored or silenced artists; and
Development and roll-out of FAIR’s Pro-Human alternative to divisive, liberated Ethnic Studies curricula
Together, we can shift hearts and minds, challenge illiberal practices, and promote a cultural shift toward fairness and understanding.
Make a gift this Giving Tuesday and help FAIR build a future where we see each other for who we are—by our character and actions, not our differences. Thank you for being part of this vital work.