Amazing courage. I remember the progress that we made in the 1990s up through 2014 having worked on cross-cultural mentoring and reconciliation in the church. Having elected Obama it seemed like we were at a new level in our country establishing the full MLK vision. Unfortunately, many under 30ish believed lies on social media and from colleges set on CRT. We need your story to be told to get us back on the right track.

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Yes we do. This woman should be interviewed on tv and be on college tours to help dispel the crt brainwashing.

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People may underestimate the courage it took to do the things Ms Irby did—doubly so her being a her.

Now aside re: the war on poverty. That’s a joke. How do you win a war on poverty by constantly importing poor people? You don’t. It was a “war” always meant to be lost and ongoing. Its a jobs program. Which will happen first ? We run out of money (already happened) or the third world run out of poor people? We have no border

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Thank you for writing that. You clearly know what your talking about You have seen and done a LOT of good things!!

So sad & frightening to see so much hard work done by brave wise people be thrown to the side & too often walked on ignored, and sadly even scoffed at. You should be interviewed on the main news channels each night. Maybe then more of us would wake up & be MORE grateful for HOW VERY FAR we’ve come & the VERY real potential for even more people to reach great heights of accomplishment & contentment & peace.

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Civil rights and integration were vital but Johnson’s programs have made things worse. He sought to make minorities dependent on the government and it will take great effort to reverse the results of his terrible programs.

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The Civil Rights Movement highlighted the pain and suffering of race-based slavery, race-based segregation, and race-based exploitation. The impact of these types of racial trauma has a long lasting impact on whole communities. These are lessons that we mustn’t forget.

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