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“ Bringing in Eckhard Tolle and nondual spirituality as an antidote to the insane divisiveness of identity politics is an excellent idea”

It is one of the stupidest ideas I have ever come across. And I would absolutely love to discuss it with you over Zoom. Would you be willing to record a discussion about it over Zoom and publish it on YouTube / Rumble?

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Jeffrey, I'm happy to talk about it with you about it right here.

You say you think it's "stupid" to recommend nondual spirituality as a method to overcome divisive identity politics; so clearly you don't know much about nondual spirituality, because that's exactly what it's for.

Nondual, not divided, is precisely the opposite of divisive; and fixed, permanent identities are exactly the thing that nondual philosophies teach people how to liberate themselves from.

Whether it's Taoism, Buddhism, Hinduism, or scientific pantheism - all of which are in fact quite compatible - all these teachings help people to escape from limiting beliefs such as identifying themselves with race, gender, sexuality, nationality, etc., and see themselves instead as - well; as something that cannot be limited or even described in words; as what we really are.

I do hear your biting cynicism, and to some extent I feel your pain. But cynicism is not the wisest strategy; it does only bring pain, in the end.

If you look inside yourself and ask the honest question, "Who am I?" you might find that there is, in fact, something there that you don't feel in the least cynical about.

And once you've found it in there, look around; you might start to notice it in other places too. :-)

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Taoism, Buddhism, “scientific pantheism”, Hinduism, all have significant differences in their ideologies. There is no perennial philosophy. I’ve studied quite a bit of philosophy and religion, and whatever it is that *you* think, isn’t probably what they taught. You might think so out of vanity that you have found the truth that underlies them all—but that is simply what it is, foolish vanity.

What you hear isn’t “cynicism”, it’s simply denigration of particular ideas. The notion that I am all cynicism and that if I just look inside myself I might find

something that isn’t is just idiotic slander. There is plenty of

things I don’t have cynicism about — for example, watermelon. Watermelon is absolutely delicious. But your attitude is clearly stupid. People should be cynical about *you* but it doesn’t mean people should be cynical about *everything*. You really need to work on that “non dualism” you are preaching. And cynicism can prevent pain sometimes.

We should have a zoom conversation because doing it here is much more tedious. And it would be much more valuable if I could publish it to YouTube. We have like 3 threads going here. I’ll probably stop responding. Join me on zoom. Don’t be scared. My twitter handle is meisterpeeps. Let’s set it up. We can even have one that isn’t recorded first if that makes you more comfortable . Let’s chat.

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