The tribe of one sure does sound like a lonely type of existence. But this article takes several leaps beyond "tribe of one" to equate that first with ego-centered existence and then to a liberal mentality in contrast to American conservatism. Both those leaps of logic are not entirely warranted. Consider the argument in reverse: are all…
The tribe of one sure does sound like a lonely type of existence. But this article takes several leaps beyond "tribe of one" to equate that first with ego-centered existence and then to a liberal mentality in contrast to American conservatism. Both those leaps of logic are not entirely warranted. Consider the argument in reverse: are all liberals ego-centered? are conservatives NOT ego-centered? Surely some of the most ego-centric, socially impervious individuals on our national stage are GOP and MAGA. So, this logic fails.
Consider also: that being lost in depersonalization is pretty much the complete opposite of "ego-centric". Depersonalization and derealization are semi-psychotic states, not associated with a strong ego. That tribe of one who suffers depersonalization and derealization needs health-care, not political castigation.
Consider also: a strong, healthy ego (also called a "personality") is essential to healthy social life.
Maybe liberals see more of the actual problems with our contemporary civilization. Huge problems like anthropogenic climate change, massive extinctions, the massive incarceration rates in the USA and so forth: yes, those can put a damper on mental health. Ignoring those might let conservatives feel better, but that sense of well-being is like an ostrich with its head in the sand.
The tribe of one sure does sound like a lonely type of existence. But this article takes several leaps beyond "tribe of one" to equate that first with ego-centered existence and then to a liberal mentality in contrast to American conservatism. Both those leaps of logic are not entirely warranted. Consider the argument in reverse: are all liberals ego-centered? are conservatives NOT ego-centered? Surely some of the most ego-centric, socially impervious individuals on our national stage are GOP and MAGA. So, this logic fails.
Consider also: that being lost in depersonalization is pretty much the complete opposite of "ego-centric". Depersonalization and derealization are semi-psychotic states, not associated with a strong ego. That tribe of one who suffers depersonalization and derealization needs health-care, not political castigation.
Consider also: a strong, healthy ego (also called a "personality") is essential to healthy social life.
Maybe liberals see more of the actual problems with our contemporary civilization. Huge problems like anthropogenic climate change, massive extinctions, the massive incarceration rates in the USA and so forth: yes, those can put a damper on mental health. Ignoring those might let conservatives feel better, but that sense of well-being is like an ostrich with its head in the sand.