“ Though Unitarianism and Universalism were both liberal Christian traditions, this responsible search has led us to embrace diverse teachings from Eastern and Western religions and philosophies.
UU exists because of a merger for two Christian sects. The current state of whether UU is labeled a Christian denomination is irrelevant to my argument. It still honors the Bible as a primary source of wisdom. The current state it exists in, some weird post modern soup of incoherent religious and political ideological fusion, is a testament to its lack of interest in rationality.
When I first joined Unitarian Universalism, over 2/3 of the denomination were religious humanisnts. Only about 10% to 20% were Unitarian Christians. So that minority considers the Bible as the primary source of wisdom. But that is just not so for a humanist.
Again, Jeffrey, UUism is not a Christian denomination. Try to keep up.
It isn't any denomination. It is more a political group than anything else. A little spirituality (if you can call it that) and lots of politics.
From the UU website :
“ Though Unitarianism and Universalism were both liberal Christian traditions, this responsible search has led us to embrace diverse teachings from Eastern and Western religions and philosophies.
UU exists because of a merger for two Christian sects. The current state of whether UU is labeled a Christian denomination is irrelevant to my argument. It still honors the Bible as a primary source of wisdom. The current state it exists in, some weird post modern soup of incoherent religious and political ideological fusion, is a testament to its lack of interest in rationality.
“is a testament to its lack of interest in rationality.”
Or absolutes and facts.
And a lack of interest in Christ. It’s not a Christian church.
When I first joined Unitarian Universalism, over 2/3 of the denomination were religious humanisnts. Only about 10% to 20% were Unitarian Christians. So that minority considers the Bible as the primary source of wisdom. But that is just not so for a humanist.
I said “a” primary source of wisdom, not “the”. Do you personally think the Bible is a source of wisdom? How about Mein Kampf?
Tell me: what do you feel was Achille’s biggest sin and what do you feel was Jesus’ biggest sin?