Democracy that doesn't seek to heed the call from the margins is just mob rule. Democracy is the best system, but it's flawed when we become uncurious about our neighbor and entrenched with our own ideas.
Sometimes people are marginalized for extremely good reasons. Some calls from the margins have useful insights. Some calls from the margins are destructive and dangerous. That's why they're marginalized.
For example, part of the problem with our current society is that we've centered psychopathic thinking instead of marginalizing it. A psychopath who is permitted to be centered ONLY on condition of good behavior is mostly harmless. A psychopath who calls to center psychopathic thinking and behavior should stay marginalized.
The mob that silences dissent is not democracy.
Democracy that doesn't seek to heed the call from the margins is just mob rule. Democracy is the best system, but it's flawed when we become uncurious about our neighbor and entrenched with our own ideas.
Sometimes people are marginalized for extremely good reasons. Some calls from the margins have useful insights. Some calls from the margins are destructive and dangerous. That's why they're marginalized.
For example, part of the problem with our current society is that we've centered psychopathic thinking instead of marginalizing it. A psychopath who is permitted to be centered ONLY on condition of good behavior is mostly harmless. A psychopath who calls to center psychopathic thinking and behavior should stay marginalized.