Thank you, Genspect! In the following essay I imagined what might have become of me if so-called "gender-affirmation" had been around when I was a child. And thank goodness it wasn't:
I’m sorry I’m completely off topic, but I’m trying to get this out to as many fair minded people as possible. It’s a perfect explanation of the Middle East that will inform and shock people at who’s actually behind things:
Thank you. This was helpful. Even more helpful is this one that just landed on YouTube today: An excellent historical overview using the maps. 35 minutes.
You can buy a streaming ticket which will also give you later access to the recorded event on our website.
fantastic, thanks
This is exactly the approach that has been needed - humane and non-judgmental while still honoring biological facts.
Thank you, Genspect! In the following essay I imagined what might have become of me if so-called "gender-affirmation" had been around when I was a child. And thank goodness it wasn't:
Is any of the conference going to be zoomed or taped for those who can't make it? thanks
I’m sorry I’m completely off topic, but I’m trying to get this out to as many fair minded people as possible. It’s a perfect explanation of the Middle East that will inform and shock people at who’s actually behind things:
Thank you. This was helpful. Even more helpful is this one that just landed on YouTube today: An excellent historical overview using the maps. 35 minutes.
Thank you, I’ll watch tomorrow.
Why use terminology created by the ideologues you would counter? Please avoid using terms that validate & promote identity politics.