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‘Rabid settlers’. Jews are dogs?

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That’s the tell.

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Freddie deBoer also said rabid regarding the so call right wingers who disagreed with his anti Israel stuff. Thats when I got off his substack

It’s the old ‘no Jews or dogs allowed’.

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Rabid is an understatement. When I was filming in Hebron, I watched as the settlers spit on, threw rocks at, and intimidated any Palestinian who was near them, as the Israeli occupation forces stood by with smirks on their faces and not doing anything to stop it. they poison Palestinian wells, destroy their olive groves, and even harass and intimidate children on the way to school. If the American people saw what it was really like for the Palestinians living under occupation, there would be a whole different mindset about what Israel is perpetrating Unfortunately, the American mainstream media presents a picture that is totally skewed in favor of the Israeli narrative.

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Why can’t Jews live in Hebron? It’s the site of the Tomb of the Patriarchs. Jews that is.

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Israeli's and Palestinians lived side by side in relative harmony until the 1948 Nakba. As far as Jews living in Hebron, if they simply treated the Palestinians living there with decency and just a modicum of respect, the Palestinians would have no issue with that. A question I get from people when discussing Israel/Palestine is "Why do the Palestinians hate Americans/Israeli's so much." When I was there for 3 months, I spoke to and interviewed many hundreds of Palestinians, and not one of them ever stated that they hated Israeli's or Americans. What they did hate was the policies of the Israeli and American governments that adversely impacted their lives. Simply put, the overwhelming majority of Palestinians want to have their own state, and live in peace.

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Oh the Nakba? Translation. The failure of the Arab league which was well equipped to defeat the tiny Haganah which had nothing. The first time the Arabs rejected a two state solution. Not the last.

As far as getting along together , sure thing. Google the 1929 Hebron massacre.

Interestingly when Jordan controlled the area of the West Bank it was totally ethnically cleansed of Jews. Jews couldn’t even pray at the Western Wall and the Tomb of the Patriarchs in Hebron. Contrast that to thousands of Muslims on the Temple Mount during Ramadan.

Personally I believe that Palestinian Muslims will do anything to deny a Jewish connection to the land.

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