Enjoyed your article John although I am not entirely clear as to the message you want to convey, to black people, to white people or to tan people for that matter. I try to live my life by respecting and treating with dignity all with whom I come into contact. I think most people today do the same although obviously that is not universal…
Enjoyed your article John although I am not entirely clear as to the message you want to convey, to black people, to white people or to tan people for that matter. I try to live my life by respecting and treating with dignity all with whom I come into contact. I think most people today do the same although obviously that is not universal. I think lot about how people of different skin colors are to relate to one another. For my two cents, the invocation of the white privilege/check your privilege phrases make it even harder to figure that out. I was hopeful that after Obama was elected he would help us all answer these questions and move us closer to the day when we could simply deal with others without regard to their race. In many although not all respects it seems like today we are further from that happening than in 2009. I remain hopeful that people like you will continue to write and talk about these issues so that race can become what I like to call a pigment of our imaginations.
Enjoyed your article John although I am not entirely clear as to the message you want to convey, to black people, to white people or to tan people for that matter. I try to live my life by respecting and treating with dignity all with whom I come into contact. I think most people today do the same although obviously that is not universal. I think lot about how people of different skin colors are to relate to one another. For my two cents, the invocation of the white privilege/check your privilege phrases make it even harder to figure that out. I was hopeful that after Obama was elected he would help us all answer these questions and move us closer to the day when we could simply deal with others without regard to their race. In many although not all respects it seems like today we are further from that happening than in 2009. I remain hopeful that people like you will continue to write and talk about these issues so that race can become what I like to call a pigment of our imaginations.