Protecting Children From Chemical and Surgical Mutilation
An analysis of President Donald Trump's executive order
On January 28th, President Donald Trump signed an Executive Order entitled “Protecting Children From Chemical and Surgical Mutilation.” This directive addresses changes to the federal government’s policies regarding funding and sponsorship of “gender affirming” surgery, procedures, and care. While the exact mechanisms to effectuate this Order remain to be seen, FAIR has reviewed their terms and offers the following analysis.
This Order stipulates that institutions receiving federal research or education grants terminate all efforts to support and promote “gender affirming” surgery, procedures and care for minors; rescinds all policies relying on guidance from the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) and publish a review of the existing literature on best practices for promoting the health of children who assert gender dysphoria, rapid-onset gender dysphoria, or other identity-based confusion; and excludes coverage for pediatric transgender surgeries or hormone treatments from TRICARE and other insurance carriers that service federal employees.
FAIR strongly supports the Order’s foundational premise: the vital need to protect children from potentially irreversible medical interventions that may have unknown lifelong consequences and efficacy. Many states have seen a startling rise in unproven and risky pediatric gender-transition interventions, particularly hormonal and surgical treatments. A growing number of impressionable and underinformed children are being exposed to unnecessary procedures and unsustainable, lifelong medical treatments and expenses. Many end up regretting their transition and find themselves in “a losing war with their own bodies, and, tragically, sterilization.”
FAIR also shares concerns regarding the scientific integrity of guidance provided by WPATH and welcomes the call for an empirical review of the scientific evidence substantiating the “medical necessity” of procedures and drugs to treat youth who suffer from gender dysphoria and other identity-based confusion. This mandate aligns with one of FAIR’s core values: objective truth exists, and it is discoverable. We have always supported efforts aimed at protecting the well-being of children based on objective truth derived from scientific evidence and have advocated for unbiased guidance that safeguards children’s health. Because these interventions are experimental and are not supported by high-quality, long-term medical studies, FAIR agrees that the potentially irreversible and lifelong harms outweigh any potential near-term benefits.
Lastly, it is undisputed that the federal government has played an active role in financially supporting and promoting “gender affirming” surgery, procedures, and care. FAIR therefore believes it is appropriate to eliminate funding for these programs until a robust and rigorous review of all available scientific evidence confirms that such medical interventions are, in fact, medically necessary, adequately address the underlying concerns of gender dysphoria and other identity-based confusion, and have no foreseeable negative consequences that might harm the physical and mental well-being of children.
Bravo, FAIR! Gender-affirming care for minors is a barbaric practice that needed to be put a stop to. All the causes of gender dysphoria have yet to even be studied. It also causes irreversible permanent physical damage to the bodies of children and teens and the evidence suggests it does nothing to improve the mental health of those who undergo it. Giving kids puberty blockers and doing sex-change operations on them is reckless, cruel and not supported by science. It’s absolutely insane we ever allowed it and I’m glad the federal government will not be putting a dime towards funding or promoting it! It’s also great to see that detransitioners will have the opportunity to sue their healthcare providers who did these monstrous operations and gave them chemicals that castrated them and damaged them psychologically! One commentor asked asked how an organization that supports freedom could support an attack on a minority group. That’s not what this executive order is. It is not banning gender-affirming care across the board only for minors. Nor is it infringing on the civil rights of Transgender people. I as a liberal left-winger support this executive order 100% for that reason. The Democratic Party should be absolutely ashamed and embarrassed for ever supporting and defending genital mutilation of children! I’m so glad President Trump stepped in to protect children and teens and put their safety and scientific integrity first! 👏👏👏
"until a robust and rigorous review of all available scientific evidence confirms that such medical interventions are, in fact, medically necessary" - We already have The Cass Review that confirms the oppositie.