Whoever decided to create this is brilliant, compassionate, and cares more about humanity than any one person. This makes me smile.

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This project will take courage, diplomacy and persistence to execute, but it's a great idea. Since the toolkit is new, I assume its impact in the classroom is not yet known. I hope you'll share with readers how accepting the schools were towards the ideas contained in FAIR's teaching materials and how the students felt about them during and after BLM's Action Week.

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The new FAIR toolkit is excellent! Bravo to all involved!

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Good work! Excellent content. Be strong!

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I am unsubscribing to a ruse of a posting that you think BLM is a right WELL ALL LIVES MATTER YOU RACIST BIGOTS!

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Please read the whole piece before you react. FAIR is trying to counter this divisive BLM agenda. Good grief. Passion is good until it clouds judgement.

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--did you read the post closely? It states, "We believe that the curriculum curated for "BLM @ School 'Action Week'" is divisive, discriminatory, and can lead to racially-hostile learning environments." The "Toolkit" is for fighting against racist material within the BLM curriculum.

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Kathy, it appears you are reacting to the headline. If you read the content you will have a different perspective on what this is about ;)

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Thank you FAIR for trying to stop the madness that is taking over our country. I think to help get your message across for EVERYONE (i.e. the readers who only read the first one or two sentences) maybe start with your last sentence "We believe that the curriculum curated for "BLM@..." is divisive, discriminatory, and can lead to racially-hostile learning environments."....then you will be less likely to have people unsubscribe! Keep up the good fight!

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This is awesome! I'm glad someone is finally challenging BLM, which has turned into a real shitshow of a SJM. They jumped the shark with October 7 and unmasked themselves as every bit the bigots they claim to fight. FFS their ancestors fought long and hard against 'separate but equal'! Brown was a HUGE win for black education efforts! Maybe not implemented very well but it really was unprecedented territory. Now they want to hive off again. Maybe they won't be happy until we turn into Israel & Gaza, Le Deuxieme!

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