Excellent article! Well written and exactly the right approach to take to regain control of curricula.


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If as parents we don’t demand more, our kids will be left with less. Very helpful and thoughtful read. Thank you, Beka.

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For Christian schools, ACSI still does a good job, and I know first hand the very few granted “exemplary” accreditation can openly, on the website and with informing all incoming and existing parents, reject both race and gender theory (my own children attend an exemplary accredited ACSI school that openly rejects both neo gender and neo race ideologies).

Here is the thing to secular parents though - those of us who opt to send, and fund, our children attending Christian schools don’t necessarily want secular parents flooding our schools because they like the approach to those 2 issues, and those2 issues alone. Too often secular parents try to take over the religious institution and implement their non-Christian individual values. If you are going to send your children to a Christian school, have the strength of character to respect the entire theology and learn from it, rather than anointing yourself keeper of morality that “knows better” than 2,000 years of a mature and positive theology.

My children know that as parents we are pro-choice very early and support gay marriage, but encourage them to learn and RESPECT their schools’ pro-life and marriage is between and man and woman with the purpose to form a family with children belief system. We encourage them to make up their own minds and we acknowledge an innocent unique human life is formed at conception. As parents we work with our kids’ school to raise children rooted in the teachings of Jesus, who understand and genuinely respect different belief systems, even in cases our own values stray from the schools’. The goal is to encourage them to recognize and pursue genuine goodness (God means good after all).

One note secular people are often confused about - the other Christians in my life don’t oppose gay marriage in the eyes of the state at all, the opposition is to the religious marriage in the eyes of the church. Many would rather see the church bless the marriage of a gay couple that plans to adopt children than a young couple that will take any steps to ensure they never have children by their own choice.

I believe competition and transparency is the answer, as well as parents being aware. NAIS has been rot for a while. The state associations vary, but at least allow for competition.

Unless secular parents with sane value stand up to demand an alternative, and are willing to go about education in a more modern way with tutors and pods under the “homeschool” umbrella in the short term, it’s unlikely to change in a meaningful way over the long term. Destroying existing institutions like NAIS is rather easy, while building up alternatives is more difficult. In life you don’t just get what you pay for, you also get what you work for...............

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Beka Sinclair is a true Upstander, not a Bystander, who with this opinion piece speaks truth to power with a strong, fact- and theory-based perspective on the systemic weakness of governance in elite private schools.

She does not delve into the tragic impact this systemic governance and communication weakness has on children and families, nor identify her family’s specific school, but rather she shines a well-written light on the underlying causes and focuses on important and very viable solutions to improve private school boards’ curriculum, operations and administrative audit and evaluation functions.

Hopefully, parents in the private school system will also choose to become Upstanders as they recognize the problems and show the courage and stamina required to succeed at initiating changes to create stronger and more transparent governance at their own schools.

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Top Down governance is often/always accompanied by the whims of The Few corrupting the outcomes of The Many. A nearly unfettered School Choice empowerment of the student/parents is required. It must be robust enough to allow students/parents to make bad choices, like any free market does. When enough citizens tire of undermining the potentials of our children, the courage will be found to move to the next level of what is possible.

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Understanding the perverse psychology behind these boards: https://thenakeddollar.blogspot.com/2021/06/all-lovely-people.html

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Brilliant! This should be in the hands of every independent school board member. Not surprising that NAIS has sponsored head of school seminars on “Managing Your Board.”

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