We haven’t watched network news on any kind of regular basis for decades. So when we are with family where they watch the evening news I am struck by the urgent tone of the “breaking news” stories -- one after the other -- along with the jarring music underlying it. If I were to check, I would bet my heart rate would be elevated just from the tones -- without even hearing the words. Same technique whether the program is “conservative” or “liberal”. I prefer to get my current news in written form or podcasts. And to delve deeper into topics with full books. Knowing that you are being manipulated is the first step.

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This is a great article, but it leaves the most important question unanswered: Why is "taking responsibility for what you let into your psyche" such a hard thing to do? 87% of Americans think polarization is a major threat to the American way of life, and it's obvious to many that the media is a major driver of that polarization, so why are Americans still unwilling to walk back from our addiction to negative media coverage?

Telling people to "take responsibility" for their media consumption is unfortunately like telling an alcoholic to "take responsibility" for their alcohol consumption. The problem can't be solved by simply "choosing" the correct option. Instead, we need to treat the public's demand for negative news for what it is - a deeply rooted subconscious psychological addiction to negativity. Until we more fully understand and explicitly name negativity bias as the root cause of these issues, we'll continue to effectively tell alcoholics to "just quit drinking", and polarization will continue to get worse.

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I agree that civil discourse is paramount.

However, right now one political party is systematically working to dismantle our First Amendment rights in this country. Until that is resolved, which requires a real fight, a “can’t we all just get along“ argument falls a little flat with me.


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You totally missed the point of this article. Let it go , no one is trying to "destroy" anything. Right now, your first step is to break free from these social media /news/opinion sources and let your mind reset. I was the same way you are abd man ,it feels good to break free. Now I see that every single person was trying to monetize , gain clicks , off of my fear by sensationalizing everything. Once you take a break , pay attention to what's around you locally , you'll see ,it's not that bad

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Actually, I think this article misses the larger point quite dramatically. Unless open discourse is protected, none of the rest can happen.

Both sides absolutely engage in hyperbole and try to rile up a base that brings them in dollars. However, it is just simply counterfactual to claim or suggest that both sides are equally responsible and trying to squelch open discourse, for instance, or that protecting same is not of paramount importance and a prerequisite to future “kumbaya” moments.

And your response is quite presumptuous. I take in news sources from across the spectrum — left and right, nationally, internationally, and locally. The totality of that research leads me to my conclusion. It’s just not possible to “break free” from all of that and remain at all well-informed or capable of drawing realistic and useful conclusions.

When it comes to how truly under attack open discourse is, this is not a matter of my fancy; there is a mountain of evidence that spans international, national, and local news, as well as my own experience.

I used to be a Democrat, and left that party. For what I think remain good reasons, I didn’t join the other party. So I consider myself an independent, but that should not be akin to sitting in the middle and wagging our fingers at both sides equally when one side threatens the very foundation that is necessary for any political ideas to ultimately be hashed out in a true open discussion.

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I'm a free speech absolutist, for many of the reasons you mention (i.e. we need a vibrant and free public square to maintain society); but that's no reason to reject civility or to give in to fear.

On a personal level, fear of the other side is almost never good for us psychologically.

On a societal level, leading with civility is how we win.

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Amen. Leading with civility is not the same as “backing down” or “letting yourself be steamrolled”. It is simply not engaging in an uncivil way (insults, shouting etc).

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You could copy and paste this response to most of the comments on this article

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You realize, of course, that absent the link you provided, your preamble could apply equally to either of the two major parties in the USA...

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At any point in US history? Yes - examples on both sides. For the past several decades and most acutely the past few years? No. No credible evidence that I have seen suggests that Republicans today are looking to systematically silence speech. Today, that is the purview of the Democratic Party in this country, and “liberal” (in name only) parties across western democracies. Any institution capable of squelching speech is dominated by leftist ideology, not that of the right (government agencies, universities, K-12 education, major corporations including tech, most media organizations, Hollywood, etc.).

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Tell that to my gay butt again? Republicans are the ones making laws to silence me and my friends. If you can't see that then all your comments are disingenuous.

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Mar 13, 2023
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You require therapy.

Someone share a link for this one. ^^

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You're so right. The article implies that the current threats to our country are distributed equally between both parties. The reason Trump is as popular as he is, despite his crude and narcissistic buffoonery, speaks to how frightened so many people are of the radical left which has taken over the Democrat Party. The Democrat Party have bullied their way into power and people are sick of being pushed around; and sometime you need a bigger bully to level the playing field. This was Trump's appeal but his brand got tired fast and we now need to support someone who is forceful in a more controlled and tactful way. So far DeSantis seems to fit this bill.

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I think a huge thing to change is the need for humanism to become more visible rather than "left" and "right" politics. A reassertion of the universal dignity (and that is universal rights as opposed to equity and inclusion which is not about equality in reality... being a marxist product I have a deep dread of where it will lead....The kind or equity and inclusion has been seen before, which is why universal human rights are so much stronger) - politics and media need to be far more nuanced than as it is currently

- breaking away from click bait media and political stereotypes will be hard as lobby groups and investors in both circumvent the intent of real democracy and media. (and you'll notice fund both sides or political opponents) The illusion of choice... And the illusion of free media too...

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Mar 13, 2023
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Jewish messianism! - that's a tough sell for me, because the Abrahamic religions are far too inextricably linked to be separated (and can remain a source of comfort for those that need it - within the bounds of humanism!)

"Transnational, transracial, transsexual, and transcultural" - none of these ideas gain overt traction under humanism - which requires dignity to all people regardless of sex, race, or creed and not at the expense of others (meaning women can still have sports and their rights without being subsumed, but a new category should be added for fairness) - the other phenomena are more related to globalism's homogenization of culture (media, pop culture are all interchangeable, music, clothes, food, housing become the same - and countries too - I can find modernist buildings, McDs anywhere or H&M... )

Humanism values culture and diversity (but with universal rights). When it comes to trade, the economy, and cultural identity, however, it distinguishes between internationalism and globalism. We can love culture and trade without being insular; we can also love unique culture, history, people, and yes, even transsexual, gay, or other cultures! That is what dignity is all about! ... (Because forcing others to have sex the way we want is not our business if they are consenting adults!!, nor is forcing a point of view based on religious texts -onto others!, but it is also not the business of business to pry into religion or orientation, or to hire based on those criteria! - hiring for universal dignity and ability rather than for or against anything.

One major problem is (internationalism gets confused often! - but internationalism lets a country remain unique, but be a supportive tradepartner with control over border, worker rights, environmental rights) - globalism nullifies this control requiring integration - this is less resilient and makes it hard to ensure worker rights and ecological protections - As for resiliency...we just had a small taster of what this means for supply lines (History teaches us the folly of this as an idea)

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Mar 14, 2023
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At the end of the day politics and religion have no meaning just humans and the way we think of other humans.

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At a community meeting on how to build better relations with the police, I was corrected for suggesting that “civility” be a component of such meetings. Apparently, “civility” is a word used by white power mongers. I told my accuser that she ought to be thankful that I believe in civility. I am not going to suffer such fools with such civility in the future.

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"I am not going to suffer such fools with such civility in the future."--don't let one rude person turn you into an asshole.

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No, I would never do that. I can turn into an asshole all by myself. But also no, there is a time to respond with strength. Turning the other cheek is not in my nature or ideology.

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Mar 13, 2023
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And yet you like the SS?

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Mar 14, 2023
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You really need to examine yourself... where is your heart, could you be sustenance in this state? What ethnicity do you display ..."ethnic pride " I see nothing to be proud of... Just an angry person who treats people badly.

- certainly nothing to be proud of in your actions here. (Be kind to others... treat them with dignity)

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And your point is? If it is to cancel Voltaire, forget it. He was not perfect and under unfortunate prejudices of the time. But his wisdom far outweighs his sins.

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Mar 13, 2023
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It's important to acknowledge the actions of the SS their devastating consequences on innocent civilians, particularly women and children who were subjected to sexual violence and exploitation held in brothels for the SS...

I prefer voltaire any day he had a mind for beauty and humanity.

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Mar 14, 2023
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All good in theory but we live in the real world. Look at what schools are "teaching. " is it a one sided or two sided situation? Even more so in colleges and increasingly in the workplace where people are INTIMIDATED to stay silent or conform. I often ask people with whom I disagree ( the conversations are civil) to define the labels and derogatory terms they use as well as what they mean by hate speech which they want to prohibit or make criminal . Rarely do I get an answer. And these are people who are reasonable, civil, etc. A second question I pose is what exactly do you or those you look to want. The answers are always utopian in nature without little if any regard or thought to the practicalities of policies or proposals. Finally, as alluded to in some other comments, unless one stays in touch with the "noise," one will never be aware of the fact that we have two sets of rules and laws that are applied or enforced on the basis of identity and politics. Silence will not fix that problem which I submit has a lot to do with the frustrations that so many Americans feel on a daily basis.

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The violence comes from the Left... The Left firebombs pregnancy centers, the Left loots, burns, and riots... The Left - BLM thugs and Antifa terrorists - burns buildings, takes over streets, destroys businesses, and decimates neighborhoods. Look at the cities - all run by the Left - the destruction, the crime, the lawlessness... That is the Left -- that is the Democrat party.

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I agree that the above is part of the left...but only a tiny part. What do your Democratic friends say when you talk to them about this stuff?

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They have no clue.

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Yep. Both sides are doing it. Both sides are dishonest and blind to their own role. Positive feedback loop. Ego. Doubling down. Orwellian. Foolish.


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Very thoughtful. Yet you fall into your own trap here: equating Clinton's "“basket of deplorables” line" with "President Trump with “good people on both sides”".

Trump's statement was the very definition of civility. Too darned civil, in a sense. Would it have been preferred if Trump said "bad people on both sides"? I'd prefer being accurate: some good people and too many bad people on both sides. But that's just me, the scholar. The civil thing to say was what Trump said.

It's what they used to call "the Christian thing to say". Ugh, I'm a secular Jew, but I appreciate the sentiment: the decency of acknowledging that most people think of themselves as having good intentions, and honoring that intention in them all. Even while knowing that in fact there is also plenty of malice and bad intention in everyone; including perhaps particularly those who think of themselves as the party of good intentions, and who exempt each other from having to control their own bad intentions.

Trump was, quite obviously I think, trying to restore normal civility on this question. He said it as a traditional mantra for civility, that "Christian thing to say". He presumably hoped it would enable him to fend off the demands from the media that he and everyone else join in its own factional incivility. Plainly he failed.

Sadly, you join in that failure. You embrace the media’s false adjudication of this instance, in order to declare an equivalency between what was actually civility on one side and incivility on the other.

Here I have to suppose some readers are jumping up and down, hoping to dismiss my point by branding me a deplorable Trumpist or even a Unite the Right supporter. A very uncivil way of dismissing the point. And a wrong guess about me, too.

The problem of restoring civility is actually well-revealed by this case. It is a problem of who it is that adjudicates what is civil. Is it done by a fairminded social arbiter, something that at least supposedly used to exist in the legendary matron at the dinner party; or at least a balanced batch of arbiters, which perhaps still exists in the Senate with its traditional rules, and its maintenance of a degree of balance by requiring supermajorities to get action? Or is it done by a faction that is free to redefine the word to its benefit and to privilege its own incivility -- and has grown accustomed to so doing?

In practice it is done nowadays by a collective ideological faction, the one that dominates by supermajorities in the public discourse spaces and media and educational processes. It effectively controls the question of civility by means of false definition, coupled with abusiveness toward disagreement.

That is why it usually defines itself as "civil", as the very party of civility; and defines any strong, serious criticism of itself as "uncivil" and needing to be driven out of the public discourse space.

It is the same false proof-by-definition that it has come to use for many another matter. Plus its same silence-the-others method that has come to be known as 'cancel culture'.

It is why, even in the Senate, abusive, literally bigoted language is the norm on the part of many a progressive Senator. They simply don’t know any better. The words have been redefined in their minds to favor this behavior, starting with the word “bigotry” itself. Fortunately, sometimes there still is civility in the Senate, where elections as well as rules ensure a measure of balance. It is far worse elsewhere, on college campuses and in the media.

This factional domination of the civility question is in fact itself the greatest single locus and source of incivility in our society. While it's by no means the only source of the incivility we suffer, it is able pretty much all by itself, given its positions of power in the commanding heights of the discourse spaces, to ensure an ever sharper polarization and incivility in our body politic.

Overcoming the hegemony of this faction in our discourse spaces; overcoming its entrenched practices of abusing its hegemony; overcoming its methods of enforcing its preferences by false definitions and by defamation and exclusion of others: this is the heart of the problem of restoring civility.

Our various factions would at least have a chance of settling down into a more civil place, if we first overcome this abusive hegemony. No real progress will be made on regaining civility if we don't.

With my best wishes for your good will on this.

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The Left threatened and intimidated Supreme Court justices... The Left destroyed cities in 2020... The Left firebombs pregnancy centers... The Left is violent.

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Don't be stupid. It's proud boys (RW) attending Pride events (LW, maybe). The left is just PISSED OFF AT YOU for being so dumb you continue the 'culture wars'.

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Mar 13, 2023
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I am not against anyone's faith. Have at it. Just end the culture 'war' crap. And end that antisemitism as well. My Jewish friends are keen allies.

I only attack Dominionists for good measure.

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Mar 13, 2023
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I never understand articles like this. It isn't like the old days of Democrats and Republicans having policy differences among normal politicians and their supporters. Today Republicans are bigots. It is very hard to be civil to people who constantly displaying their bigotry, call a coup plot a tourist visit and are trying to tear down free speech.

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"Today Republicans are bigots"--is that opinion based on talking to actual on-the-ground Republicans, or listening to social media and cable news pundits pick the craziest right-wingers to elevate and bash? What do your Republican friends say about non-white/straight/male people--are they truly bigoted?

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You just used collectivism to make an argument based upon no facts. Its exactly what this article is talking about. Not every republican is a bigot , not every republican thought January 6th was ok. Instead of stating this and trying to back up your conditioned biases , why not try to open your mind a bit and actually talk to someone that's a republican , see how human they are first. You are just as bad as a bigot ,if you can't do that. Same principle

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Republicans blaming "wokeness" for the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank shows the problem with Republicans. You add to that that Trump and DeSantis two bigots with authoritarian inclinations are leading for the Republican presidential nomination raises the question, what is there to talk about with the GOP?

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Spoken exactly like a true bigot. You, sir, willing to stereotype about half the population of the country as a bigot, are the very definition of bigotry. And with you and your pronouncements goes civility right down the drain. I do have one question for you, though: what is the moral difference between one person calling an attack on the Capitol a tourist visit and another calling the wanton burning down of cities as mostly peaceful activism?

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Well said.

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I know a number of people who live in Chicago. I hear none of those complaints. Its worse problem is being on the Mississippi which allows guns and drugs to easily come in. My daughter just returned from a nice trip to Seattle. I am afraid these urban areas and the other big cities keep the rest of the country funded and progressing.

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Which cities were "wantonly" burned down. That you compare a few minor disturbances to an effort at a coup d'etat is everything wrong with Republicans and the right. In New York there were some serious looting and then the police acted like thugs. All in all it was a big nothing. The focus on BLM and wokeness is why is hard to avoid seeing Republicans as bigots. Half the country, not really, engaged in the Civil War to preserve slavery. It isn't much different today.

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Looked at Chicago lately? There was intense looting in that city in 2020 and again in 2021 along the Magnificent Mile. Or the CHAZ in Seattle? Portland? I don't know that I'd call those "a few minor disturbances."

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I want to take everything in this article to heart. However, it's not obvious to me how tapping into a deeper sense of identity than partisanship and recognizing that every human is incommensurably complex will help me to see through the "illusion" of fear. It's impossible for me not to recognize while doing this that those opposed to me are expressing the heartfelt desire to expunge from my culture all the things, factors, and philosophies that I believe make my country viable and worthwhile. It is not obvious how recognizing the aims of others, aims I consider evil, will lessen my fear no matter how sincerely I simultaneously recognize their humanity. This problem is a lot more complex than Mr. Adorney and Mr. Johnson are herein willing to admit.

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Mar 13, 2023
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Interesting! I agree satire is under-utilized.

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