Seems to me that these "doctors" are more interested in the "courage and bravery" awards that will be bestowed upon them, the publicity of which will be directly correlated to the number they admit into the transgender population.
Power and money - same as always and with everything.
Seems to me that these "doctors" are more interested in the "courage and bravery" awards that will be bestowed upon them, the publicity of which will be directly correlated to the number they admit into the transgender population.
Power and money - same as always and with everything.
Seems to me that these "doctors" are more interested in the "courage and bravery" awards that will be bestowed upon them, the publicity of which will be directly correlated to the number they admit into the transgender population.
Power and money - same as always and with everything.
I hope so. This is all so incredible I can't believe this is happening and how many people just suck it up with a self-satisfied grin.