WPATH 8 is candid on this point: "Given the lifelong implications of medical treatment and the young age at which treatments may be started, adolescents, their parents, and care providers should be
informed about the nature of the evidence base. It seems reasonable that decisions to move forward
WPATH 8 is candid on this point: "Given the lifelong implications of medical treatment and the young age at which treatments may be started, adolescents, their parents, and care providers should be
informed about the nature of the evidence base. It seems reasonable that decisions to move forward
with medical and surgical treatments should be made carefully. Despite the slowly growing body
of evidence supporting the effectiveness of early medical intervention, the number of studies is still
low, and there are few outcome studies that follow youth into adulthood. Therefore, a systematic
review regarding outcomes of treatment in adolescents is not possible."
WPATH 8 is candid on this point: "Given the lifelong implications of medical treatment and the young age at which treatments may be started, adolescents, their parents, and care providers should be
informed about the nature of the evidence base. It seems reasonable that decisions to move forward
with medical and surgical treatments should be made carefully. Despite the slowly growing body
of evidence supporting the effectiveness of early medical intervention, the number of studies is still
low, and there are few outcome studies that follow youth into adulthood. Therefore, a systematic
review regarding outcomes of treatment in adolescents is not possible."