You have it wrong on conservatives. We have a heart. Our heart believes that giving things out for free, letting people run amok and break the law at will with no consequences, is not good for society. We believe in tough love because it creates character. Working and meritocracy brings personal dignity. What Antifa and the Progressives believe is anti-society, violent and repressive. Study Marxism and what it and it's children (intersectionality, colonialist theories, DEI, etc.) havee wrought upon the world.

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I am not an “activist” … I do not shake my fist at others demanding they obey my dictates. I am a community service volunteer … I see a need and roll my sleeves up to directly help. I don’t demand “the government” fix this and fix that. They never can and never will. They cause the problems in the first place. I want the government to get out of the way and let volunteers do the work of helping others. And yes, I am a conservative, a traditional American. There is no better thing to be.

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What an idiot. Amazing lack of common sense.

"But I was discovering that passion without reason is dangerous."

"But more importantly, you have to think about your actions before you act on them."

"If all you have is passion, then you may act out in a manner that ends up hurting others."

These are revelations? I thought you learned these in elementary school.

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What an excellent article ... !!! Bravo ...

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Apr 17·edited Apr 17

Bravo on your article and your "apertura de mente"! Consisting with your messages is Thomas Sowell's discussion, in his "A Conflict of Visions" and other works, of considering not just what "feels right", but what the trade offs are!

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liked seeing 2 of your influential authors…..would appreciate more- authors or their specific writing pieces….I and suspect many folks who truly wish for a better world are on this path of early loving Left , turning Right after CRT/Woke unreason……thx for your story….keep going!!

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Luckily I read “ Free to Choose,” by Uncle Milty senior year in High School, which led to Sowell, Hayek, von Mises etc. They should be required reading for all the potential activists out there.

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Thank you! My mom and grandmother were activists too.

Along the same lines as you they said the ends don't justify the means.

And. The person you are protesting against, the people who disagree with you (in my grandmother's case, who literally were trying to kill her and my family) are human too. It is sometimes much harder to keep this in mind but more effective in the long run.

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Your first two lessons amount to: keep your eye on the truth and try to find it.

Your mom saved you from blind passion.

All the best!

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Thanks for everything you do! This is a great message for all the idealistic young people heading down the path of radical activism. There are wiser and more effective ways to make a difference, even when it feels like you're herding kittens!

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The protesters WANT something bad to happen. they WANT to engage in provication and then say "oh look at us we're oppressed".

They WANT the police to beat them up.

They WANT the national guard called in.

When they create their first martyr, that will spark nationwide protests.

And the right is taking the bait.

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Interesting perspective. Thank you for sharing, very thoughtful.

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Was the person who punched him charged?

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Your Spanish is atrocious

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We all must confront ourselves - looking outside ourselves to change the world is a distraction from changing ourselves. There is injustice everywhere - in the past, now and in the future. No person will change that. All you can do is try to be a good person yourself, have ethics and let that be your work. Telling others what to do, trying to force others to do what you want is actually being a tyrant. Starting to be honest with oneself about what we do and why is a start. Good for you for making the connections recognizing that you could take a different approach.

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I think that sounds like an amazing story. It takes a lot of courage to look at your life and see where you need to make a break and a change. (And it's not like you've made a change from what you truly want, but just from the way that you will go about getting it.) It would have been so easy to stay with the crowd, enjoy their company and continue to be with Antifa... and I think it took a lot of courage to go. OK, well, I am on a different path and I can see things in a different way.

I wish you the best. There's not many people that are able to look. outside themselves and that way. Not many people make their journey (And fewer still write about it and expose all their sort of hopes and fears I think your parents sound wonderful). But I hope wherever you are and wherever you go from there that you find the best. and enjoy your beautiful family and animals :)

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