This article demonstrates just how difficult it is to be "non-partisan" when reacting to current events in a polarized environment. One respondent objected to describing protestors as "pro-Hamas;" on the other hand, describing them as advocating "Palestinian freedom" is also problematic when the "freedom" they seek is being free of Jews …
This article demonstrates just how difficult it is to be "non-partisan" when reacting to current events in a polarized environment. One respondent objected to describing protestors as "pro-Hamas;" on the other hand, describing them as advocating "Palestinian freedom" is also problematic when the "freedom" they seek is being free of Jews "from the River to the Sea"--i.e., from the entirety of the region including what is currently the state of Israel. It's often really hard to find terminology that both sides will recognize as being, no pun intended, fair.
This article demonstrates just how difficult it is to be "non-partisan" when reacting to current events in a polarized environment. One respondent objected to describing protestors as "pro-Hamas;" on the other hand, describing them as advocating "Palestinian freedom" is also problematic when the "freedom" they seek is being free of Jews "from the River to the Sea"--i.e., from the entirety of the region including what is currently the state of Israel. It's often really hard to find terminology that both sides will recognize as being, no pun intended, fair.