I'm super disappointed. There is no "LGBT community." All of the gays and lesbians I know want nothing to do with the tran$ medical industry. Human sex is binary and immutable. It's impossible for a child to be "born in the wrong body."
Wow, really shocked at all the negative comments here. Even those with a basic working knowledge of FAIR realize how much work this organization is doing to end the medicalization of children (all under the guise of PRIDE acceptance and gender affirmation). FAIR is doing a lot to raise the voices of people who have transitioned as adults (like Zander Keig), but who do not buy into the gender ideology rhetoric. While our mainstream media continues to ignore the CASS report, they are holding conferences on it.
Other notable groups to check out are the LGB Alliance and the LGBT Courage Coalition. They are all working to bring back common sense and social norms. ie. Safeguarding women only spaces and stopping the sexualization of children.
STOP. Before you go any further with this plan, stop using the terms 'LGBT Community', 'LGBT people', and (for the love of God and language that makes sense) 'LGBT individuals'. None of these things exist. Tell me how a person can be an 'LGBT individual'? Those letters mean 4 different things, for 4 different kinds of people. The first three letters are people who have same-sex attraction; the last letter is people who deny their sex. The T is homophobic and does not belong with the other letters. It never did. It's because we were 'being kind' that it got added. No more. Go back to the drawing board with your Pride recognition. Pride was about gay people, period. Either it goes back to that or it should end. ENOUGH.
Couldn’t care less! How about some stories of pride from D-Day and the war? The anniversary of D-Day and you give us pride stories. Shame on you and the rest of the staff.
This is what concerns me about FAIR and its organizational direction. From the Pride piece by FAIR's new Executive Director Monica Harris:
"Like other historically underrepresented groups, [LGBT individuals'] identities are conflated in a polarizing culture that encourages victimization and exacerbates differences."
The term "LGBT" is itself trans propaganda. Grifters like Riki Wilchins and Jamison Green browbeat and deceived gays and lesbians into adopting it in the 90s.
I'm super disappointed. There is no "LGBT community." All of the gays and lesbians I know want nothing to do with the tran$ medical industry. Human sex is binary and immutable. It's impossible for a child to be "born in the wrong body."
Wow, really shocked at all the negative comments here. Even those with a basic working knowledge of FAIR realize how much work this organization is doing to end the medicalization of children (all under the guise of PRIDE acceptance and gender affirmation). FAIR is doing a lot to raise the voices of people who have transitioned as adults (like Zander Keig), but who do not buy into the gender ideology rhetoric. While our mainstream media continues to ignore the CASS report, they are holding conferences on it.
Other notable groups to check out are the LGB Alliance and the LGBT Courage Coalition. They are all working to bring back common sense and social norms. ie. Safeguarding women only spaces and stopping the sexualization of children.
"Even those with a basic working knowledge of FAIR realize how much work this organization is doing to end the medicalization of children"
Assuming that is true, then FAIR needs to stop undermining their own good work by wrongly conflating LGB with T.
STOP. Before you go any further with this plan, stop using the terms 'LGBT Community', 'LGBT people', and (for the love of God and language that makes sense) 'LGBT individuals'. None of these things exist. Tell me how a person can be an 'LGBT individual'? Those letters mean 4 different things, for 4 different kinds of people. The first three letters are people who have same-sex attraction; the last letter is people who deny their sex. The T is homophobic and does not belong with the other letters. It never did. It's because we were 'being kind' that it got added. No more. Go back to the drawing board with your Pride recognition. Pride was about gay people, period. Either it goes back to that or it should end. ENOUGH.
Very well said, Monica. We are all individuals and that is also something to be acknowledged and celebrated.
Couldn’t care less! How about some stories of pride from D-Day and the war? The anniversary of D-Day and you give us pride stories. Shame on you and the rest of the staff.
This is what concerns me about FAIR and its organizational direction. From the Pride piece by FAIR's new Executive Director Monica Harris:
"Like other historically underrepresented groups, [LGBT individuals'] identities are conflated in a polarizing culture that encourages victimization and exacerbates differences."
The term "LGBT" is itself trans propaganda. Grifters like Riki Wilchins and Jamison Green browbeat and deceived gays and lesbians into adopting it in the 90s.
Does FAIR know what a woman is?
I don't think you do.
I could not care less. I am fed up with constant push of the rainbow mafia.
The group has been flooding the airways for years- every where even here at fire.
There are so many issues other than this one cause.
The constant push of asking everyone to be proud for them is only doing a disservice to themselves. It is annoying and often times offensive.
We are not asking others to be proud of us - it’s about being US being proud of who we are as humans.
nah if the stonewall uprising happened today you'd be writing a million posts about the violent woke mob lol