It isn’t a school’s job to raise awareness of anything other than algebra.

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“It isn’t a school’s job to raise awareness of anything other than algebra.”

Said like a true anti-education crusader. Was algebra as high as you got in math? You know we have other maths like geometry and calculus? What about science? Oh, never mind. Wrong party for that. Humanities and the social sciences are the real devil. God forbid we teach people about people.

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Is this your real name?

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Canada offers an excellent euthanasia program. We’ll all contribute to your kickstarter.

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🤣😂 So much for tolerance! Silly, you don’t need euthanasia. You are perfectly capable of doing the job with your own hands. Just ask Canadian white male supremacist Jeremy Sbicki. He wasn’t particularly tolerant of anyone different than him staying alive either.


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“The intention of the national Day of Silence to raise awareness of homophobia is commendable.” Really? So kind of you to say so but I strongly doubt it. Just exactly what are their intentions? What exactly is it that they decry as homophobia? Hmmmm?

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“Just exactly what are their intentions? What exactly is it that they decry as homophobia? Hmmmm?”

Don’t leave me in suspense, Judith! What are their intentions?! Could they possibly be teaching character traits like empathy to my children?! Oh no! I’m so scared! They might end up with better character and what a tragedy that would be!

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“ … schools have a legal responsibility to ensure that the way they handle events does not create an environment that compels speech or promotes bullying and harassment of students.” Aren’t these worthy character traits, Chandra? Do you define “homophobia” as stating that there are two sexes/genders, male and female? Is your idea of “empathy” forcing critical queer theory dogmas on elementary school students? Don’t leave me in suspense, Chandra. How is being forced to pay allegiance to false ideologic doctrines going to build better character in an 8 year old child? Hmmmm?

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Please let us know how this school board responded to FAIR's letter. Our children need to be educated not indoctrinated. When children are taught at home and at school that EVERYONE is to be treated with respect and courtesy, the "problem" disappears and the focus can and should be on academics.

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I'm certainly glad more parents are standing up against school boards. But I also wish more employees would stand up against public institutions across the board. It seems like even conservatives have become total pushovers.

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Yeah, totally. Those evil school boards and educators. More book bannings and censorship is what we need. Less freedom and liberty. Thank God you are using your voice for the right cause.

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Clearly you haven't studied the Queer Theory and Critical Race Theory. A combination of Marxism and the worst parts of Freud... Not something that needs to be indoctrinated into children.

Parents are advocating for the idea that children shouldn't be shown sexual innuendo in books in elementary school. I'm not sure why the far left has decided that's a hill to die on.

Academia is now a minimum 12 to 1 left or right. It pushes ideologically puritanical beliefs in DEI and antiracism, to the detriment of everyone.

Go look at the top 50 sources in the humanities and social sciences today, especially the humanities. There are a lot of pedophiles like Michelle Foucault, Simone De Beauvoir, and Jean Paul Sartre. There are far more problematic trash people like Paulo Freire, Herbert Marcuse, Judith Butler, Jacque Derrida, and the list just keeps going on and on.

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Since pedophilia is a partisan issue to you, is the Dalai Lama a Democrat or a Republican? That weak attempt to pathologize a party undermines every other last ridiculous claim you make. God forbid we teach kids to have good character and not be racist or sexist. The right has decided that slaughtered children in school is less important than censorship. You have zero credibility after that display of cowardice and lack of moral courage.


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Stop watching lying Faux News. You are being by indoctrinated by the extreme right wing. The greatest domestic terrorist threat is not any theory; it’s WHITE SUPREMACY. I would tell you to study United States history to be a better patriot, but you are obviously anti-education. The fact that Freud is a Jew also serves the right’s antisemitism and neo-Naziism. How is being anti racist to the detriment of everyone? You can’t actually believe the rhetoric that you spew, but I understand the brainwashing. I worked in higher education for over two decades and saw neo-Nazis march on my campus after the murder of Heather Heyer, but go ahead and tell me that anti-racism is the problem. The right wing doesn’t want Rosa Parks and Ruby Bridges to be Black. You don’t want puritanical? In that case, how about addressing white supremacy, but you obviously lack the bravery and courage for that. Racism is the evil sin, the kind that took like life of Garrett Foster who was murdered because he cared about Black lives after George Floyd. The ideology of hate is what is causing the right to implode, beginning with an indicted ex-president. You people have some audacity trying to deflect from the real threat. We aren’t fooled.


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I think you make a fair point about conservatives. The book banning safe crazy. The problem is the left started this. It wasn’t long ago they were banning books. Particularly books written by dead white guys. The left was also firing people who didn’t get onboard with their woke politics. Now you’ve pissed off the right and they are fighting back because they don’t care if you call them racists or transphobes. The left’s bully tactics only work in their own tribe. The other tribes don’t care. Now it’s just tribal warfare.

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Fake news? You sound like Trump.

Okay, I will provide an equation of wokeness: (leftist politics x 2) + identity politics / the broken windows theory of getting what you want. So double down on leftist politics, apply that thinking to specific identity groups and enforce your views rigorously not allowing for even the smallest infractions.

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“The book banning safe crazy. The problem is the left started this.”

FAKE NEWS. When trying to make a point, grammar and spelling still matter. Define “woke.” You can’t. The right never can.


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Oh, you’re lying again. How refreshing. So different from the last time you lied and the time before that. Evil must be exhausting.

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Point to the lies. I dare you.

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Do any of these social conservatives have an answer to why the most privileged demographic, white men, are so full of rage? While you manufacture fake rage about teachers and education, people keep dying in mass shootings and nearly 100% of the perpetrators are white men. What is with the fake perceived victimization? Of course, you people will say “DEI” or wokeism drove this psychopath to murder. Watch the blame shifting, deflection and denial games begin. White supremacy remains the greatest domestic terrorist threat. Not teachers. Not education. Not wokeism. Not saying gay. Slaughter and sadism with one of your commenters suggesting that I euthanize myself because the right is violent. We won’t forget how you mocked Paul Pelosi being hacked nearly to death by an “illegal” white Canadian right wing extremist terrorist.


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A more accurate description for FAIR: a newsletter dedicated to the preservation of right wing ideology, anti-education, anti-democracy, censorship, intolerance, racism, sexism, white supremacy and white identity politics. I think that mostly sums it up. A nice soup of hate.

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FAIR is more condemned about benign ethnic studies than white supremacy (the greatest domestic terrorist threat), murderous police or abuses of power by a governor who supports no exception for rape, incest or the life of the mother while pardoning convicted murderers. Anti-democracy, anti-choice, anti-freedom, but no anti-racism or anti-sexism. Justice for Garrett Foster, my mother and all victims of homicide. For the people claiming I’m lying, point to the lies. I dare you:


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You require inpatient therapy. Probably a medically induced coma. Permanently.

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That's fair. Force doesn't solve the problem. They have their freedom on both sides. There is disagreement on many things. It's the priveledge of America

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“The Guardian describes FAIR as having "sprung up to spread the fear of critical race theory far and wide." Media Matters for America described the group as "deceptively named" and the San Antonio Current described it as "horribly misnamed".”

“Xusana Davis, Vermont's director of racial equity, called FAIR's use of rhetoric around positivity and inclusion a clever “minimization tactic" and stated “they insist on being positive and moving forward as a way to ignore or avoid the acknowledgment of harm and the consequential repair of harm.”

Ugh, how did I end up subscribed to this white supremacist newsletter? Unsubscribing now.....

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I'm confused. Have you been reading the F.A.I.R. newsletter for a while and actually believed the comments you quote?

I have been following F.A.I.R. for a couple of years now. While I sometimes disagree with someone, I think it's a wonderful organization that allows for discussion and dissent. F.A.I.R. has been pushing back against those who try to silence and shame and others.

Unfortunately, the liberal ideals of freedom of speech and equal treatment of others are being maligned by some very loud people in our country. I haven't looked up your quotes, so I don't have any response to those. Just confused how F.A.I.R. could be guilty of what you're suggesting and hoping that I'm just missing the joke.

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It’s a right wing extremist organization based on all of the commentary here. It masquerades as being intolerant of racism while promoting almost entirely right wing racist rhetoric repeated on lying Faux News. The comments themselves are intolerant and racist, the antithesis of what the title claims. I will add that it’s anti-education, anti-democracy and pro book banning and censorship. Racist white mothers who don’t want their white children to know Rosa Parks and Ruby Bridges were Black must love this newsletter. I’m sure DeSantis is also watching closely. “Let’s not tell the real history, only the history that makes our children feel good.”

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I just saw the trolling response to your comment. Unfortunately, it simply reinforces your original point. If you do wish to continue any conversation let me know.

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I agree that some comments to articles are right wing. However, there is a big difference between F.A.I.R. and individual readers. I was drawn to the organization, because I was tired of the intolerance from multiple sides of the political spectrum and I routinely try to understand other's worldviews. The founder and most people at the organization are liberal, but conservatives are welcome too.

I understand that you are serious about your comments. I doubt I can change your mind. I sincerely hope you have a pleasant and safe week.

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Kill yourself.

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Oh, I thought you were engaging in good faith. My bad. Godspeed.

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