It's a good letter--I signed--but there are so many more than 17 journals doing this! Check chillsubs, Duosoma, Published to Death https://publishedtodeath.blogspot.com/

and others!

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The goal always is the same, whether old-fashioned white racism, which seems rather out of style today, or the new kind of favoritism. These are always the same persons operating. Anti-black racism is still practiced by lots of persons in the U. S. South, by the way. I encounter these persons in Florida. The white racist absolutely needs to have supremacy over blacks. It is as natural to them are breathing air. But now I have noticed that there is this sort of preference, which is expressed as preference for blacks over whites. I never thought I would live to see this. These are just new kinds of racism that favor some other group, such as "blacks," although I am not sure if that includes Caribbeans or African blacks, so I cannot imagine what that actually means. The goal is to suppress one group over another. Whether it is rich over poor, 'Woke' over conservative, or black over white, it is always exactly the same goal. It does not matter whether whites are favored or blacks are favored over whites. It is enforced inequality. One group is automatically favored over the other. It has the same effect. The effect is that of making one group more powerful or influential than the other. There are many ways of making us unequal and not recognizing our commonality as humans, but they are all fundamentally the same. Perhaps one of the most basic human urges is the urge to be powerful, to have somebody you can control or oppress. This has been with us for thousands of years and it is all the same, isn't it?

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