Dear Friends of FAIR,
Last week, the University of California Academic Senate considered a proposal to add a new “liberated ethnic studies” course as an admissions prerequisite. FAIR has been watching and advocating on this issue for more than two years now, and we are thrilled to report a favorable outcome from last week’s meeting. Check out this video update from Leigh Ann O’Neill, FAIR’s Director of Legal Advocacy:
Since 2021, FAIR has been closely tracking various efforts in California to have a liberated ethnic studies course become required for all high school students. FAIR has always been concerned about liberated ethnic studies (as compared to inclusive, or constructive ethnic studies) because liberated ethnic studies is political and sectarian in nature, teaches students to be activists in fostering a “revolution” or “decolonization,” and assigns traits and characteristics, as well as an oppressor or oppressed status, to students based on their membership in a racial or ethnic group. This version of ethnic studies is unlawful under the California constitution and likely the US Constitution as well.
If you want to read more about FAIR’s advocacy on this issue, check out these critical efforts we’ve taken up over the years:
In May 2022, FAIR sent a letter to the UC Board of Admissions and Relations with Schools (BOARS) urging it to vote down a similar proposal;
When the same proposal has been heard by other factions within UC governance, FAIR has consistently, and formally urged them to vote it down;
During the Summer of 2023 FAIR sent a memo to thousands of California high school superintendents and Board of Education trustee members alerting them to the uncertain status of AB 101–California’s law that aspires to add an ethnic studies graduation requirement. This memo was instrumental in raising awareness among key stakeholders that if AB 101 remains unfunded, California school districts will face mounting costs in implementing an ethnic studies course, all of which may go unreimbursed;
Over the past 2 weeks, FAIR coordinated a petition and garnered more than 2,200 signatures from supporters who do not want to see a liberated ethnic studies course added as a UC admissions requirement; and
FAIR HQ also sent a formal letter to the Academic Senate pointing out that the proposal to add a liberated ethnic studies prerequisite amounts to a $276 million unfunded mandate
If you like the work FAIR is doing to keep liberated ethnic studies out of schools, consider donating to our legal advocacy fund today!
The Team at FAIR
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great work!!!