"civil rights and liberties of all individuals regardless of their skin color, ancestry, or other group identity?"
A wonderful mission. However, why then did you hire corporate shill Michael Shellenberger, whose main focus is to push oil and gas drilling? The fact that you hired him seems to reveal your true motivations: not advocating "s…
"civil rights and liberties of all individuals regardless of their skin color, ancestry, or other group identity?"
A wonderful mission. However, why then did you hire corporate shill Michael Shellenberger, whose main focus is to push oil and gas drilling? The fact that you hired him seems to reveal your true motivations: not advocating "small L" liberalism but pushing the usual right-wing anti-environment agenda.
"civil rights and liberties of all individuals regardless of their skin color, ancestry, or other group identity?"
A wonderful mission. However, why then did you hire corporate shill Michael Shellenberger, whose main focus is to push oil and gas drilling? The fact that you hired him seems to reveal your true motivations: not advocating "small L" liberalism but pushing the usual right-wing anti-environment agenda.
FYI, Here's some background on his industry ties and motivations: https://disinformationchronicle.substack.com/p/the-new-denial-is-delay-at-the-breakthrough?s=r