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Dear Friends of FAIR,
Warm days, brisk nights, and the brilliant Fall mountainscape of Golden, Colorado, just outside Denver, was the perfect backdrop for Genspect’s first U.S. conference, The Bigger Picture, last weekend. The event brought together FAIR chapter leaders, supporters, and luminaries from across the gender space. FAIR was honored to kick off the weekend by hosting a reception with FAIR in Medicine Director Dr. Carrie Mendoza, FAIR Executive Director Monica Harris, and FAIR Board of Advisors Lisa Selin Davis and Stella O’Malley, the tireless founder of Genspect. Friday’s night reception also lured Colin Wright, Christina Buttons, and Zander Keig, dedicated gender enthusiasts who helped launch FAIR in Medicine in its early days.
Attendees enjoyed riveting presentations and panel discussions featuring experts in a wide range of fields who hold a myriad of perspectives on the complex and increasingly politicized subject of gender ideology. Eminent scientists, researchers, lawyers, doctors, psychologists, sociologists, educators, and well-known detransitioners challenged the evidence base for gender-affirming care. They described the widespread damage that gender identity ideology has wrought.
James Lindsey made the case that gender activism has become the leading edge of the “Marxification” of America; Wilfred Reilly used his sardonic wit to expose the “detransitioner timebomb” denied by gender activists; whistleblower case manager Jamie Reed, who described her poignant journey from transgender activist to advocate working to end medical transition in children and adolescents, reminded us that “the road to hell is paved with good intentions”; Corinna Cohn, a transgender woman, shared the importance of being willing to talk across our differences and forming relationships with local lawmakers; and Chloe Cole gave a heart- wrenching account of the physical and emotional rollercoaster she rode while taking cross-sex hormones in her mid-teens.
Also in attendance were thought leaders like investigative journalist Michael Shellenberger, who dropped a tantalizing teaser to his upcoming WPATH (World Professional Association for Transgender Health) Files, due to be released next month, courageous FAIR in Medicine medical students, grieving parents of traumatized children who were coerced into abandoning puberty, detransitioners bearing the physical scars and emotional pain that have forever transformed them, filmmakers, Twitter celebrities, and a welcoming, but slightly, bewildered hotel staff. Paired with a live-streaming of O'Malley’s & Sasha Ayad’s podcast Gender: A Wider Lens, The Bigger Picture addressed all facets of this many-layered issue. While many engaged in the fight to stop the harm from regressive gender ideas often face frustration and despair, a weekend filled with research, personal stories, and data gave participants a new sense of hope and energy.
Genspect is intended to be the first of a series of counter-conferences to WPATH and the European Professional Association for Transgender Health (EPATH), an organization that brooks no debate and falsely asserts that the “science is settled.” 2023’s first “The Bigger Picture” conference took place in Killarney, Ireland, only a few blocks away from the EPATH/WPATH conference.
FAIR remains uniquely positioned to encourage open discourse on timely and important cultural issues such as gender ideology. Genspect embodies FAIR’s commitment to advancing pro-human, high-quality, evidence-based medical care, and supporting rigorous research into important and often difficult subject matter.
Dr. Carrie Mendoza, Director, FAIR in Medicine
Monica Harris, Executive Director
How to Star-Man: Arguing from Compassion
Join Braver Angels on November 8th, 15th, and 29th from 5:30-7pm ET for an in-person seminar about star-manning! In this three-part course, you'll develop tools for being mindful and measured in difficult conversations, and learn the key strategy for a more constructive engagement with your political or ideological opponents: An explicit recognition of not only our opponent’s arguments but their humanity. The seminar will be led by Angel Eduardo, Senior Writer & Editor for the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE) and Chair of FAIR's Board of Directors.
Dr. Richard Bosshardt and ACS Deplatforming
Join FAIR in Medicine and FAIR’s Executive Director, Monica Harris TODAY November 9th at 7pm ET for a conversation with Dr. Richard Bosshardt, a plastic surgeon and FAIR in Medicine and DoNoHarm Fellow, who is standing up for viewpoint diversity in the American College of Surgeons. When he was silenced in an online platform for discussing a nuanced approach to healthcare disparities rather than adhering to a race essentialist explanation, Dr. Bosshardt pushed back through various advocacy channels, including legal help from FAIR. Join us to learn from his experience.
When Kids Say They’re Trans: A Guide for Thoughtful Parents
Join FAIR in Medicine, as well as special guest moderator Leslie Elliott, with Sasha Ayad, Lisa Marchiano, and Stella O’Malley on Thursday, December 7th from 5-6:30pm ET for a discussion of their new book When Kids Say They’re Trans: A Guide for Thoughtful Parents. Hear about their experiences as professionals working in the field and their specific advice for parents with gender-questioning children who do not believe that hasty medical intervention is the best path forward. Don’t miss this special conversation!
Pro-Human School Board Leadership: I won my election! Now what?
Congratulations! You've successfully won election to represent your community, parents, students, teachers, and everyone who has a stake in your school district. Now the real work begins! Join FAIR in Education on Monday, December 4th at 7pm ET to learn how to hit the ground running and immediately make an impact as a Pro-Human school board leader. In this session, we will cover essential topics to help you onboard to your new role and build relationships to influence, drive change, and serve effectively.
FAIR News Podcast
For audio versions of our FAIR News and FAIR Weekly Roundup newsletters, subscribe and listen to FAIR News Weekly on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or via RSS feed.
FAIR Educators Alliance & Other Networks
Connect with other pro-human educators through the FAIR Educators Alliance. We bring together educators from all levels to share experiences and work on developing resources that can support teachers, community members, and FAIR chapters.
Teachers, administrators, librarians, and educators of all kinds are welcome. For more information and to join any of these networks, please email
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Promoting a common culture based on fairness, understanding, and humanity.
Glad to see Shellenberger moving on from his climate denial days. Since he's a shameless opportunist, it must have been more profitable to insert himself into the gender debate.