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Dear Friends of FAIR,
We are thrilled to announce the launch of the FAIR Artist Directory.
The FAIR Artist Directory answers a call from our community: who else is out there?
This directory will serve as a resource for FAIR member artists to discover like-minded peers aligned with a common mission to advance freedom, excellence, and humanity in the arts. It will facilitate opportunities for professional collaboration and support between fellow FAIR artists.
In order to be listed on the directory, applicants must be members of FAIR in the Arts (join here) and have completed a meeting with a member of the FAIR Arts team or can provide a reference. The application surveys applicants for how they intend to use the Artist Directory.
Applications to join the first round of the FAIR Artist Directory will be open through Friday, May 31st. We can’t wait to hear from you!
For additional information, please refer to the FAIR Artist Directory FAQ or email
Brent Morden
FAIR in the Arts
Teaching About Identity: Lessons From Around the World Pt. 2: The Chinese Cultural Revolution
FAIR's Teaching About Identity project explores twentieth century contexts in which teachers made grave mistakes in teaching about identity—mistakes that at the time seemed scientific, unifying, correct, and culturally necessary—but ultimately laid the foundation for inter-group hatred.
This installment focuses on the Cultural Revolution, a program of Mao Zedong designed to “refresh” Chinese culture and eliminate elements of the culture that he deemed to be backward, bourgeois, feudal, or otherwise counter-revolutionary. Mao wanted to dispense with what became known as the “Four Olds”: Old Ideas, Old Culture, Old Customs, and Old Habits (or “Habits of Mind”).
To help attack these institutions, ideas, and artifacts, Mao called upon the youth of the country (symbolic of the “new”) to rise up against and destroy anything perceived to be part of the Four Olds: this included books, art, architecture, religious edifices, music, and even traditional modes of education seen as too bourgeois, Western, or Confucian. The results were bloody, with estimated death tolls anywhere from 750,000 to 7.7 million. Read the latest guide here.
How We Make Teaching Too Hard for Mere Mortals
Join FAIR in Education on Wednesday, May 15th from 6-7pm EST for a conversation with Robert Pondiscio, Senior Fellow at American Enterprise Institute, to discuss the question: What is the missing key to better educational outcomes and better lives for teachers?
FAIR News Podcast
For audio versions of our FAIR News and FAIR Weekly Roundup newsletters, subscribe and listen to FAIR News Weekly on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or via RSS feed.
FAIR Educators Alliance & Other Networks
Connect with other pro-human educators through the FAIR Educators Alliance. We bring together educators from all levels to share experiences and work on developing resources that can support teachers, community members, and FAIR chapters.
Teachers, administrators, librarians, and educators of all kinds are welcome. For more information and to join any of these networks, please email
Join the FAIR Community
Join us, and become a member of FAIR.
Become a FAIR volunteer, or join a FAIR chapter.
Sign-up for a Welcome to FAIR Zoom information session to learn more about our mission.
Share your reviews and incident reports on our FAIR Transparency website.
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Promoting a common culture based on fairness, understanding, and humanity.