Placing the feelings of men as more valuable and deserving of legal protection than immutable biological reality for women is misogynistic and cruel. It’s also as old as time - cruel men and cruel misogynistic regimes throughout history have always found some “moral” justification to hurt actual women. The Taliban uses morality to justify demanding women cover their faces. Pick an ancient culture that treated women as second class citizens and you’ll always find a faux morality narrative being used to justify it. The words change, the harm to women and girls remains constant by these people - to them actual women are second class citizens and always will be.

An easier solution is to call these policies out for the misogyny they are and encourage people to stop voting for misogynists (which at the moment is basically every Democrat in a position power).

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This position is one of the reasons I gave up on FAIR.

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FAIR's comment was very insightful and well researched. Part III of the comment aligned closely with a takeaway I had when reading the proposed rule. FAIR explained well how a theoretically infinite variety of gender identities would require equally as many facilities under the proposed requirement in Section 106.31(a)(2). In my analysis, I found that the new requirement would also be unworkable even in two-gender framework. I further found that it would fail to minimize aggregate harm. A copy of my comment is here: https://www.facebook.com/edbreysf/posts/pfbid0XGM9rxhSibx9CAGoLPn1wfGpTe13YpP25cWUEDX8GctuUkLNGNpFd5wGmYG9yMqsl

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Thank you for finally addressing this.

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Using data from the CDC and the EU, it appears that about 0.4% of the population is transgendered. To put that into perspective, it is less than one-quarter of the number of flat-earthers. My experience is limited; I saw few children, and only a couple of transgendered ones. I can attest that transgenderism is real, but incredibly rare. It has nothing in common with LGB, which are sexual orientations. The only transgendered person I ever knew well went from a man having sex with women to a woman having sex with women.

We should join hands with the transgendered and treat them with respect as we walk through the experiences of life. We do not need to turn the entire country on its head to do it.

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That data is no longer valid. There’s pew data that now places the % of people claiming trans identities at 3%. That’s a huge shift that begs deeper and more open discussion.

The idea that having a discussion about what this means is somehow akin to not respecting people making these claims about themselves isn’t fair.

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