We live in the stupidest times. This is all very pre-enlightenment except the madness isn’t God related. We’re fighting the next enlightenment against an anti liberal agenda with a different name.
Your newsletter is a disgusting example of bigoted retrofitting. You are using language that mimics good ethics to justify bad policy, fascist rewriting of history, and fear based intolerance. You should be ashamed of your manipulative dishonesty.
We live in the stupidest times. This is all very pre-enlightenment except the madness isn’t God related. We’re fighting the next enlightenment against an anti liberal agenda with a different name.
Blasphemer! Sinner! You are henceforth excommunicated!
Your newsletter is a disgusting example of bigoted retrofitting. You are using language that mimics good ethics to justify bad policy, fascist rewriting of history, and fear based intolerance. You should be ashamed of your manipulative dishonesty.