I scratch my head in wonder at the “outcomes” the Hunter Task Force envisions for children who have been given a pass in math because they produced a “creative essay” having something to do with numbers. I’m assuming numbers will be involved, because math…but you never know.
There’s an expression: “kicking the can down the road.” The fu…
I scratch my head in wonder at the “outcomes” the Hunter Task Force envisions for children who have been given a pass in math because they produced a “creative essay” having something to do with numbers. I’m assuming numbers will be involved, because math…but you never know.
There’s an expression: “kicking the can down the road.” The futures of these disadvantaged students will be kicked into oblivion by this cynical strategy. Let them be somebody else’s problem ten years from now, when they’re unprepared to live as independent adults in a competitive economy. But maybe Hunter, out of the goodness of its heart, has a plan to support these unemployable people for the rest of their lives. That would be nice.
But some of these same people consider math to be a tool of white supremacy...just like a certain group some years back called psychology a "Jewish science."
There is a dystopian society planned for "down the road" where their "status" will cover up any inadequacies. It's already happening just look at the "equity" requirements being forced onto governments, corporations, and institutions.
What you describe seems inevitable unless we can pull back as a society. But given the zealous participation of the very institutions you say are being "forced" to comply, it's hard to see how we will ever pull back. I would love to know what the ideologues pushing woke values are envisioning for the future. After all, they're going to have to live in the hellhole they create too.
Probably I'm missing the point. There's no class analysis in woke ideology. So Patrice Cullors, former self-described Maoist head of BLM, had no compunction about siphoning off millions of dollars in donations to buy herself a nice mansion in a tony white neighborhood.
I scratch my head in wonder at the “outcomes” the Hunter Task Force envisions for children who have been given a pass in math because they produced a “creative essay” having something to do with numbers. I’m assuming numbers will be involved, because math…but you never know.
There’s an expression: “kicking the can down the road.” The futures of these disadvantaged students will be kicked into oblivion by this cynical strategy. Let them be somebody else’s problem ten years from now, when they’re unprepared to live as independent adults in a competitive economy. But maybe Hunter, out of the goodness of its heart, has a plan to support these unemployable people for the rest of their lives. That would be nice.
But some of these same people consider math to be a tool of white supremacy...just like a certain group some years back called psychology a "Jewish science."
There is a dystopian society planned for "down the road" where their "status" will cover up any inadequacies. It's already happening just look at the "equity" requirements being forced onto governments, corporations, and institutions.
What you describe seems inevitable unless we can pull back as a society. But given the zealous participation of the very institutions you say are being "forced" to comply, it's hard to see how we will ever pull back. I would love to know what the ideologues pushing woke values are envisioning for the future. After all, they're going to have to live in the hellhole they create too.
Probably I'm missing the point. There's no class analysis in woke ideology. So Patrice Cullors, former self-described Maoist head of BLM, had no compunction about siphoning off millions of dollars in donations to buy herself a nice mansion in a tony white neighborhood.