Peak insanity was reached when those poor ladies in Portland who were run out of town for making burritos out of their food truck. But then again, that was Portland, so its not like the women weren't forewarned.
Peak insanity was reached when those poor ladies in Portland who were run out of town for making burritos out of their food truck. But then again, that was Portland, so its not like the women weren't forewarned.
Peak insanity was reached when those poor ladies in Portland who were run out of town for making burritos out of their food truck. But then again, that was Portland, so its not like the women weren't forewarned.
Right! I lived in Portland for a minute back in 2010. Very segregated city. Very white-centric. Very much as the show Portlandia demonstrates.
Could explain why it seems like the antifa "Testing and Proving Grounds".
Kidding? Insanity
Kidding? Yes, but about the "peak"part...........