Very thoughtful & insightful article engaging virtually every perspective possible regarding racial obsessions & why a colorblind model should always be the objective for any multi-cultural society. Unfortunately, the post-modernist ideology has done great damage in brainwashing the young & exploiting the infantile Modern Liberal ideolog…
Very thoughtful & insightful article engaging virtually every perspective possible regarding racial obsessions & why a colorblind model should always be the objective for any multi-cultural society. Unfortunately, the post-modernist ideology has done great damage in brainwashing the young & exploiting the infantile Modern Liberal ideology that rejects reason, projects hatred, & stunts the emotional growth & maturity required to use it. See Evan Sayet's powerful interpretation of Allan Bloom's seminal work "The Closing of the American Mind" in his series of talks at his website: Some comedians can have extremely penetrating insights on culture & how ideological mischief can wreak havoc on those most blind to it's influences.
Very thoughtful & insightful article engaging virtually every perspective possible regarding racial obsessions & why a colorblind model should always be the objective for any multi-cultural society. Unfortunately, the post-modernist ideology has done great damage in brainwashing the young & exploiting the infantile Modern Liberal ideology that rejects reason, projects hatred, & stunts the emotional growth & maturity required to use it. See Evan Sayet's powerful interpretation of Allan Bloom's seminal work "The Closing of the American Mind" in his series of talks at his website: Some comedians can have extremely penetrating insights on culture & how ideological mischief can wreak havoc on those most blind to it's influences.