I'm a clinical psychologist, and I doubt I would choose my profession if I were a student now. The tedious, relentless, and unslakable thirst for patent ideological nonsense has become so unbearable it has made me question the profession itself, because it is so fundamentally contrary to the psychological health of human beings, as the author correctly notes.

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Aug 15, 2022Liked by Tab Shamsi

As the struggle against marxist ideologies disguised as various "critical" studies and DIE intensifies (thanks to organizations like FAIR and courageous individuals), the ideologues have been ratcheting up their invective, but it always boils down to various forms of ad-hominem attacks as they are epistemologically and empirically void, and they know it.

Their latest tool which they wield with abandon is the law of projection, accusing all in their path of that of which they are guilty. It is utterly remarkable that they are claiming the moral high ground regarding science and calling all who oppose them white supremacists, misogynists, and all the usual epithets.

They steadfastly refuse to engage because, as Mr. Shamsi rightly points out, where is the white supremacy and the systemic ignorance? In my more than 60 years on this chunk of earth, I have yet to see a shred of evidence of systemic racism, and I pay attention. The very word "systemic" directly implies a collusion of the highest order. Where is the empirical evidence? Where is the required evidence of cause and effect?


I'm sure we all know this is just a red herring through which they are smuggling in their marxist ideologies and they will not cease. I understand that they believe (as we all do) that what they are doing is right but it is so evidently wrong and the 20th century is overwhelming direct evidence of this..

I applaud the tenacious yet civil approach of FAIR, respecting our common humanity while fighting this with every breath. Make no mistake though, they have a 60 year head-start as they have been infilitrating academia, the media and the family since the 60s (see Gramsci and Marcuse), and greater society needs to also ratchet up our counterattack against this clear and present danger to our way of life and our very freedoms.

While respecting their humanity, which FAIR is very good at, we must draw the line in the sand and push them back. Solzhenitsyn said it best, "live not by lies."

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Aug 15, 2022Liked by Tab Shamsi

My understanding is that it is not a psychologist's job to affirm potentially harmful and limiting beliefs that a person might hold about themselves, but rather to help the person understand them and question them and move them towards liberation from them. I believe our culture's emphasis on DIE and racism, among other things, is only limiting all of us (including those it is purporting to 'help').

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Aug 15, 2022Liked by Tab Shamsi

"the deepest source of human empathy comes through the recognition that there is a shared and common experience that transcends our unique differences and binds us as a species."

Such an important insight -- and one that should demolish the juvenile, simplistic, and divisive DEI arguments so fashionable these days. Alas, it hasn't yet...

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Aug 15, 2022Liked by Tab Shamsi

You understand it’s just straight-up Marxism, right? Once we all come to this realization, we can set aside all this, “I just don’t get where all this is coming from” constant and useless analysis. They failed in capturing the working classes because capitalism works. The shift is now toward creating new definitions in a sideways attempt at the same end goal. There’s no honest brokers here; there’s useful idiots and the elites that are using them. Same ole, same ole.

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Aug 15, 2022·edited Aug 15, 2022Liked by Tab Shamsi

Another clinical psychologist here concerned about the encroachment of critical theory and Marxist ideology on the field. As a geropsychologist, last week I was forwarded a quick start guide published by a subdivision of the Gerontological Society of America on countering ageist language. Among the recommended "themes to avoid" was the verbiage of "'choice,' 'planning,' 'control,' and other individual determinants of aging outcomes." This document apparently was created by something called the FrameWorks Institute, which when I looked it up, describes itself as a "think tank that helps mission-driven organizations communicate about social issues in ways that build public will to support progressive change." This all sounds well and good on the surface, but reading through some of their papers, are radically leftwing and critiques individualism as "the deepest, most pervasive, and most well-established cultural model that Americans hold" that they believe must be eradicated in order to realize social change. I would not be surprised if the GSA unwittingly and well intentionally is adopting an ideological stance from a seemingly do-gooder nonprofit organization.

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Excellent article. I am also a clinical psychologist and have been concerned along the same lines. Thank you for writing this.

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So very worried about the field of psychology especially, as we are about to have an entire generation of all colors that were affected by Covid lockdowns. All of us were locked down, the children will suffer and need the most help and they don't need to be afraid to get that help based on their skin color.

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Wonderful article. Especially this remark, true of more than just psychotherapy: "the deepest source of human empathy comes through the recognition that there is a shared and common experience that transcends our unique differences and binds us as a species."

Of course we can't ever really stand in another person's shoes. But we try, and that's the meaning and the value of life.

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Very well written. I agree wholeheartedly. It's disturbing how this cancer has seeped into every facet of our society in such a short time.

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Aug 17, 2022Liked by Tab Shamsi

Teetering on the brink of self-destruction.

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Effective psychotherapy requires the ability to explore the transference feelings of the patient toward the therapist. The more rigidly defined the therapist is based on immutable characteristics, the less space there is for the patient's core transference issues to be revealed.

This whole movement described by the author is so anti-human it's almost hard to put into words. I appreciate him trying to do so.

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Ideological capture of another institution. Eventually destroys the host

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People come together over shared experiences and connection. By forcing people to identify by racial or any other group, you sever the natural connection people would otherwise make, were actually making, until all this resentment that naturally grows from favouring one group over another. favour one group and the others will be resentful. Push a group down to favour another? accelerate that resentment. Not a formula for community.

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Thanks for this thoughtful article. A concern I’ve had is whether conservatives may feel reluctant to seek mental health care, especially if their stressors are related to politics. I’m not a psychologist and this is purely anecdotal evidence - but it’s something I’ve seen in doing mental health advocacy.

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"It is difficult to fully know why institutions that once protected and aided the discovery of important human phenomena have become beholden to political posturing..."

The long march through the institutions is nearly complete and Marxist ideology now dominates most U.S. institutions, including most fields of medicine. For more on the topic of America's cultural revolution and its origins, see 2026.substack.com.

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