I am a first generation Indian-American. I have no idea what caste my father belonged to. I use the past tense because discrimination by caste was something he left behind when he immigrated to the States. Should such “boutique” discrimination occur it is covered under prohibitions against discrimination based on religion and national origin. It’s a symbol of the rot that had taken over the DEI industrial complex that they are drumming up business by importing new types of discrimination and protected classes from overseas.

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My sincere request to the authors of this one of kind article, Suhag Shukla & Samir Kalra, Pls go back to India and enjoy the fruits of your Aryan Vedic Brahmin Varna(Caste) system.

Let the USA be free from your trash.

I am hopeful one day USA will make all the caste names illegal. I don't know why ppl have so much ego not to add their Father or Mother's name(As surname). Your parents need more respect than those inhuman Caste names. All humans are equal. Period

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Also have you thought why there is no caste system in other Hindu nations like Nepal , Indonesia, figures etc?

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None of the major Hindu texts like bhagvad gita mention anything about birth based system - there is a 10000 year track record. More recent text do so, but they are not major by any stretch. It was the British and missionaries who implemented this officially to divide and convert India

Having said this, India was never able to get rid of the caste system British put in place cause we enshrined it in our constitution to help people from “lower” castes. As a result people from lower caste want to be from lower caste to avail all the benefits and they themselves don’t want to get rid of caste system as a result cause they will lose all the benefits .. most Indians do not follow a caste system , by enshrining it in the constitution every India who has forgotten the caste system will ask a question “what caste do I belong to”, thus ensuring we never forget the caste system .. it is that dumb

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As @Mandi! knows, India is still steeped in the caste system. Many have been trying to get rid of it for decades, to no avail. Now, "progressive" California is enshrining it in law. I was born in California in 1946 and left in 1976. None too soon.

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India was never able to get rid of the caste system British put in place cause we enshrined it in our constitution to help people from “lower” castes. As a result people from lower caste want to be from lower caste to avail all the benefits and they themselves don’t want to get rid of caste system as a result cause they will lose all the benefits.

The case in point was Bihar elections when an idea was floated to replace caste based benefits system with people who are economically struggling instead. BJP lost that election just cause of that 1 statement 5+ years ago

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May 25, 2022Edited
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It seems rather ironic to go on about how "deliberate injection of cultural divisions reliably causes pandemonium and infighting" while starting your thoughts off with adjectives that stoke the exact same divisions.

However, your characterization that the debate to add caste into title VII protections are misinformed, at best. I'd recommend reading the following if you care about why this is addition is being sought in the first place: https://harvardlawreview.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/134-Harv.-L.-Rev.-F.-456.pdf

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But how else is the richest demographic in America to reap the rewards of victimhood?

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May 25, 2022Edited
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I know you think facts are garbage. Too bad. They’re facts.

Identity grift is overwhelmingly a PMC game.

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May 25, 2022Edited
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You’re now screaming gibberish as you slip and fall on your own pool of bullshit. Go away. You smell.

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