Affirmative Action Supreme Court Decision Round Table
Join us for a lively conversation about the Supreme Court's upcoming decision on affirmative action.
Friends of FAIR,
The Supreme Court is poised to ruled on Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard/Students for Fair Admissions v. University of North Carolina tomorrow. In 2022, we filed an amicus brief in favor of the plaintiff in the Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard College case.
We did so out of the belief that universities should not evaluate individual applicants by assigning them to a racial group they are meant to represent; this not only tramples individual rights, it results in division, resentment, and dehumanization. Increasing and securing diversity of thought, cultural background, and socioeconomic status benefits everyone on campus and is better achieved without reliance on the crude and false metric of racial categorizations.
Join us tomorrow night, Thursday, June 29th at 6pm EST, for a roundtable discussion featuring panelists Ilya Shapiro, Wilfred Reilly, and Wai Wah Chin, moderated by our very own Maud Maron, where we will break down the ruling and discuss the important questions and changes that undoubtedly are just around the corner. A little background information on our esteemed panelists:
Maud Maron is FAIR’s interim Executive Director and an attorney with over two decades of experience as a public defender in Manhattan and the Bronx. She served as the Director of Training at the Legal Aid Society and taught Criminal Defense at the Cardozo School of Law. Maud is a co-founder and current co-president of PLACE NYC, a pro-merit education advocacy organization dedicated to improving NYC’s public schools. She is a frequent contributor to the NYPost on education and politics.
Ilya Shapiro is a senior fellow and director of constitutional studies at the Manhattan Institute. Previously he was executive director and senior lecturer at the Georgetown Center for the Constitution, and before that a vice president of the Cato Institute, director of Cato’s Robert A. Levy Center for Constitutional Studies, and publisher of the Cato Supreme Court Review.
Wilfred Reilly is an American political scientist. He is currently an Assistant Professor of Political Science at Kentucky State University within the School of Criminal Justice and Political Science. Reilly holds a Ph. D. in Political Science from Southern Illinois University and a J.D. degree from the University of Illinois College of Law.
Wai Wah Chin is an adjunct fellow at the Manhattan Institute, is the founding president of the Chinese American Citizens Alliance of Greater New York, CACAGNY for short, an all-volunteer organization advocating for equal rights for New Yorkers, especially in education.
We look forward to the upcoming decision and the opportunity to discuss it with FAIR’s supporters. In the unlikely event that the court does not rule tomorrow, please be on the lookout for the new date of the roundtable discussion.
Affirmative action needs to go. Equity needs to go.
Let's go back to encouraging meritocracy.
what a great panel. Long time follower of Reilly and Maron.