Thank you for your inspired leadership of FAIR. You have done an incredible service for our country. Every organization needs a passionate, committed leader and it's hard to imagine how FAIR will survive much less thrive without one. The demands on your time must have been huge and I wish you a much deserved respite. It is impossible to overstate how much you will be missed.

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Bion, your vision for FAIR and the Board of Advisors that had been assembled, got me involved and volunteering with FAIR very early on. As I am preparing to attend a union board meeting this weekend, a board (and an organization it leads) that has been rocked by the kinds of divisive ideas that have spread throughout all kinds of institutions over that past several years, I will be taking your courage and pro-human message of fairness towards all, understanding, and celebrating a shared humanity among 8 billion individuals with me.

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Let's collaborate... name some zoom times 9-8pm PST in a DM Direct Message to me

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Thank you, Bion, for starting and working so incredibly hard to maintain this amazing organization. You and all the volunteers are a beacon for these confusing, cynical and difficult time. I wish you much luck and a good dose of rest. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

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Thank you for your service to mankind. Blessings on you and your family.

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This is a truly uplifting message. Thank you for reminding us of the outstanding work and vital mission underpinning FAIR.

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Thank you for bringing forth FAIR and bringing it this far. I am regretting my strongly tribal/partisan inclinations and I am inspired by your work to do better.

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Thank you ....just an aside, Even your freakin dog is good looking! That ain't fair!!!

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Thank you for starting this crucial and profoundly hopeful organization. We need you now more than ever. Keep up the good fight!!!

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Thank you, your message is quite timely. I joined FAIR this morning, and have already referenced several pieces and videos. I hope FAIR's work can open some eyes in our school district, and more importantly in our community.

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Thank you so much for your guidance and courage

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Thank you for putting together just the kind of organization the moment called for. I was extremely heartened when I learned about FAIR''s founding and I've followed its words and actions with continued appreciation. As you move on to new endeavors, I hope it thrives, staying loyal to its founder's vision.

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Thank you, Bion, for walking the walk and talking the talk. Most of us whine and complain but never actually do anything to effect change. You are one of those rare gems who decided to act and in the process offered hope and inspiration to those of us in search of reason, nuance and open dialogue and debate. I thank you for the gift of your time, wisdom, energy and vision.

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Thank you for your work! I would love to hear your vision for how you will ensure FAIR continues without your leadership as CEO. As you yourself mentioned, there are so many pressures to go one way or another, and it’s your vision for a non-partisan, kind-but-firm organization that made it one I can respect.

I would love to know what vision, plans and guardrails you have in place to maintain that.

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I'm glad you're staying on the Board. You and FAIR have been a station of sanity.

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You have been an inspiration.

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Well done. You have my utmost respect. May your legacy be lasting and life changing for many more of us.

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